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Everything posted by Purple88

  1. Well the Australian Grand Prix did not disappoint. There was a lot going on and certainly a surprise. Qualifying was somewhat predicted with Red Bull's Max Verstappen nipping Ferrari's Carlos Saiz for the pole with the other Ferrari of Charles LeCler running well along with both McLaren's. Just don't think the other Red Bull is pulling its weight. I like Sergio Perez, but he is not getting the job done IMO in what appears to be or should be the second fastest car lining up at every race. On to the race. Incredibly skilled drive off the standing start and through the first couple turns in Melbourne is saying something. Tricky track through there and all the drivers came away pretty much unscathed. Well done. But there was drama just ahead as after 3 laps, leader Verstappen had an issue that cause him to lose the car a bit and Carlos Saiz passed him with DRS. They continued around, but when Verstappen came down the main straight again, he had smoke coming from the back of his car. He tried to hang on to it but became apparent he wouldn't be able to. He glided into the pits, not before having an unexpected minor explosion off the back of his car going into the pit lane. Turns out his brake setup on the rear right of the car was engaged pretty much from the start of the race. This created added heat and friction of course and was unsustainable and a fire ensued out the back of his car, which was put out in the pit lane. Verstappen, a fiery guy anyway, was ticked he would not be able to finish the race. It was his first did not finish (DNF) for RedBull in 2 years going back to Australia in 2022. Pretty impressive really. SO, that gave the field a new lease on life as everyone seemed to have a chance at that point. The Ferrari's used good strategy for a change and rode that to a 1-2 finish! And breathing down Verstappen's neck in the Driver Championships now. McLaren's Lando Norris drove very well and ended up 3rd place. Others of note: Mercedes just can't buy a break and honestly are as beat down as I have ever seen them be. Lewis Hamilton also DNF'ed due to an engine failure I believe. He said this is the "worst start to any season he has ever had". That speaks volumes for me and says he can't wait to trade fire suits to his new shiny red one next season at Ferrari. His teammate George Russell was moving up the leaderboard at the end when he was essentially brake-checked (excessive slowing up causing your car to lose control and crash or nearly crash). Unfortunately for Russell, he lost control and nearly flipped over ending the race under a Virtual Safety Car. Sergio Perez, was making progress up the grid, but reportedly had damage to his car and settled for 5th. Again, to me that isn't good enough if I'm Red Bull and payin the bills. On the lower end of the grid, I'm really impressed with the 2 American Haas cars this year. NO, they aren't going to win anything, BUT they aren't going to be last either and that is a clear improvement. Heck they were BOTH in the points this weekend! I like both their drivers Nico Hulkenberg (German) and Kevin Magnusson (Denmark). Makes it more fun if you can follow different teams up and down the grid. Next up - Japan Grand Prix in a couple weeks. Look for Verstappen to come back with a vengeance, but can Ferrari make it interesting? We shall see.
  2. They seemed to be stronger about 10 years ago with guys like Zyaire Hughes and Cash Jones. Don't seem to have those kind of guys right now. And probably why they aren't playing Louisville teams.
  3. I also think Forward Claire Russell is a star lacrosse player and likely will play that in college as well.
  4. And that's exactly what happened! @The Double Deuce knows girls basketball!
  5. Congratulations to McCracken County! Very good team. Good luck in the next round. Really proud of the Lady Purples today. They never quit and battled to the end. Very good season. Congrats to both teams on a well played game!
  6. Audio of this game provided for free here: - Sporting Times (stfanclub.com) Go Purples!
  7. Don't really know near as much as I used to about these teams. I guess I'm most interested in Graves County, Christian County and Hopkinsville, all with new head coaches to see how they progress or don't this upcoming season.
  8. Well, I thought this would be a 4th quarter game and that BG would pull it out in the 4th quarter. The first 3 games for these 2 don't usually mean that much in that either "could" win the regional final (just like last year when WC was the better team). Same was true here. I certainly felt BG would win a close game here and they had that done through 3, but a big tip of the cap to Warren Central, they never quit and their best player was best when it mattered. Very tough pill for BG to swallow. Good luck in the Sweet 16 Warren Central. Congrats @DragonFire and @BIG BLACK JACK!
  9. Purples playing as well as they have all year. Now they face an old rival in a familiar spot for the prize both put on their goals at the beginning of the season - Gain a berth to the Sweet 16! BG will surely talk about not finishing the job last season against a Great Central squad. Going to be a good one tonight! Go Purples!
  10. Dragons playing really well. Have worked to be a very good team. Going to be a game tonight!
  11. Well said G! I love watching it. I'm in a Fantasy League and everything, which helps keep you pulled in. But I honestly enjoy watching the lower battles on the grid. Last weeks young Bearman driver for Ferrari was really fun to track as an 18 year old battling seasoned vets on a F1 circuit was real entertainment for me. But I get that most just want to watch up front and see who wins. Well I think we can tell them that today. I do think there will be 1 possibly 2 races things just go wrong for Max, but that's absolutely it and the rest they are going to have to suck it up and beat him. Hasn't been done since 2021 when Hamilton was doing it some.
  12. Well, the 2024 Formula 1 Season has started and to date 2 races have been completed. And honestly, not sure you need to run anymore to tell me who will win the F1 Championship this season. Red Bull's Max Verstappen is just head and shoulders above the field for a while now. He is the best driver on the best team and that makes it tough for just ordinary fans to want to tune in, honestly. BUT, as I always love to say, "That's Their Problem" and it really is. The rest of the field must be as dedicated as Red Bull is. Because if they give Red Bull much longer at the top; they will start helping their little brother team RB out and then it will be 1 through 4 on the grid every week instead of 1-2 on the grid every week. Red Bull has gone 1-2 the first 2 races of the year pretty easily. There is data to suggest that Ferrari is cutting into the Red Bull lead some and I think they are but is it enough. This season? Probably not. Of the other teams: Ferrari - has a good team and perhaps are FINALLY getting some of their BONE-HEAD management/track strategy issues tied down. Really the closest team to Red Bull today IMO. McLaren - has 2 great drivers. Feel they are a positive upgrade away to challenge for perhaps 2nd place in teams behind Red Bull and perhaps 2nd place on the grid, as Norris is better than Perez all day long. Mercedes - Just disjointed right now. Lewis Hamilton, unexpectedly to me anyway, signed a deal to drive for Ferrari next season (2025). He is a true professional and will do a good job for the Silver Arrows here, but really feels like a "Lame Duck" season at this point. George Russell, Hamilton's teammate, is a great driver too, but the Mercs still have bouncing issues into the high-speed corners and that won't work at this level of racing. You can get in the 6-10 zone; maybe 4-5 if your lucky, but you ain't winnin! Aston Martin - If you don't like Fernando Alonso, that's on you IMO. The guys just flat out drives the wheels off his car. Continually outgaining his cars true speed IMO. His teammate isn't challenging for him but he is fun to watch. The teams below here are just looking to score a point in 10th place usually. And they scrap hard for it. Haas - This is an American Team that usually sucks. And they won't win a race, but they have picked it up this year and are not last. So that's great IMO. Good trajectory. The rest are just turning laps. The Australian Grand Prix is in 2 weeks and should be entertaining for the positions 2 through 10, but I think I know who will win that one and all the rest.
  13. Beyond WC and BG, I think any team can beat any team in the 4th Region on a given night.
  14. The first round games away from Warren Central and BG should be entertaining ones. But I expect Central and BG to sail into the finals. I said after their game at BG that I expect this Regional Final game to be a 4th quarter game and I still do. I expect BG to win, but expect Central to keep it competitive to the 4th Quarter. If I were Central, I'd keep the ball in Unseld's hands as much as possible and let him shoot it or pass/assist off the doubles as much as he can. I think that is their angle and hope your hitting the deep ball that night. Should be fun.
  15. Already looking forward to the Male vs BG Scrimmage. They didn't get to last year due to JCPS issues.
  16. This is a GREAT hire for Hoptown! The guy obviously wants to be there and cares! It's his home. I'm pulling for Hoptown this year! Good luck Coach Lopez!
  17. I still feel you call the dogs off and just hold the ball when up 50. Maybe that's just me.
  18. Looking forward to that South Warren game. I’m anticipating it to be a close one.
  19. Nice write-up LJ! Ballard had a really good year last year. I feel they are in the pod of teams below the Big 3 (T, X and Male) and probably Fredrick Douglas now too. Who would you put in that next pod with Ballard? I'd put Manual (who Ballard beat in Double OT the round before) and Bryan Station for sure. Who else?
  20. Interesting question, but I think Cooper brings back probably 16 starters. Their 3 seniors who played went both ways so I counted them twice. South Warren brings back about 10 starters. I'm not sure how many Owensboro brings back, but think I know who does @Brown. Scott County has some good young players, but know they were senior laden last year. So I'd say BG or Cooper should be. Many on this site say the State Champ is #1 until proven not to be. So there's that.
  21. Man, that is a tough out of district schedule for this team IMO.
  22. They will get blown out by Tilghman, but other than that I'd say they should be able to compete in the rest. Good schedule for the Raiders!
  23. Great report! Glad BG won on senior night! Will be paying attention to the Warren Central vs Lex Cath score.
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