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Everything posted by THE SHERIFF

  1. BFfitz, good luck and I will remember you in prayer. Typically during clinical studies they will monitor the Placebo Effect. This would probably explain the one in four who won't actually receive the implants.
  2. Minnesota opened at -1.5 points, line closed at Middle Tenn St -2 points.
  3. Fern Creek winning in impressive fashion against a solid Hoptown team doesn't bode well for the rest of the field. Fern Creek 68-59.
  4. Nit is the egg or young form of a louse or other parasitic insect. Give me the Big Dance!
  5. What's next for this guy? https://cdn0.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/HZnjw8yDfxjyKWqA4zQB11AyLOQ=/800x0/filters:no_upscale()/cdn0.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/3489584/635600162080424421-tomcrean.0.0.0.jpg
  6. I think Louisville and NKU are happy with their coaches!
  7. Sean Miller ain't walkin thru that door!
  8. Interesting fact. No team has ever lost the first game of a conference tournament and gone on to win the NCAA championship! If you believe in these things, this would eliminate Louisville and Kansas.
  9. As far as building your program I believe this is the perfect 15-2 game for NKU. For nearly a solid week they will have the attention of a large number of people in the state of Ky. The exposure they will receive this week can only help.
  10. I love the Hawk and I'm in agreement that he needs minutes. Unfortunately Hawkins is not really strong at facilitating an offense. We need Briscoe to spell Fox at the point. He drives me nuts, but he fills a need.
  11. Yeah, but Magloire was playing for the good guys!
  12. I don't like the fact that once a game is decided a player can take a cheap shot without any consequence.
  13. I don't remember thinking it was dirty at the time, but I would like to see it again.
  14. Is there any further penalty to Kingsley? If not then there was no penalty!
  15. I had forgotten that play! I don't think that was Hannah, but there was no call.
  16. It seemed to me that Hannah's was reactionary while Kingsley went head hunting! I thought the calls were appropriate.
  17. Not surprising that his players take those kinds of cheap shots! The first foul on Hannah was borderline, the foul on Kingsley was downright dirty. Kingsley was frustrated as Bam schooled him all day!
  18. If UC plays UCLA it will be the first time I've ever pulled for Cincinnati!
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