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Everything posted by gametime

  1. All time leader in games started and one of only 5 players in program history with 1000 points and 1000 rebounds. He’s been far more than “solid”...
  2. Without question. He's 10x the person he is the basketball player, and he's a hell of a basketball player...
  3. With everything swirling around college basketball right now, it is more than refreshing to see a guy like Clark be awarded for not only the player but the person he has become in his 4 years at Cincinnati. Clark was named AAC POY, DPOY and Sportsman of the Year over the past 2 days. There is no finer human being in college basketball, and to see his hard work pay off like it has this year has been by far the most fun part of the season the Bearcats are having. He's the best...
  4. UC was very much in that conversation for a 1 seed. If the only loss that week was to Wichita State as you proclaimed, they would still be there. Instead they lost both at Houston and at home with Wichita and dropped only 1 seed line in the process. Teams in bad conferences don't lose two in a row, drop one seed line and then quickly recover to be back where they were at to begin with 2 weeks later. That's the flaw and error in your stated logic. Class dismissed. Have a good one...
  5. Nope. Had to work a 15 hour day doing UC coverage from the AAC title to the opening of Spring Football. I did see NKU give up 80 points to Cleveland St in 30 minutes the other day. I checked in on Wright State losing to IUPUI with a chance to clinch the #1 seed for most of the game. Nothing about either of those results says they are anywhere close to beating a 2 or 3 seed. Same as Oakland. Only difference is Oakland has the most high end player in the league, which is needed to not only hang around, but actually beat a 2 or 3 seed. It won't matter who wins the Horizon. Teams eliminated already included. Cash the tournament share, and keep it moving to next year. That's life in the Horizon. Some years you have a team ready to pick someone off. Some years you don't...
  6. Has anyone said the AAC is any better than the 7th best league? No. Awesome. Great point... :lol2:
  7. Lost by 1. How many did NKU win by the other night? The Horizon was really down this year, NKU and Wright St included. The realistic chances of anyone in the league winning a 1st round game rated somewhere closer to none than slim. Oakland had by far the top high end guard to make a very unlikely upset happen. NKU and Oakland are out, so those chances are now even lower. So 1% is now 0.025%. OUTRAGE!!! :lol2:
  8. Except I wasn't sensitive at all. I called you out for having a lazy take based around "the national media says" and pointed out why the conference didn't hurt them this year with facts. The team sheet would be trash like it was last year if the conference was terrible, which happened only one season ago as I pointed out for reference. So I wasn't sensitive about anything. I called your national narrative take lazy and showed you why in 400 fewer words to make a stronger point. UC played in a good but not great conference with three really strong teams. They went 27-4 and are sitting in good position for a 2 seed and at worst a 3 based on that team sheet. They couldn't get to that point if the conference didn't support it. Much like last year, again if you are struggling to keep up. Didn't "cry" about anything or make wild statements that simply aren't true. Stated facts and called you out for making lazy points to begin with. I win. Night...
  9. I sound like someone calling you out for a very lazy take. Nothing more, nothing less. You wasted 20 minutes and 500 words analyzing something that didn't happen. How's that feel???
  10. So your opinion is that you aren't capable of coming to your own conclusions because you are a slave to whatever the national media feeds you. 3 top 20 teams. 8 teams in the top 100. It is a conference that improved a bunch this year, and didn't anchor the top teams as it did a year ago when a 27-4 UC team couldn't even sniff a protected seed. Same deal with SMU last year. Why is UC considered a 2 right now and Wichita State still likely protected seed on the 3 or 4 line? Because the conference was considerably better. That's the perception you claim isn't there now, right? Don't be a sheep...
  11. And still more likely to pull that upset than NKU and Wright State, who in the past 10 days have lost to IUPUI and Cleveland State at full strength. You not liking my answer doesn't change the reality of what I'm saying...
  12. I would too, but if there is one team in the league most likely to win a 2-15 type matchup, it's Oakland. That's why the whole premise is flawed...
  13. Even so, they still have the one guy in the league that could go out and win a tournament game pretty much by himself...
  14. Probably because Ayton exists. Love both...
  15. Said he never spoke to Dawkins about Ayton. That adds up since Dawkins had zero to do with Ayton...
  16. Being on the wiretap alone doesn’t constitute guilt. Just that he took calls from Dawkins while the FBI had him tapped. If he knows he didn’t do any dirty business with him, I can see him going out guns blazing...
  17. He's on multiple wire taps, some of which with Dawkins. No idea what they have on those recording gs, but they exist and Miller knows it. No way it's about Ayton, and that's a major fact for ESPN to screw up...
  18. Other than knowing a few stories of how he got kids, I haven't ever had much interaction with him...
  19. Danny Hurley might be my favorite guy in the business. Have sat with him watching games for hours just laughing and telling stories...
  20. Nothing but respect for Fran. Just like to joke about him being the AAC coach of the year favorite every October...
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