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Everything posted by #99

  1. I feel like a good friend just moved away every time bball season ends... Bball is the only sport I keep track of. Other sports just do not interest me nearly as much. Unless it has a motor on it! AAU HS bball College bball ( men's and women's) NBA, WNBA After that it's motor sports till bball season!
  2. I agree with what your saying, but where did this come from? I didn't see any post in this thread that made such accusations. Maybe in another thread?
  3. If you truly beleive what you just said, you are as ignorant to the situation in SOME schools as the coaches are who don't see the other talent they have. I don't believe this to be the case at NCC. but others and myself would love to see some other schools hire from outside the area to get a coach who has no ties or relations with anyone.
  4. This needs to happen at a few schools in my opinion. Not saying anything bad about Dawn at all, at other schools just watched to many alumni play their kids and good friends kids without paying much attention to anyone else.....
  5. I beleive there will be some guys no one has mentioned that will start gaining some attention. Being juniors this year sitting behind a loaded senior class they did not see much varsity time. A few will rise above and stand out. Good luck to them all.
  6. Not all sex offenders are in California. Lol thinks are way different there....lol
  7. When you go south of boone, kenton, and Campbell counties, your are in central northern KY. Lol up here most of us only think of those three counties as "northern ky".
  8. Fear the nation, I like what you posted here. I have never called myself a dem or rep, but used to lean more toward the Democratic ways. Now I seem to like more of what the republicans are trying to do. But why do we have to divide ourselves? Everyone should be looking out for the best interest of EVERYONE in this country! And your thoughts on voting for a military man, I wish we had a lifelong military man instead of a lifelong politician to vote for! That being said, just another reason I believe people are liking Trump, he is not a lifelong politician!
  9. I don't see a problem with this at all. One of the biggest problems with everything and everyone in this country is that people do wrong because they know there is very little or no consequence! What's wrong with Trump wanting to punch a guy in the face that is disrupting his speech or rally? There is plenty of people in this world I would love to punch in the face, and some I have. People would Less likely come in to a rally or anywhere and act stupid if they thought someone would knock the crap out of them. The reason I like Trump? Because he is in your face, not politically correct and not worrying about it and willing to tell people off and not care what they think. Do I think he will be a great president? No, but in my lifetime I haven't seen one yet!
  10. And so you know, girls under the age of 18 are having sex everyday. Guess there is an awful lot of "raping" going on....
  11. Lawildcat, did you not read and comprehend what I posted?
  12. I wasn't trying to " save Jared ". I said if it was younger girls or boys that he has relations with or pictures of then he is where he needs to be and needs help. But celebrating because some loser who probably is not any better or even worse a person than he is, beat the crap out of him, is crazy. If he killed someone, raped a child, or adult something along those lines, then I don't care what happens to him.
  13. And B-Ball- fan, most who do the applauding of such an action wouldn't have the stones to do it their selves!
  14. It wasn't that long ago that women (girls) much younger than the "legal age of 18", were having sex, getting married, having kids and raising a family in this country. When a 18-19 year old boy has sexual relations with a 16-17 year old girl, most don't see it as a problem, some lasting relationships even start at this age. But a 40 year old has sexual relations with a 17 year old and they are the most horrible person on the world according to a lot of you. Now if he was touching very young girls, or possessing pics or porn of very young girls or boys, then i think he should get the prison time he deserves. And get mental help.
  15. Putting up electable, capable candidates. Man you sure are asking for a lot! Lol
  16. Looking at the pics of the bus, I'm surprised this isn't allot worse. (Injuries) hope everyone makes a speedy recovery.
  17. Have not seen him play. But welcoming the talent to Nku. As season ticket holder, always looking for the guys to get better here in highlands heights. Shame we have to wait 9 months to see him play!
  18. I beleive he may have affended many " small groups" but not the majority. The majority of people I talk to will choose him.
  19. Why even listen to these fools? I have been saying for a few years that at least half of society has become ignorant! Half of the other half are dumb enough to actually listen to people like this and some want to give in to them! Craziness it is...
  20. Should you have to display a sign? I don't think so, but in a lot of cases it would stop the problem before it starts.So I say display the sign, that way there is no question. the ones you are refusing service to can move on down the road.
  21. Your topic says " because they are different than you ". that's little different than "because of my religious beliefs". Either way, in another thread I said: you should have the right to refuse service or sale to anyone and not have to disclose the reason. Have you ever seen a sign at a place of business that reads" we reserve the right to refuse service to anyone ". Don't see it much, but it's out there.
  22. I was just making sure YOU know what you meant. Lol just joking with you. I do agree a good crowd will be there.
  23. I don't think your gonna fit 7500 in "the vault" not even 750! I didn't even think the vault was open during this event as it is only open to season ticket holders who paid the additional price for "vault access".
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