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Djason Unchained

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Everything posted by Djason Unchained

  1. If this is all we know I don't think he should be suspended or any punishment handed down to the organization at all. It all seems like circumstantial evidence to me.
  2. It's not a good look for Tom but this scenario is totally plausible. Tom could simply say there is too much air in the ball and he could expect McNally to lower the balls legally. Of course that won't stop Patriots haters from assuming cheating and it still isn't a good look for Tom but your post is 100% plausible.
  3. As of today Tanner Robins will not be playing football and I don't expect that to change.
  4. I love Shady but he went way out on a limb on this one. Hard to see any football coach as racist in this day and age. Problem with this statement is that there will be people and players who believe him.
  5. Not a good look for Tom, McNally and Jastaremski. Not a good look at all.
  6. What makes you think that is love making going on in prison? Them dudes ain't in love and that isn't a gay lifestyle in prison. I would almost guarantee that anyone who comes out of prison gay arrived at that prison gay. Based on your theory you don't have to go prison to be gay. According to your theory you could wake up tomorrow morning and decide you want to be gay. That's not happening. You're either attracted to the same sex or you aren't.
  7. So how is kicking them out of school working to help them get right? That seems extreme to me.
  8. I'm in favor of birth control programs as well as well as comprehensive drug prevention programs. Random drug testing doesn't bother me if equality and fairness can be promised for failed tests.
  9. They went in gay then. Some dudes go to prison and get molested and raped continually. They come out damaged. Not gay.
  10. I hanmered him for his anti-gay remarks because they were stupid remarks. People don't go to prison and come out gay as a result. That might be one of the dumbest things I have ever heard a "smart" person say. I thought he was Muslim to be honest.
  11. As I stated earlier I would still send my kid to Trinity without issues. It doesn't mean I have to like or agree to everything they do. Drug testing my kids isn't a deal breaker for me. Unfairly administering the punishments is.
  12. Their representation of the school is out there a lot more than a student who doesn't participate in anything extra curricular. Especially if they play basketball or football. We all know and discuss a ton of stories here on BGP and within 15 minutes of the thread popping up most of us are savvy enough to get the story and discuss it without breaking the rules of BGP. At the same time the school is always painted in a bad light based on how they handled the situation. IMO, drug testing the ones who participate in extra curricular activities is a good idea as long as the punishments are handed out equally and fairly.
  13. I was just answering your question based on the info in the question. Do private schools offer birth control programs?
  14. Tanner Robins playing is still very doubtful as of today but a lot of people, including myself, have our fingers crossed. I'll be surprised if he plays but a guy can and will dream that he does. At the same time I understand why and he has to take care of himself the best way he can. Bright bright future ahead for him. I keep hearing about a kid named Aubrey who is expected to be good and I am hearing that Malik Dow is playing also.
  15. Who benefits the most from a muddy field and please excuse my ignorance but who is Walker? I'm drawing a blank.
  16. I have zero issues with athletes or anyone participating in extra curricular activities being randomly tested for drugs and alcohol. As long as the punishment being doled out is fair and equal.
  17. Doesn't bother me. It's much needed. At the same time my kid won't get expelled for getting pregnant or for getting someone pregnant. My issue is with my kid getting kicked out of school for two separate incidents that didn't happen under the school's jurisdiction. Now, these random drug tests wouldn't stop me from sending my kid to Trinity or any school that randomly drug tests. It's just not something being done that I fully am on board with and that has more to do with the punishment than anything else.
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