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Everything posted by Dlbdonn

  1. That the pyramids were built by Joseph ( he of the Technicolor Dream Coat ) to store grain ,and not as tombs for pharaohs . What say you on BGP ? Ben Carson: Egyptian pyramids were grain stores, not pharaohs' tombs
  2. Always carry some cash mainly for tips as we eat out exclusively on the weekends . I cook during the week . All purchases during the week are by credit /debit cards attached to our checking accounts .
  3. About 12 a month from 4 different checking accounts .
  4. Yeah since I am a Diabetic I get one from my podiatrist every b3 months .
  5. Actually went through this with my daughter when she was in the eighth grade . A good grade school player she tried out with a local J.O. team run by a couple of sisters and did not make the cut . Another father was experiencing the same situation with his daughter ,and he decided to form his own J.O. team . We put an ad in the paper for tryouts and about 12 girls showed up . They became the team we formed and were from all over Northern Ky. The coach that we hired was my niece who was a player for Mount St. Joes at the time . The team was run on a shoestring but the girls had fun and when The team finally won a tournament trophy at Munciana they were ecstatic . The next year she tried out for her High School squad and made the freshman team . The J.V.coach was one of the sisters who cut her during the tryouts for the J.O. team 6 months before . When the freshman season was over she was moved up to the J.V. team and the next year( Sophomore ) in the middle of the J.V. season she was moved up to the varsity and had a pretty good High School career . She was recruited by a local college and played there for 3 years until studies took precedent over sports . After college she was hired as the freshman coach at her high school and then when the head coach resigned after 20+ years the J.V. coach the one who cut her in J.O. became the varsity coach and my daughter became the J.V. coach . My daughter had to resign from High School coaching after giving birth to her second child but she still coaches J.O. ball . Oh and she became great friends with the two sisters who cut her from that J.O. team and still is . I guess the moral of this story is she never gave up no matter how hard she had been disappointed , something good happened to her in the end . So if your daughter has her heart set on playing volleyball don't give up she will have success in the end . There will always be a team that will want her .
  6. I still occasionally use my Nikon FTN . I bought it at Shillitos for $500 in 1972 , before a trip to Europe .
  7. If you didn’t know any better, you would have thought Rex Ryan had just returned from the schoolyard with his shirt torn and lip bloodied Sunday. Suddenly gone was the swagger and confidence that extended across Bills Nation and the bravado that had come to define him. Ryan looked and sounded like a humbled man after watching the Bengals deliver a convincing smack down in a 34-21 victory over the Bills in Ralph Wilson Stadium. He rode the injury excuse for all he could in a shallow attempt to make Buffalo’s shoddy performance easier to swallow than overall failure. The same man who refused to kiss Bill Belichick’s rings practically gushed over a Cincinnati team that hasn’t won a playoff game in a quarter century. He moaned about his players taking dumb penalties, of course, and accepted blame for not effectively using all four members of his Quarter Billion Club. http://buckyandsully.buffalonews.com/2015/10/18/ryan-talks-good-game-but-has-no-answers/
  8. Never have listened to Lanham is he on the Buffalo broadcast ?
  9. Who is Lanham , you should have listened to Dave Lapham ,he does a great job
  10. It is the home team's coaches and school administration's job to see that their student section is not disruptive . Yelling at the visiting teams server trying to distract her is poor sportsmanship and distracting . If no attempt was made to stop this then the issuing of a yellow card was correct .
  11. I am in favor of those three points .It is the Tea Party's refusal to compromise on anything, their tendency to espouse a petulant scorched earth policy when they can't get their way (ie) the last government shutdown, and some of their leaders make me think of them as out of touch crackpots .
  12. Water into wine not grape juice .https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John+2%3A1-12&version=ESV http://usccb.org/bible/john/2/ You apparently live in Wolkenkuckkucksheim or another way to say it sagoland
  13. Using the noun Tolerance and Baptist Preacher in the same breath is an oxymoron nowadays .
  14. A lot of glass Half full people on here . Be happy with the Win!!!!!!!!!!
  15. This has nothing to do with the ACFA and everything to do with Greed !!!!!
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