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Everything posted by cshs81

  1. I saw that and commented on that as well. If you want to know why some public schools have a problem with CCH, it could very well have to with the disappointing age-old cheer "we're going to college." Boys, I'm sure that humility is part of the Catholic teachings.
  2. Oldguy - do you have a link to the stats?
  3. I'd say the Arrez/Bondick battle was pretty even. I saw Bondick getting to the rim quite often. I also saw Arrez force him into some TOs.
  4. Outstanding night of basketball. We have our first hand raised for 2009 POY: You are officially recognized, Mr. Shover.
  5. In teh "cheesiest" category: http://www.checkoutmycards.com/CardImages/Cards/004/865/09F.jpg
  6. So the bus driver is bound to keep a student on the bus. The student tries to push his/her way past the driver. Being physical is the only option for the bus driver at this point . The driver is clearly in a no-win situation. The video is inconclusive as to the driver being wrong in her actions. I didn't see any punch by the driver.
  7. Its at 4:45 because Billy G is going to need a drink afterwards. Heck, I might buy him one.
  8. I'm going to write the above off as purely emotional vs logical unless that guy named "or someone" steps up big time in the paint.
  9. Bunched in with 2 or 3 other teams but not in first place.
  10. I Yahoo Map'd it from Paintsville to Belfry and it shows it being about 90 minutes. Does the aging parent live in Paintsville or Belfry?
  11. What are the requirements to be a weightroom coordinator? If you're saying that Coach Ray was paid by boosters, that would be incorrect.
  12. "Weightroom coordinator?" That's a paid position? I bet legendary CCH head football coach Lynn Ray didn't make $7k in his 30th year as head coach and, I guess, "weightroom coordinator."
  13. What is an average head coaching salary? Someone mentioned $20k earlier and I would assume that's very high.
  14. I took that to mean that there were 15 players in JC's district that were playing elsewhere and now that he gets a few from outside the district, everyone is concerned or suddenly interested.
  15. The article didn't say much. What made this a move that was not approved by the KHSAA?
  16. Your defense of Coach Matney is admirable as loyalty is always good. I stated in my original post that this is not a shot at Coach Matney. I'd take the money, too, if offered. My question is two-fold. First, is it true that he makes that and who pays it? Secondly, does this show that high school football is going the way of college and pro? Before you say "yes," I'd argue that high school sports do not have the revenue streams that college and pro do so that makes $100k difficult to justify.
  17. No argument that Hatz was correct. I was using a technicality to see who would catch it. Thanks for the update on Dawkins vs Willoughby.
  18. There's simply no way he makes $100k , its paid by the school system, and he doesn't teach. No way. Right?
  19. I'm with you , 2C. Even if the kid knew it was against the rules but you had family and coaches saying it was OK, what's the kid going to do?
  20. So he teaches full-time, is the head football coach, AND the head wrestling coach? Busy man but not unique. I'm trying to figure out what makes this particular gentleman a 6-figure guy.
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