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Everything posted by #99

  1. While there was a great crowd, the entire lower level was not full. I would like to see the proof of 5000+. Just like Friday, most of the crowd was during the first game when people for the second game were already there. It is something to see more people there for this than any of the Nku bball games......
  2. I'm not a fan of either team. But I watched the game and I will tell you that CVH gets by with some offensive fouls. And sometimes it gets called on the defense when it was clearly a foul on him. Do I think that won the game for Cov Cath? No, but it didn't help Connor in their fight at all. I'm not one to complain usually about officiating, but there was some BAD calls for sure. And most benefitted CovCath. I'm sure some will disagree with me but I have two coaches sitting by me and both agreed with me.
  3. Tough one to watch as a HC fan..... Down by 1 at half. Fell apart second half....
  4. Hacker and Barnes both start, just depends on which side the coin lands on! Lol
  5. Losing by how much? Even after Bezold went out, they kept it close until the fourth quarter. Was down by 4 at the end of the third. We will see tomorrow for sure
  6. I know about the tickets, but not everyone has a student to get the tickets. And I have parked at the free places, lot further than the garage, I do like getting 2 games for one ticket.
  7. Two other 14 year olds facing charges for not reporting the gun. Police say the shooter showed them the gun prior to the shooting and they did not report it. Had they told someone this may have been avoided!
  8. Love it, keep em coming RTS! Sure do miss that like button..,
  9. HC by 5. That loss in the all a came with Bezold going out in the second quarter.
  10. I beleive HC would have won by 20 had they not tried playing "stall ball'. First half was good close game, then the Indians started pulling away.... Looking forward to Sunday!
  11. On the other hand I saw a pretty good crowd at the arena last night. I was there, just didn't spend any money there. Had I been at a school, I would have. Not trying to argue with anyone, I like the events being held at the bigger arena. Just don't like the prices of the concessions. And I also can't stand when people think they know what's best for other people to do or not to do. The greatest of debaters can see and understand both sides, even when they have their own opinion on the matter. A lot of people on here are so one sided and blind it's unreal. I will blame some of this on the fact we are just reading post and can't see the person's face or hear their tone of voice.
  12. Again disagree. Yes there are people who put themselves into financial trouble. But sometimes that just is not the case. Look at this: Mom and Dad, two kids go to a high school game. $6 each to get in. Each person gets a BBQ sandwich and a drink, $3 -$4 each. Our total is at $36-40 Same family goes to bb&t arena: $8 each to get in the door. $5 for parking, maybe not if you want to carry the 3 year old a mile. A hotdog and a drink for each person, $9 each. Total $68-73 Point is- some families can afford to do something for entertainment that if $36-40 for the night and got them fed. Double that and it's not happening. Have to do it 2-3 nights to try and support your team and it's way out of budget. Being financially responsible is doing what you can afford, doesn't mean doing nothing at all.
  13. This I will disagree with. If you've never been in a family that can't afford an extra 25-30 to go see a basketball game, then you can't even say what you did. I have been there, it still does exist.
  14. If we all stayed at home that are griping about the prices, the stands would really be empty! And how would that work out in the long run?
  15. Def something most of us will never see in person! ( 4 OT's and those shots) cool to see it on video though.
  16. 20 minutes to get from the highway to the parking garage? You could walk from 471 in 10 or 275 in 20. The only time I have ever seen it take that long to get in there was during a big concert, monster trucks, or something along those lines. No traffic issues at all for the Nku games,I doubt the regional games are gonna create a traffic problem!
  17. Whining babies? I see people expressing their opinion. Didn't see anyone asking for anything to be giving away. Profit? Difference between profit and just plain screwing people! The arena is not there to cater to the fans? Your out of your mind! Don't cater to the fans and see how long you last.... Like I said before, price things reasonable and sell 500% more... And get more people to come thru the doors to start with. Trust me I understand profits and staffing and overhead. Far as the arena itself, love it.
  18. For sure. When it's faster to go over than it is to go around, that's too big for me!
  19. Being a season ticket holder for Nku games I refuse to spend money at the concession stand. Way overpriced! And to uphold those prices for highschool games is ridiculous! Like it was said earlier, Bottle of water under the jacket, eat before you go! You would think the company that runs the arena/ concessions would rather sell 500 hotdogs at $2 each than only sell 50 at $4.
  20. Tragic. Don't know any other way to describe it. I too had never heard of this.
  21. Exactly. Kids should be taught that early on.....
  22. Can you prove that when all this started, he planned on killing anyone? Or did he just snap and kill his wife and a little later started shooting at police because his mental state was way out of wack? I'm not defending the guy at all! This is a horrible tragedy. But i wouldn't call it premeditated murder unless there is evidence to back that up! usually when premeditated murder is the case, the killer KNOWS specifically who he/she is going to kill. This person had no idea which officers were responding. Therefore it was his "war' with any LEO that showed up. I'm not saying in a whole that he had long-standing war on LEO's. Nor am i saying he was he a part of a bigger war on officers of the law. But at this time he was shooting at police officers it was his own battle, maybe not a war per the dictionary term.
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