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Everything posted by Hatz

  1. Tommy Ziesmer, Boyle County DE Sophomore in 2020. According to coaches he has the tools to be the best D Lineman ever at Boyle. Pretty high goal. P.S. Just saw the initial post. Not sure if you were only talking incoming Seniors in the title. If so, please disregard my post. :thumb:
  2. My speculations are based off of tweets from cheerleaders and former cheerleaders that my daughter read. Hence the speculation it was a female because they specifically mentioned it was.
  3. My daughter is a HS Cheer Coach. She is hearing from other sources that the "dime was dropped" by a disgruntled mother whose child didn't make the cut for the team. Supposedly the "Basket Toss" was from cheerleaders in their bikinis and not nudity. Take that for whatever it may be worth. Not excusing. Just throwing a rumor out there. I discovered long ago that Cheerleader Drama was some of the worst Drama anywhere.
  4. I seem to remember it was the Summer of Son of Sam and the blackout. Or was that 78?
  5. 1. Agreed. 2. Don't remember a lot about Hooton. 3. The ultimate prima dona of the era. 4. It is very strange now. 5. Always liked Lasorda, even thought I despised the Dodgers 6. Agreed 7. Never cared for Garvey at all. Had a face you'd like to punch. Good takeaways.
  6. I thought I had read in some article it was 20 but I could be wrong.
  7. Could it be possible that they could be charged with the Federal Statute of violating the victim's civil rights such as due process? Just spit balling.
  8. Danville, KY. Before it was Title Town.
  9. My son, who used to be in law enforcement, was angry when he read about this event. He was ticked at the number of bullets fired in response to the first shot. He said, "The one thing that you are taught is never to 'spray' an area in response. Just because of this very thing. Innocent people die when officers just send out bullet's." Just an insight he shared with me this morning.
  10. I keep hearing about other burglary crimes in the area. Has anyone heard specifically what they were and how many? I've only heard of the one where a power tool was taken from a truck in his driveway. Not aiming this at you JA but anyone. I'd like to see a report that has been released detailing these. The defendants excuse described a rash of burglaries. One, doesn't make a rash IMO and if there are none other known or reported it sounds like a smoke screen to cover their tracks and motivations. Just a question and a thought.
  11. I'm looking forward to see how Boyle does with a new head coach and a lot of younger talent. :thumb:
  12. I saw it. If it is him, that is pretty damaging evidence on motive and actions.
  13. My sister's subdivision is where PurplePride92 used to live. When a new house was being built and we were visiting, we often went in to look at the floor plan and see how things were put together. It was always after the crews went home. I'd add that as a youngster I can't number the times I and others went through people's yards to get somewhere. Did our best not to disturb anything. We were never chased off or looked at as a criminal element. Another word if I may on the argument that is presence there should raise suspicion. Maybe he was calculating what he "MIGHT" do. I don't know. But we can not be detained or arrested for what we "MIGHT" do, only for what we have done. I wonder how many other neighbors went on to that site to check things out. Were they detained? The rumor was that recent burglaries led to suspicion. I've only read of one item being taken from a truck. Has anyone seen sources that detail other thefts in the area? If it's only one that is not what I would call a large crime wave that would lead to vigilante style responses from the neighborhoods.
  14. And they were four of the better years of the playoffs.
  15. There are at least three people beyond the jogger. One doing the video. One in the back of the truck with a pistol. The one on the street with the shotgun that pulls the trigger twice. If the father is in the truck with the video, who is the 3rd person?
  16. That was my understanding as well. He was first a policeman and then investigator for the District Attorney's office.
  17. I hear you but the video has been in their hands for some time. At least that is my understanding. How these guys are not remanded without bail is beyond me.
  18. I saw this on Twitter last night and it was without a doubt one of the most disturbing, real videos I've ever seen in my life. The anger I feel is intense. I just can't say anymore.
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