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Everything posted by Dlbdonn

  1. But he doesn't think before he talks . George Wallace 2015 .
  2. Interesting Read https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2015/12/07/donald-trumps-call-to-ban-muslims-from-coming-to-the-u-s-has-a-very-bad-poll-at-its-center/?hpid=hp_hp-top-table-main_trump-muslims-5pm%3Ahomepage%2Fstory
  3. Don't you mean Northern and Central Campbell Co. Catholics . Please be inclusive .
  4. I listened to this show on the Radio all the time https://archive.org/details/BIGJONANDSPARKY
  5. One positive thing about the Bunker , you can't get Wi-Fi in there .
  6. Cruz reminds me of the little boy who if he can't have his way in a game takes his ball and runs home ,so that the game can't be played . I still could support Kasich , if he is the GOP nominee .
  7. You really think that the Bush administration attacked the Pentagon to add to the chaos of 911 ?
  8. You said better DC than my home town ,implying that you would be ok if DC was attacked . You should be against any attack .
  9. So you would be happy if Washington D.C. was attacked . Did you like the Pentagon attack ? If they attacked DC and got the President would you be happy about that . Any attack on the U.S. would be evil .
  10. I have hit 2 also both on 42 on the way to work in Carrollton .
  11. Nothing surprises me any more .There are liars and charlatans everywhere ,both in the Democrat and Republican parties and it seems in producing the news . It just depends on which liars you trust more to tell a smidgen of truth occasionally .
  12. Everyone but the conservative posters on this site .
  13. So is it a hack job because the story is untrue or is it a hack job because the story is true and you think it shouldn't have been reported on by a respected news source like NBC ?
  14. I wonder what color blind fans with a red- green deficiency saw while watching the game last night ?
  15. This is a good one . ~http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/ap-exclusive-carson-profits-from-ties-with-convicted-felon/ar-BBmUEUy?ocid=spartandhp
  16. Maybe the grain stored in them is finally fermenting . ~http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/mystery-heat-spots-found-in-pyramids/ar-CCaWwK?ocid=spartandhp
  17. Because it shows a lack of critical thinking to believe this and oh that he is delusional . I think Kasich would make a much stronger candidate and is the one Republican that I could support .
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