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Everything posted by scooterbob

  1. Why not just call him "Coach Gillispie" until he "earns" a nickname. As people learn about him and if he succeeds, one will come to the forefront and catch on naturally, Of course, if he fails to produce, others will be quickly attached. I just read in another thread about his conveniently dropped DUI charges. Maybe that event will produce a good nickname.
  2. Must he be dubbed "Billy G"? Can't we come up with something better? Do you really want all the UK haters, and there are many thousands, to say UK couldn't get "Billy D" so they settled a few notches lower for "Billy G"? It is no big deal in a world where people ar starving but I would hope UK could be a little more original. "Dickie V", "Coach K", "Billy D", etc. Surely, the great tradition at UK deserves better.
  3. D'Antoni would be an outstanding choice. I would prefer him to Donovan.
  4. No Easter, no need for a Christian religion. I agree with RebelK. The Catholic Church, from my personal experience, makes the season and the event far more meaningful than does any Protestant Church I have ever attended. It is a meaningful season from Ash Wendesday through Resurrection Sunday.
  5. You have a good point. However, it is hard to leave the inventor of the game off the list. But, if we must, replace him with Pat Summitt.
  6. 1-1 Adolph Rupp and John Wooden 3. Bob Knight 4. James Naismith (surely we can't forget the inventor of the game) 5. Phog Allen (Naismith coached Allen; Allen coached Rupp) While it is true that Dean Smith hung around long enough to win 3 more games than did Coach Rupp, it should be remembered that he also lost 64 more games than did "The Baron". Some have mentioned that Coach Rupp coached for 41 seasons while pointing out that others, such as Smith, got their wins in less years. That is immaterial. The number of games coached is the relevant factor. Of Rupp's 41 seasons, his teams played 26 or less games in 23 of those years and less than 20 games 4 years. I wouldn't put Pat Summitt in the top 5 but I would certainly put her ahead of all of these modern day wonders that some have mentioned. Surely, many of these (like Pitino, Izzo, T. Smith, Donovan, etc.) are just tongue in cheek offerings, aren't they?
  7. To compare Smith's tenure with that of Hall is pure folly. Hall had the most difficult coaching job in basketball. He succeeded Coach Rupp. (If there were a Mt. Rushmore for basketball at that time, it would have included Coach Rupp, his coach, Phog Allen, and Coach Allen's coach, James Naismith, the inventer of the game.) Hall's situation was impossible. He had dissenters from the first day. Rupp was always hovering over the program and, in fact, kept an office at Memorial Coliseum for several years after retiring. When Rupp Arena opened, there was, from time to time, a special blue recliner near midcourt for the use of Rupp. Smith succeeded Pitino. No comparison. Pitino has his worshipers but his impact and influence pale to that of Rupp in the history of UK basketball. Pitino moved on to Boston so he wasn't around. Also, Rupp was forced into retirement which displeased many Kentuckians. On the other hand, Pitino was seen by many as an ingrate heading north. No one respects the accomplishments of Coach Rupp more than do I. However, he did not leave in a graceful manner. It was really difficult for Joe Hall. He did very well under the circumstances and, as with Smith, he had a lot of dissenters. I have stated before that I no longer follow UK basketball as was once the case. However, I do believe it was time for Smith to go.
  8. I wholeheartedly agree with cville and oldrambler that all need to recognize and congratulate those who are honored. The basketball season is over and it is time to move on since the winners have been determined. I'm sure they will agree when I state that there is no need for any more whining, excuses, and/or innuendo. The history of the 2006-2007 season has been recorded.:thumb:
  9. Let me throw out another theory for the sake of discussion. Is it possible that Smith survived as long as he did at UK because he is black? I have heard that opinion stated more than one time and in various parts of the Commonwealth. I think the fact of the matter is that there is a lot of prejudice in this world and that it goes in all directions. However, prejudice is not to be equated with racism. While racism is to be shunned, prejudice (ie: prejudging a matter) may merely be loyalty or a latent suspicion/dislike for anything that is different from what we are use to experiencing. I would suggest that all are prejudiced but only a small minority, black and white, is actually racist. I also suggest that it will never change because it is natural for everyone to align with his/her "comfort zone". So, let me be first in admitting that I have many prejudices. However, in no way am I a racist. By the way, Coach Rupp was forced to retire because the mandatory retirement age for a state empolyee was 70. Coach Rupp was 70. Nonetheless, it is folly for any of you to compare any UK basketball coach with Coach Rupp.
  10. In the minds of tens of thousands of people, the following are true statements. 1. Smith was run off partially because he is black. 2. Smith would have been run off much earlier if he were white. Take your choice. Now everyone wants Donovan. However, deep down, many don't really want a New Yorker who still pronounces many words in a strange manner. To some it is prejudice and ignorance. To others it is loyalty and pride. Take your choice because it won't change.
  11. UC. However, I would take exception with naming Hall, Pitino, and Smith in the same category with Coach Rupp. It is like putting Freddie Garcia in with Ty Cobb.
  12. I earned several degrees from the University of Kentucky and have been a basketball season ticket holder since the opening of Rupp Arena and I think that, at this time, Rafftery's comment is correct. The great tradition was built by Adolph Rupp at a time when the SEC was, with rare exceptions, less than competitive. The national landscape featured only a handfull of schools with good teams. No one has more respect for and love for "The Baron" than do I but facts are facts. Hall, Pitino, and Smith added a little to the tradition but, in reality, no more than could have been added by a goodly number of other coaches. Sutton, of course, was a mistake. Today, there is parity. UK is still UK. However, many others have caught up with the Wildcats and some have passed them. Many fans have not "adjusted" to reality. Other than for a much bigger pile of money, which he doesn't need, why would Donovan leave Gainesville, Florida for Lexington, Kentucky?
  13. It is good to have definitive information. I have a couple more questions. 1. What charity benefits from the games? 2. Is the "$300 worth of gear" paid for as part of the overhead or is it donated? 3. Does Thomas More donate the use of its facilities, since this is a charitable event, or is that charge part of the overhead? 4. Are the expenses of the coaches, referees, tournament staff paid as part of the overhead or is this donated labor? 5. After the overhead is paid, is there anything left for donation to charity? My questions are out of interest and not meant to be negative toward the event. In fact, I look forward to attending.
  14. I can't argue with that. There is not much quantity but there is a lot of quality.
  15. It is my understanding that participants must come up with money, either their own or through sponsors. When you must pay to play, it kind of loses some of its appeal as an all-star event.
  16. I have no doubt that you should know from first hand experience. In fact, I have a copy of the convicting email from about six years ago. The interesting fact is that the email shows the school you refer to as the victim and not the perpetrator. You know who is the perpetrator, don't you?
  17. Why limit your accusation to "small rural privates" when there are an abundance of publics, rural and urban, that can easily be added to the mix?
  18. Look at the bright side. There was no reason for any excitement about UK basketball. Nothing to discuss except the dwindling of prospects for decent recruits. But now all of you UK fans have plenty to talk about. What Smith could not accomplish on the playing floor, he accomplished by quitting and taking his money with him.
  19. So true. If JBS continues to compete rather than returning to the status of perennial doormat, the accusations will follow.
  20. I imagine that most everyone so inclined noticed the abundance of publics in the field this year. I believe the telling fact is that I haven't seen, heard, or read where private supporters were whining, crying, and complaining about it. That, of course, is the point that Rickyp is making. But, then, privates don't go around expecting handouts.
  21. Why would anyone leave Gainesville, Florida for Lexington, Kentucky?
  22. I am an Emily Queen advocate but I agree with Himmelfarb. If the award is based upon the senior season alone, how can it not go to Emily London? She led a young LCA team to the Class A and the Sweet Sixteen championships. She led her team to victory in the 11th Region which may have been a better tournament than either of the others. When I say "she led", I am not referring to leading in points scored, etc. It is much more than that. She literally led her young teammates on and off the floor and would not allow them to lose. Anyone who witnessed her performance knows what I mean. She also led her team to two big tournament victories over LexCath and that is no small feat as Scott County can certainly affirm. Career numbers and hype would take her out of the mix and I suspect that, in the actual vote, those two factors will carry the day. However, for 2006-2007 accomplishments, there is no other choice but Emily London.
  23. It is a basketball player of the year award. It is not a student/athlete award. In this day and age of social promotion and similar touchy, feely programs, it is unlikely that anyone has a 1.5 GPA in high school. However, if he/she did and averaged 30 ppg, he/she should be a serious candidate for POY. Academic honorees are not required to exhibit any athletic ability. Athletic honorees should not be, and normally are not, required to exhibit academic ability. I doubt that GPAs had any influence on who got this award and, though it is not particularly important in this matter, I am confident that VanHoose, McDavid, Barker, and several more have very fine GPAs. I do know that the three named were excellent students while at Rose Hill.
  24. What did Paul have to say on the subject?
  25. I suspect that, if JBS continues to have success, its public neighbors will have to decide whether to work harder or to whine to KHSAA. My money will be bet on the latter since that is the route universally taken in other parts of the commonwealth.
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