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Everything posted by h.s.sportsrbest

  1. With all due respect APNW, losing to CovCath and Highlands by those margins can be explained. Losing to a 1A power (and a very good one), is a little tougher to swallow I'd think.
  2. Wow, nice win for Dayton. Boy, I can't wait for that CovCath v. Grant Co. barn-burner.
  3. St. Louis wins behind Carpenter -- Reds fall a .5 game back with this game pending.
  4. LaRue is now 0 for 1, that was correctly changed to an error.
  5. Wow. John Hardin shouldn't be stubbing their toes in a game like this -- especially if they plan on walking through 5A next year.
  6. No more ole' stuff out of you Dorn. E-5 (should have been an error on Feliz) and the Cowboy is on with a HYPER-GENEROUS hit.
  7. TPC, I wasn't necessarily being critical, I was honestly curious. When I was in H.S. Bryan Station was very, very good. It just seems like they have gone from that to awful. Glad to hear that they are on the road back. Thanks for the info.
  8. Can someone explain to me how Bryan Station can be so bad? I don't get it.
  9. As predictable as the Sun setting in the West. Highlands was just going to be too much for the Cougars. The path gets tougher for the 'Birds next week (hopefully facing an angry bunch coming off a loss [i know, not likely]).
  10. Houston and Philly already won and Carpenter has a shutout going vs. Chicago (leading 2-0).
  11. That thing was killed. I swear he and Dunn's celebration is going to evolve into a lip-lock. :lol:
  12. They had at least 17 penalties -- and at least a couple of them were personal fouls for losing their cool. Countless offisdes, illegal motions / formations, and holdings. Just sloppy.
  13. Those are ridiculous numbers -- what a night for the Mr. Football favorite.
  14. I agree. That was as sloppy and uncontrolled a team as I've seen in a while -- I was very disappointed. It was the first Holmes game I've watched in a few years, and I was shocked at the sloppiness of their execution. Holmes clearly has some unbelievable game-breakers. So many game changers, I can't believe they let this game slip away.
  15. You're welcome BF -- you have worked your tail off tonight.
  16. Nice win for the Beechies, and I admit, I was dead wrong in the prediction thread. I really thought Dixie would bounce back from last week's debacle. Wrong. It doesn't get any easier for the Red Colonels next week -- not quite the fast start they were hoping for.
  17. Wow, the upset of the night as far as I'm concerned. By the way, the AD from Holmes made it very clear at halftime that he isn't excited to be going into a district with Highlands and CovCath (when asked to list the district opponents he omitted Dixie). He said that if he knew people were playing up they may have considered moving up themselves. Not sure that was the best approach, but I appreciate his honesty. I'm sure Coach Trosper, who grew up down the street from me in Florence, would have appreciated a bit more confidence.
  18. Dixie's wheels are off. It doesn't get any easier for them next week either. Wow.
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