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Everything posted by HoopsLady

  1. I think it depends on whether the decline in performance is due to long term, or short term injury issues. Also, Peyton's record in cold weather games is just not very good (mostly in the post season). I still think he could be very good, especially for a team with a dome, but clearly , his days as an HOF caliber QB are over. I could still name 12 starting QBs in the NFL I would not take over PM next year. So HB, who would you take on the Bengals next year, AD in his prime, or an aging PM???????????
  2. Not true. Scholarships at the FCS level are often partial. If you have an kid with strong academics, the athletic contribution to cost can be less than %50. If Pike is getting a full scholarship, he could be impacting up to 3 kids.
  3. Well, for what its worth, I'm very happy SK is not in the same region as Holmes. We know what its like to have a top 5 team in our path to the regional title. To be honest, Holy Cross and Highlands do not scare me like Holmes does. Thier combination of depth and athleticism neutralizes some of the advantage SK typically has over an opponent. Perhaps a meeting in the state tournament is in order?
  4. Evidently, your son was not recruited by Murray. Mine was!
  5. Patriots put up 200 yds rushing against Indy during the regular season. They do not have the front 7 that Baltimore does.
  6. Brady is not that far from retirement either. Especially if the Pats don't draft well on the OL.
  7. That is called Belichek schooling Harbaugh! Everything was perfectly legal and by design.
  8. I wonder how many high character kids are paying for their education because Pike is getting his fourth strike?????
  9. Whoever thought we would have so much drama over a game postponement?
  10. And the kid giving up 30 lbs and 6 inches isn't giving up 20?
  11. I hope she wins this suit and includes the NCAA in the suit. So many kids with drug and violence in their histories, but still get aggressively recruited at the expense of less talented, but vastly higher character kids. I would hesitate to send my kid to play FBS ball between the low character kids and kids that are not there for an education.
  12. We need to neuter males at birth and require a maturity test before allowing them to procreate.
  13. I know Coach Murphy is not a teacher or on staff @ HC. Perhaps he had a professional conflict?
  14. Considering the games themselves are largely won in the conditioning room, why not? Heard Sandlin broke the SK record for power clean at 310. What is the power clean record at your school?????
  15. You guys are too much! We are already conditioning for 2015 and you guys are STILL arguing over who the best players were last year!!!!!! Let it go!
  16. Perhaps this cancellation is not about HHS at all, but being healthy for all A.
  17. Hmmm, could concern over results influenced this decision? Was this supposed to be @ HHS or HC??
  18. Fort Thomas Schools ‏@FTSchools 14m14 minutes ago LadyBirds game on Friday against Holy Cross has been cancelled. New date TBD. #GoBirds RCC9, whats up with that? Somebody have a bunch of kids sick??? Somebody turn the heat off in the gym???
  19. CAL just beat Eastern , who is on your list. SK beat CAL, although it was a very close game.
  20. What if some of the staff were political opponents of the incoming sheriff?
  21. Seems like the media has an agenda to promote racial tension??????? Helps with ratings and sales of news subscriptions!!!!
  22. Dalton needs to take some of that money and spend it on someone like Jon Gruden or David Cutcliffe Everything from footwork to throwing accuracy to decision making has to be improved. A second stud reciever to take the double coverage off of Green would be helpful also..
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