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Djason Unchained

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Everything posted by Djason Unchained

  1. I lean more towards racially insensitive. There were plenty of white people leaving as well so to single out the blacks that were leaving struck a chord with some people.
  2. She forgot to allow the valedictorian to give their speech and dismissed the crowd. Once she realized her error she tried to call everyone back in for the speech but people were already in go home mode and didn't pay much attention to her and headed for the doors. The devil then caused her to make racially insensitive statements after calling someone a goober and a coward.
  3. I'll bite. What major political figures are endorsing the killing of cops?
  4. I wouldn't think it was either but you never know. People are stupid.
  5. I can barely afford an NFL game myself and now my tax money is being used to entertain and as an ad at NFL games instead of caring for the veterans that so desperately need it. Awesome.
  6. They should spend that money doing a better job of taking care of our veterans instead of expensive recruiting commercials and fake "we care about our soldiers" salutes from the NFL.
  7. Exactly. Shula can't condemn others when his teams were dirty like all of them.
  8. I hope all of the mothers here on BGP had a great day yesterday!!!!
  9. I haven't heard "the devil made me do it" in quite some time.
  10. Idiots. If they are proven to be guilty I hope they get the death penalty. They have the death penalty in Mississippi don't they?
  11. Shortly after it was reported that he was headed to Coppin State he took to Twitter to explain that he had not committed anywhere.
  12. 9th Grade: I think Attucks Wolfpack defeated Louisville Lightning.
  13. I was thinking the same but wasn't sure. I hate mixing politics and race. Both sides have too many major and glaring flaws for either side to point the finger at the other.
  14. Just saw that they beat the Travelers 16U team. Who is on Charlotte Court? That's an impressive win. I'd love to know the roster if anyone has it.
  15. I don't know what you mean when you say "your side". Are you talking about blacks? Yes, blacks do it too. That's part of my point. Are you talking democrats? Yes, they do it too. Democrats do more to hurt any credible black voice that may be out there because they keep putting the wrong ones up there to "represent black people" and for all I know they may do it on purpose. Which makes my whole point come together. Suppose I had an opportunity to address the nation. I'm no Sharpton fan and I don't pay attention to anything the man says but that is mainly because of his past and because of the tactics he uses when in the public light. If I say one thing that he has said then I will be discredited and called a Sharpton clone by Sharpton haters. Those are the people I'd be trying to reach. Just because I don't like Sharpton and don't agree with everything he says and does doesn't mean that he doesn't make a good point sometimes. Yet, if and when that point is made by someone other than Sharpton it falls on deaf ears. If a black person is a member of the New Black Panther Party well, he's a racist who wants to kill cops so his words ring hollow. If if a rapper makes a social statement....well, he's a rapper. What does he know? If an athlete makes a statement.....shut up and play ball. That is the struggle of the black voice in America.
  16. Didn't he have drug abuse running rampant on his teams though?
  17. Phhhtttt....that's easy. He's an accomplished Supreme Court judge who has served the United States nobly. He's overcome adversity that many others would have succumbed to and he has managed to have a brilliant political career despite many wanting to see him fail. He's held onto his beliefs throughout his term as a Supreme Court judge and is a shining role model and example for black men in the United States. Is that good enough or do you need more?
  18. They've already said that they won't fire her but we all know enough public pressure can get people fired.
  19. Justin is the GOAT!!!! He's a bad bad man!!!!!!
  20. Yeah, wait until he gets older and more seasoned. :lol2:
  21. There may not be any whites that are universally accepted but there plenty that have a larger audience than any black voice that is present in today's society. There isn't a black Sean Hannity, a black Bill O'Reilly, a black Bill Maher, a black Rush Limbaugh, a black Jon Stewart, a black Stephen Colbert....I can go on and on. All of these men affect change and sway opinions on a daily basis. Black people don't have those voices and the ones that are the black voices....Al, Jesse, Stephen A. Smith, Ben Carson...who else is these? See my point? Hell, even President Obama is an idiot. :lol2:
  22. Exactly. Every black person with a voice is discredited in some shape, form or fashion. Not to take up for Sharpton or Jackson but there isn't a single black person in this country that has a voice that is universally accepted. That is why I say no one is listening to what black people say unless they say something outrageous and controversial.
  23. I may have. To me, Jay-Z screaming kill all cops is a whole lot worse than Uncle Murda saying the same thing. Nobody is listening to Uncle Murda. My point about Ice-T is that his music hasn't been relevant since 1990 which is around the time Cop Killer came out. Which was heavy metal. I thought your initial point was that a rapper could make a song about killing the cops and I disagreed because I have heard a ton of rap and never recalled anyone telling folks to kill cops. I felt it was unfair to label that to rap music just because some sorry dude named Uncle Murda and a washed up musical Ice-T tried to do so.
  24. What difference does it make if a black person says something racist? Nobody listens to black people anyways. In fact, the ONLY time anyone listens to black people is when they do say something outrageous and racist. :lol2: :lol2:
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