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Everything posted by gametime

  1. From what I'm hearing Schalbach has never heard the wire taps, and doesn't even have a transcript of what was said. Interesting part is he's claiming the tap is from after Ayton was already enrolled at Arizona, plus Dawkins had nothing to do with the kid to even remotely be involved in getting him money to go to Zona. This one is going to get interesting on a lot of fronts. Buckle up...
  2. Andy Miller has long had a reputation as a dirt bag that would push every possible angle to the max to land clients. Every head coach at the high major level knew this, and either tried to keep him out of their business or worked with him to facilitate access to their program. Just keep in mind, he's one of many and this is the story of only one of his runners. The expense reports are a baseline, but there is little to no proof in that. Wiretaps? Yeah. Now we're playing with fire...
  3. To put this in proper context, this portion of he investigation involves mostly one runner for one agent...
  4. Happy Birthday even though you didn't return my call last week... :taz: :lol2:
  5. Defense and rebounding were high level in the final 5 minutes...
  6. Giving up 25 in one half and 65 in the other is wild...
  7. Not something I enjoy, really. Just caught a ton of heat for my take on this team from the start. It is what it is... :idunno:
  8. Awesome performance by Kentucky. For these guys to see they can hang within 10 on the road to a top 10 type team is critical for their growth. Such a fun group to watch figure it out. All in on these guy winning 6 in a row in March!!! :banana:
  9. The reason this UK team struggles on the road is because the fans are "wild" and dressed in the same color shirts. The struggle is REAL... :lol2: :lol2:
  10. As does every blue blood program in the country. That's life at the top. The list of excuses for this team just not being that good is epic...
  11. Really liked what I saw from a couple guys. Just need to get them all playing well at the same time. It's a process. Did I do that right??? :idunno:
  12. To not even have Gary Clark as an honorable mention removes all credibility from said list. Trash... :idunno:
  13. I'll start by saying I've been calling Bluiett a 1st Team All American candidate since the summer. What he can do to a defense in college is devastating as Butler found out in OT last night. However, when you project him to the NBA, where does he fit? Mack has adjusted the Xavier line up to get him back to playing a small ball four, which he is perfectly suited to do at the college level. In the NBA, he's going t be giving up anywhere from 3 to 6 inches as a four and the reality is he doesn't have the length or athleticism to accommodate for either. If you push him out to the 3 in the NBA, he can't guard pretty much anyone he's facing and will no longer have Chris Mack dialing up every set to get him a clean look in critical game situations. I think Bluiett has a place in the NBA as a bench rotation type, but he isn't getting drafted any earlier than the mid 2nd round at best because he doesn't do the things required of a high level NBA wing in most areas. If he did, he'd be playing on the wing at X much more frequently than we've seen...
  14. I like Dauster. Don't know him as well as some of the other national guys, but has always been a good dude when we've been in the same company...
  15. Taylor now official. Monster class for Fick...
  16. Tavion Thomas is in. Leonard Taylor on deck...
  17. Looks more promising than I thought originally...
  18. On an official visit to Cincinnati right now...
  19. Looking like UC will come out with a better prospect come Wednesday...
  20. They were plenty tired of his act by the end of the process as well...
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