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Everything posted by cshs81

  1. I can't imagine them having time to clear the gym .
  2. Still reading. What is FCA that you mention? Fellowship of Christian Athletes? Is is considered a better college prep type of program than "standard" high schools curriculum?
  3. Does this quote from before his first appeal tell us that his first RS year was not due to injury? "That's the disappointing thing. That redshirt year, it wasn't like I went into coach (Jim) Grobe's office and said, 'Hey coach, I want to sit out this year. I don't want to play.' It was a thing where I was a freshman and I wanted to play ? I never wanted to sit out ? and I thought I could help the team out. But I wasn't playing, and it was out of my control."
  4. Is there an official point where we enter a recession? FWIW, Warren Buffet says we're clearly in a recession.
  5. As a parent of a college-aged boy, let me say that "I hear you."
  6. Having Soto teach you his famous circle change is certainly a good thing for young Cueto. Mario's change was unhittable.
  7. I googled "louisville traditional school" and found something on Male's website. However, from your post it sounds like its not limited Male. So, how about some help on what it is. By the way, even though I have no clue what it is, I'll assume its good so congrats to your boy.
  8. Does your son pay for both rooms or do they go Dutch?
  9. I've been to Dothan. No one HOPES to make it to Dothan.
  10. I'm not sure I buy that theory. I think the NCAA is going to say "too late." Is Mauk working out for any pro teams?
  11. Hey, I hope they have him up as soon as he's ready. However, they do have a history of being cautious with youngsters.
  12. I have no clue what a "traditional" program is.
  13. You mean he'll be in the rotation before Homer? I'd wholeheartedly disagree. I don't think we'll see Cueto, barring injury, until June or July. I just think the Reds leadership is going to be very cautious in bringing him up early when he was in A ball last year.
  14. I was thinking the same thing especially when I read that the coach of the team that ultimately lost slammed the 2nd place trophy on the table.
  15. No chance. He'll be in Louisville.
  16. So he should have told this to the media while he was still on the team? Who would do that?
  17. Last 10 starts (remember some of them were against call-ups): 59 innings 69 hits 5.50 ERA I'm supposed to feel good about that?
  18. The shot of the game may have been Mitch Boese's 3 pointer to end the 3rd qtr. Conner had completely dominated the quarter but his 3 brought Dixie back to about 5 or 6 points. Huge shot.
  19. WARNING TO ALABAMA LARRY: DO NOT CLICK ON THE FOLLOWING LINK http://bp1.blogger.com/_7OC0YbG2fek/R9Ek9uz4ywI/AAAAAAAAFLg/sY_o_ONRHq0/s1600-h/bamafanfark.jpeg
  20. Arent there about 4 walk-ons now? How many walk-ons would UK take? We hear about Stepp and Slone possibily walking on as well. With that, have at it, young man.
  21. You mean until you discovered that it was a long drive daily to the Dixie Club, right?
  22. If Bailey comes north, he will not be the #5 IMO. I'd have Belisle as my #5 and then hope I don't need him very often.
  23. Hang in there, Bellevue, and keep working.
  24. Situation: Winning team up one shooting a FT. They miss. Rebounder hurls it about 75 feet and makes it. Refs confer and finally wave it off.
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