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Djason Unchained

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Everything posted by Djason Unchained

  1. Some do. Dr. Ben Carson being one. Colin Powell. Clarence Thomas. Jesse Watts. Stephen A. Smith and even Charles Barkley. There are more I'm sure as those are all off of the top of my head. My point being is that there will be some black politicians who will cater to blacks and their constituents only and that is always a problem for some (white)people. Yet no one ever mentions the endless amount of white politicians who have only catered to white people. Then let's look at the true amount of power that any of the black politicians have and the question I have is why does anyone care what they say? NOBODY is listening to what they say until they say something out of the way. Nevermind if they actually say something of substance. The one crazy line ruins their whole soliloquy. This is is part of the struggle...... And for the record, I could truly reach everyone and mean it from my heart if I wanted to. Making people come together isn't hard. Getting an outlet and being given an opportunity to provide a voice without someone trying to crap all over you is extremely hard and it costs a whole lot of money.
  2. Their only win. Sorry dawg. I still love you though. Let's Go Duke!!!!
  3. I wish I was their union representative. I'd destroy this case before I even read the Well's Report. This is an easy one.
  4. If we're going this route I have to ask...if Eli was busted deflating balls(all QBs alter balls but whatever) and the Giants won the Super Bowl, Eli gets ring #3 and he was suspended 4 games the next season and they lose two draft picks....it wouldn't be worth it?
  5. I somewhat agree. I do think if the Landon Powell to Pulaski rumors are true then they'll be in the top tier and possibly better than Wayne County. I do also think there will be a drop off after the top 3-4 teams but those teams in the second tier will all be pretty good and some of the more non-traditional powers. I do think Mercer County and Southwestern will be the class of the region.
  6. I know. That's why I said, "based on your post". It's not open season on cops anymore than it is open season on unarmed blacks.
  7. Never said that. There are some that cater to blacks and over the years things are getting somewhat better between blacks and white politicians. At the same time, this is a newer trend in society.
  8. Not sure. All I know is in the text messages it was clear that he violated the rules. I'm still waiting for the smoking gun text message or voicemail or something from Brady where he is saying that he wants his balls below the legal limit.
  9. Wack. The NFL is stupid but we already knew that anyways.
  10. Louisville Magic 15U is straight up nasty already. Got even better today. Helluva pickup.
  11. The more and more he pops up in the news the more troubled I am by the outcome of the Trayvon Martin case. How many 'road rage' incidents will this thug be in? I've never had one and he's had what, three now?
  12. The difference is that they have proof of Ray Farmer violating the rules of using texting during the games. They don't have that kind of hard proof that Brady purposely violated the rules of the game.
  13. No clue. I think the media's agenda is obvious but I have no clue why they glossed over this story. It's just as troubling and the cops were found guilty. This should be the story the media trumps out to people showing that when officers are truly at fault they are punished.
  14. Correct. He can get higher than that and hopes to win state in the high jump.
  15. Because the cops were fired and the media didn't go after it to fan the flames.
  16. I don't have a cause. Simply observing and commenting. You brought the race card into this thread. Not me. Now, I gave up trying to give perspective a few months ago. It's pointless. We all have our beliefs and nothing anyone I do get a kick out of watching people whine about stuff though. One day folks may actually realize that all of the whining is falling on deaf ears and recognize that nothing is going to change. Of course, folks will whine about that too.
  17. Colton Elkins is elevating higher now than I have ever seen him elevate!!!!! I want to see him average 5 dunks and 10 blocks a game.
  18. Woah.....Jay Johnson and Tamron Manning transferred to Kentucky Wesleyan??? Wow. Where have I been?!?!?!
  19. I think Garrard County will surprise some people. I could see them finishing first, second or third in the district. No worse than third. Without seeing their schedule it is possible that they could have three losses this season all at the hands of Boyle County and LexCath. If they defeat one or both of them it wouldn't surprise me at all.
  20. Based on what you are saying I could make the same argument that unarmed black people are under attack by the police in this country. I get it, black politicians disappoint you because they don't say and do what you want them to say and do. They cater to black people and that bothers you because you feel they should be catering to cops. I feel you. This is how black people have felt about white politicians for decades. It sucks. I know. The saga continues......
  21. I feel bad for the valedictorian who never got to give their speech that I am sure they put a lot of thought and effort into. To have this as a graduation memory is something I hope they can laugh at one day.
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