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Trinity alum

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Everything posted by Trinity alum

  1. Just one problem, there was no threat. They perceived a threat. For that reason I wouldn't indict them, but I also wouldn't want them to ever be a police officer again. I am willing to believe that they got scared and shot, but I see NOTHING on that vieo that looks like it justifies shooting.
  2. I thank AG Holder for a job well done. He has rendered valuable service to his country despite partisan attacks from the time he took office.
  3. Having watched the Trinity streak, I know that a lot of hard work and a little luck goes into a long streak. Congratulations.
  4. I have seen what a top team in the country looks like and this year's Trinity team issn't it. That said, this team is better than it was a month ago and not as good as it will be a month from now. By the end of the season I hope it is good enough to be the best team in Kentucky.
  5. I can't say that I want BG to top the streak, but if they do, so be it. Best of luck.
  6. You were okay until this one. Annual check up is not subject to deductible or copay under the ACA. Makes me wonder if you have a real problem or just are sure it must be bad because everybody tells you it is.
  7. And don't start me. The simple truth is that costs are going up more slowly than they have in a generation. I have the experience of my company which had its best renewal in memory and a board that I sit on where the renewal was also very favorable. The ACA is working. A half million people in this state have insurance that didn't have it before. Insurance renewals are coming in far below the rate increases we had experienced for a generation or more. I went back and checked. Every single one of my employees experienced a net REDUCTION in their share of insurance costs this year. I increased the company's share of family coverage by $100.00 per month. That was enough to more than cover the very modest rate increase.
  8. Under the requirements of the ACA, out of pocket and deductibles were required to integrate medical and pharmaceutical. That really mitigates the effect of the increase. In fact, for most of our employees, costs went down with our last renewal. An individual with an illness that had very high medical costs and very low drug usage, or the reverse would see the full effect of the change in out of pocket.
  9. Talk of a big Trinity win is silly. This year's Trinity team is a work in progress. Look for a close one.
  10. Imhotep is a very good team. I don't know if we will see that much speed or size the rest of the year. They wore out in the second half. I suspect that the 700 mile bus trip on Thursday could have contributed. I thought that Trinity's halftime adjustments were very good. The offense is finding out what it does well. It is the best Trinity defense in several years. A good win. It doesn't get any easier this week.
  11. Fortunate to be up. Imhotep is very big and very fast.
  12. Fits right in with the no opponent seating.
  13. When you understand that the "Blessed Trinity" is beer, brats and bingo.
  14. Well, no. Everything you write leads me to believe that you think people that disagree with you are morons. You are the one that said "most American voters are basically morons". I happen not to believe that. I disagree with the will of the voters quite often, but over the long haul I think that the voters get it right. Certainly I think that they got it right in the last two presidential elections. It is a system that has served us well for a long time. It will serve us well in the future. I believe that the voters will eventually punish the Republican party for its embrace of an obstructionist, know nothing political platform. When that happens they will return to right center candidates that provide a counterbalance to a left center democratic party.
  15. I agree with the bolded passage. For the life of me I don't understand why so many people keep voting Republican. Lest you miss the point, disagreeing with you does not make one a moron.
  16. I'm not sure how much you can tell from 7 on 7, but the DBs were playing much tighter than last year. They also lost a couple of receivers. Too many dropped passes, some missed receivers, but all in all, not bad.
  17. I try to make sure that I am informed before I vote, but if for some obscure office I have no other information, party is at least a clue. I used to vote a lot of split tickets. With today's Republican party, I'm not sure how I could vote for anyone running as a Republican.
  18. Interesting, but in the last election, the more education you had, the more likely you were to vote for President Obama.
  19. I don't watch Maher very often, but I wonder how he gets guests. I'd hate to get tied to a lot of what he says. Sort of like Howard Stern for politics geeks.
  20. The timing is perfect. Mitch just finished blocking Warren's bill that would lower the cost of college loans.
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