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Everything posted by HoopsLady

  1. Interesting that this benefit is only available to scholarship players!
  2. Brossart has 7 losses. I bet HC had kids out sick or injured. This has to be an anomaly!
  3. Central has a pretty good team. Very athletic.
  4. Central just beat Manual who is on your list. SK beat Central by double digits.
  5. What part of her primary sport is softball is difficult for you to understand? And you are right, she WAS a good basketball player. She is focused on SB now.
  6. Kentucky college to offer video gaming scholarships | Local News - WLWT Home Somebody with authority tell me this is a hoax?????!!!!!!!!
  7. It has taken 4 years to get these schemes completely in place. They could not be completely implemented with previous personnel. I'm surprised that competing with SK for the last 5 years, that you don't notice the transition? You seem totally unaware that 5 years ago, SK was a halfcourt program.
  8. Expectations for SK coming in to the season by folks outside the program were low as a consequence of graduating 7 seniors. Lost in that fact by outsiders is the fact that SK goes 12 deep in their rotation, so they still had substantial experience coming back. Combined with strong feeder programs and a key transfer, you have a team that has reloaded. Insiders expected this team to be strong, just not this quickly. This coaching staff has both D1 playing and coaching experience and is teaching schemes used in D1 programs making it a magnet for those with next level aspirations. Most years, Boone, New Cath and NDA would be top 20 teams.
  9. Be careful Bengal fans, Chicago fired Lovie Smith a couple of years ago because they were unhappy over a 10 -6 record and missing the playoffs. I don't believe they have won 10 games since. Andy Dalton is not Tom Brady or Peyton Manning. You can not ask this QB to win a super bowl. Improve the running game and the defense. Follow the Seattle model. Get faster on both sides of the ball. Let's face it, Russel Wilson plays on a SB winning team, but is really better than RG3 or Cam Newton? A coaching change puts this program back in the stone age.
  10. This game hinges on how healthy the PATS OL is. Early in the year the OL sucked big time and it made the PATS look very bad. Then they had abot 6-7 games where the OL was healthy and the offense came alive. Then Connoly got injured and nobody on the OL could block. PATs defense is the best going into the playoffs in 8 years.
  11. I have no first hand knowledge of this game as I was not in attendance. I have however been in attendance for some of Walton's and NDA games. I would say that Coach Foust and Coach Clinkenbeard really push the envelope with some of their behaviors on the bench. Yet , these coaches are held in high esteem and their behaviours are dismissed as an expression of passion for their teams. I sense a double standard here.
  12. Hedger from Dixie, Olmstead from SK. No question, NKy was shafted in this list!
  13. We will all find out how good Holmes , Highlands and Holy Cross are come regional tournament time. Debate here until you are blue in the face, it will resolve nothing. Just admire your teams and enjoy the ride as long as it lasts.
  14. Dalton just does not have the accuracy of an NFL QB. From swing passes to down field passes he just misses throw after throw. They need to send him back to QB school this spring and summer!
  15. I often wonder if AAU ball really makes kids better? Are they really learning useful skills? Would they be better off going to instructional camps?
  16. Girls played well today. They looked a lot fresher than they did at Edmonson. I think they are advancing the ball dribbling a little too much. I'd like to see more of the half court passes to get 2 on 1 opportunities. 2nd half defense was suffocating. I thought Meier was underused today.
  17. Did FSU belong in the playoff over TCU? I say NO!
  18. Meanwhile, we send troops to protect oil and consider alien immigration a matter of law enforcement!
  19. Unfortunately, at the FBS level, with all the money involved, talent trumps character, talent trumps integrity, talent trumps morality. If a coach thinks you can help him keep his job, or get that next promotion, just about anything will be overlooked and mountains will be moved to get you on the playing field. Rape conviction, no problem. Felony theft, no problem. Not going to class, no problem. If you look at just about any FBS roster, you will find 10 -12 kids that are nothing more than talented scum. Meanwhile, the coaching staffs preach family and character while gladly embracing these lids in their programs.
  20. Didn't Bama lose to a team that got THUMPED by TCU????
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