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Everything posted by scooterbob

  1. Overall, I see very little bias against Queen or Terry from the coaches in this area. However, Kala Faulkner and Pam Euton may be a different story. But, then, I am merely an observer. Maybe someone more in the "know" can tell me whether my conclusions are correct or not.
  2. I suspect that your dislike of Mayo goes back a few years- most likely to his Rose Hill days. I know that you are far from alone in this respect. Nonetheless, we are wasting time with this "debate". Let's close out this thread and move on. We can pick it up when, and if, Mayo becomes an instant millionaire.
  3. Of course, you know that you have posed an impossible scenerio. However, we can hypothesize. So, if Ashland or anyone else around here had a player with his/her accomplishments and with the ability to perform such a play, I would believe that Rose Hillers, as well as other locals, would accept the fact that he/she had earned the right to go out with a final and decisive exclamation point play. :thumb: As for dinoradja's latest rationalization, I cannot come up with a rebuttal to the proposition that Mayo should have instructed the coach to remove him from his final of almost 200 high school games. I'm afraid I miss the logic of the argument. Maybe, since it was general knowledge that HHS would win decisively, Mayo should have told the coach that he would not play at all in the game so as to provide SC with more self esteem since they would lose by under 20 instead of over 40.
  4. You must be some kind of a modern sociology teacher. For whatever reason, Mayo was still in the game. That was the coach's decision- not his. If you knew Mayo, which you obviously don't, you would know that he is a competitor who gives his best at all times. He is no loafer or slacker. Therefore, he continued to give his best and finished his six year high school career with a final flair. Good for him. I'm sure that, if anyone other than some BGP complainers were offended, they will recover without any permanent sociological scarring. Ovinton's high school basketball days are over other than for honors and all-star games. Why don't we close the book on him in "Boys Basketball" and wait to pick him up in college and the NBA. Surely we can find someone somewhere in the Commonwealth to salute and defame.
  5. I didn't mean to insinuate that you or anyone else is whining. I know better. As for crap cuttiing, I fully support more of it.
  6. If the vote was taken in early February as marooncat says, I can understand Fortman winning the POY. At that time Queen led in scoring and rebounding and Fortman was second in both. However, Fortman played for the school that was the odds on favorite to win the region and Queen played on a team that some thought may not get out of the district. In no event should anyone reflect negatively on Fortman. She is a deserving recipient and, along with Queen and Terry, has earned a place on the all-state team. On the other hand, using that time frame for the vote, I don't see how Trimble got COY over Kidwell. It was still several weeks before Raceland upset Russell in the district and the Class A win at home and quick out in Richmond shouldn't have done it over Kidwell. Of course, I am still reminded of the fact that Jeff Hall was state COY in 2002 but received zero votes from area coaches for COY for this area. That does seem to be, as Rickyp implies, more than a coincidence. All should remember that some matters are going to continue to exist and it does no good for Rose Hill posters to continually complain about it. It won't change and those not privy to politics in this area find it hard to believe and, thus, conclude that Rose Hillers are whiners. As I see it, there is only one solution and that solution is to win on the field/floor of competition. Words do little. Wins do much.
  7. It sounds like you make application for an invitation. That would seem to be a reasonable approach.
  8. Many long for the spotlight. Few find it. Even fewer have the spotlight follow them around in the 7th grade.
  9. Unlike the naysayers, spindoc has known Mayo well during the entire saga. He knows things not known by those who like to judge from a distance. Well said, spindoc, and the dunk and aftermath were a fine way to end the adventure.
  10. I'm going to play devil's advocate. Could it be that his recent lapses in "good conduct" (which is usually in the eyes of the beholder) are merely "prepping" for the NBA? After all, the conduct of many NBA "stars", both on and off the court, is less than exemplary. How is that for good spin? Seriously, OJ needs to fully realize that he is a nationally known and heralded athlete. Because of this, he will always have people trying to hang on, hang around, and get a piece of his limelight and his treasure. History has shown that this has been the case since he was 12 years old. I hope the incident in the old Cadillac has finally taught him that he must be careful or he can wind up like Melvin Turpin. As for the dunk and the throwing of the ball, it is much ado about nothing. It was harmless and, in fact, thoroughly appreciated by all in attendance. I sure didn't hear any "boos".
  11. Surely, you don't think that, in light of UK's recruiting history of late and their prospects for success this year, I believe you are serious. Remember, the storied UK tradition was built by Adolph Rupp and not by Grantland Rice.
  12. In regard to winning and losing, I would refer you to The Baron's response to Grantland Rice's statement on the subject. As for your last sentence, I, on the other hand, can only imagine the response of you dissenters if Mayo were going to Tubbyville instead of USC. I think much of the hostility stems from the fact that he never, ever considered UK- even as a sixth grader.
  13. I have great respect for Scott County and its Cardinals.
  14. I wholeheartedly agree. He earned the right to end in a flair. He did so. Good for him. And, in doing so, he gave his detractors something else about which to complain. That was considerate and, if you actually witnessed the event, you noted that no one present, including the referees and the South Charleston contingent, appeared to be offended. I guess he forgot about posters on BGP. :thumb:
  15. It would have been ridiculous if he were left out. He clearly deserved the nomination.
  16. We have become a society where everything is decided by the quota system. All tournament teams are never made up of the actual best and most deserving 10 or 12 or 15 or whatever players.
  17. I agree. It is an honor to be nominated. It is still a select group.
  18. If I am not mistaken, there are many nominated from around the country. However, they don't actually make the team.
  19. I stand by my posts. I will agree that Mayo needs to be more careful in regard to whom he runs around with because each incident probably costs him a couple of million dollars somewhere down the line. It doesn't matter whether he is directly involved or not, the real news is never the incident but the fact that he was present. Nonetheless, I will continue to support him just as others will continue to trash him. I suppose it could be called "leveling the playing field".
  20. Well, Heartbreaker, OJ lived and lives in the Burlington area of South Point, Ohio. Billy lived in Huntington, West Virginia. Since Ashland is on the border of both states, the trip to Rose Hill was and is far less than that which is travelled by many Kentucky high school students every day. Both domiciles are well within the area from which Rose Hill, a private school with no political boundaries, attracts students. KHSAA was and is well aware of this fact and it is perfectly legal. These facts don't, of course, serve to level that playing field for you. With all of that tax money that all of us reluctently pay, I would think that you publics could afford to level the field without "handicaps". In reality, life is not played on a level playing field and, sooner or later, those seeking handouts of all kinds should learn that fact. But, then, that will likely never happen. It is much easier to play the victim. By the way, I'm still waiting on some facts from Claude.
  21. Lack of direct knowledge, heresay, and prejudice can produce a lot of words. I suppose that we should just be thankful that dinoradja won't be assisting God in judging we human beings.
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