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Djason Unchained

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Everything posted by Djason Unchained

  1. I guess my main issue is more about the punishment than anything else. Regardless of the school there is going to be a time when the punishment is properly doled out. Could just be the union-guy in me that has a 3 strikes and you're out approach to everything.
  2. Okay. Cool. Makes more sense now. I'll be keeping my ears open at work. Do you know if they'll be testing for alcohol also? I've always been a fan of the hair tests over the urine tests but the hair tests are more expensive than the urine tests.
  3. I wonder if they have been on Twitter recently.
  4. Wow. Really? When did they start? Are they doing urine tests instead of hair tests? Hair tests are the way to go if drug testing is going to be done. Urine tests are easily manipulated.
  5. Yes and no. Hoop Dreams-Black is the B Team. Hoop Dreams-Orange is the A Team.
  6. Too bad money is involved. All we need is the top 16 in playoff format and nothing else. Unless there is a super compelling matchup I won't watch any bowl games that don't include FSU, UK, UL, WKU at all until the playoff games start.
  7. A couple of reasons. For me, kids are stupid and do stupid things. I'd hate to see a kid kicked out of school for two different incidents that possibly didn't happen on school property. If it happens on school property then do what you have to do. If it happens away from school property and not during school hours then let me, the parent, do what I have to do to fix it. There are all kinds of things I can and would do. Removing my kid from school isn't one of them. They start testing next year, right? What happens when no football or basketball players are tested during their season and then half the baseball team has random tests the first Monday after Spring Break? What happens when a superstar has taken his third random and everyone knows he partakes weekly and the valedictorian is expelled because he hangs with the superstar? Big can of worms IMO. I like random searches and dogs in the school. I don't like the drug testing. Why just drug/alcohol testing? What if a kid has a lead foot and gets more than two tickets for speeding? Speeding can be as bad as doing drugs and you can potentially put more people at risk. Where does the line stop?
  8. The rematch won't make as much money. Too many people turned off. I enjoyed the fight and don't regret buying it but I won't buy the rematch.
  9. I'm guessing an outside agency would conduct the tests and their reputation and integrity would be on the line. How much influence would the school have over the administering the tests and doling out the discipline are eyebrow raisers for me. We'd never truly know the truth IMO. Have to take them all for their word.
  10. Do parents have to sign anything or can the public schools just do so whenever they want to?
  11. Same here. Every school will issue discipline on a case by case basis. I don't care what school it is. It's human nature. I also always question how "random" testing is.
  12. Speculation. I'm still not sold that it is a lock for Hillary to win. She may get the nomination but I'm not sure she wins. She has a lot of work to do IMO.
  13. Another republican tosses their hat into the ring. What kind of chance does Huckabee have to get the nomination?
  14. He never really outran anyone. He's slow as Christmas. He picked up some tough yards from time to time but he never really ran the ball that much.
  15. I fully expect Coach Pardue to be named the OC some time in the future. Could be in a couple of weeks or before practice starts in July. Not sure when but I expect it to be him at some point.
  16. To answer the initial question, the outrage isn't the same because in those other situations unarmed people were killed by armed policemen. I would think everyone is saddened by this story but if it has to be explained why the outrage isn't similar to the other situations of unarmed men killed by the police then there isn't any point of having a discussion.
  17. Just like we know for a fact that everytime a story involving the police comes out there will be people who take up for the police and never change their mind. Begrudgingly or not.
  18. Damn. No trouble at all for the first positive test. Dismissal from school for the second positive test.
  19. I'm comparing the styles as pretty boring to watch for the casual fan and that's it.
  20. Floyd's style is very very rare also. Most guys fight and don't box.
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