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Everything posted by Rickyp

  1. I take exception to your last comment. Rose Hill has never stopped educating kids. My son is in the 6th grade and my daughter is in the 3rd and I can tell you that their education is second to none. Your comments about the focus on basketball are very common and all I can say is that it depends on your perspective. Some tell us that there is not enough focus on athletics. Most people know who our basketball coach was prior to Tim Fraley taking over 5 years ago but hardly anyone knows who our history teacher is today. So who is really focusing too much on basketball? As far as what God wants I think he wants us to strive for excellence in everything we do.
  2. Coach Tim Fraley did indeed resign yesterday. Tim did a great job heading up the program for the past 5 years and his efforts are much appreciated. Tim took over a program that many considered to be dead and in 5 years he had us back in Richmond for the Class A and playing in the regional tournament. Does anyone else find it interesting that when Rose Hill gets a new student they are called transfers or recruits and when Rose Hill loses a student to one of it's neighbors they are called defections. Interesting isn't it? The thing is that every program loses players due to various reasons, graduation, transfers or defections in Rose Hill's case, or just giving up the game. Rose Hill will be fine, new chapter, new challenge and our kids are ready to step up.
  3. Just for the record none of these kids transfered from a public school after the 6th grade. You can add Barber and Whetsel to that list also.
  4. Paintsville is in Johnson Co. I hope that helps. I'm an not the least bit suprised that they are the champions. They are absolutely huge. Three guys over 6' with a couple of them about 6'2". The real problem is that their big kids can run the floor and one in particular and handle the ball. Congratulations to Anvil Head on the victory.
  5. First of all the Jackson's have not told anyone they are leaving. If they did then only they could accurately answer your question.
  6. If we believed we read then we would all think Clay Euton is working for Toyota, right?
  7. Dakotah knows how the folks at Rose Hill feels about him. During his 7 years at Rose Hill he has been nothing but a fine young man. The school that he transfers to is very fortunate because they are getting a fine young man. Everyone's concerns about Rose Hill are much appreciated but I feel certain that we will continue to compete. What is comical is how many of these post are way off base. Mr. Euton has already accepted a job and it's not with Toyota, Mr. Euton's employer (Woolpert) is closing at the end of this year, Mrs. Jackson has custody of her son and has since he was born. She does not work with either Euton, the Jacksons have never lived in Ironton, and Dakotah never transfered to Rose Hill unless 3rd graders transfer but shortly he will transfer from Rose Hill.
  8. If you are not familiar with the band then it could slip past you.
  9. I will confirm that as of 3/13/08 the players you are referring to were at Rose Hill. Everyone is going to continue speculating about this and the Knipps and every kid in Fleming Co. going to George Rogers Clark.
  10. To clear any confusion I am actually referring to the lead guitarist from KISS who was the lead singer on the single "Shock Me". I have no idea who Greenup is going to hire.
  11. Harang Arroyo Belisle Fogg Cueto Volquez most likely in the pen along with Affleldt. Bailey in AAA. The Reds need another lefty in the pen thus Affeldt will not be in the rotation.
  12. I'm hurt I always thought you were crushing on me.
  13. :DTony Kornheiser and Dan Patrick now have shows on the xm sports channel.
  14. Last night was my first time watching East and I think they will be tough to handle the next two seasons.
  15. I have always felt that coach get way too much credit and way to much blame for what happens during a game but I think you have made some valid points in this discussion.
  16. Bigger margin than I would have expected. Congratulations to Elliott and good luck next week. Good Lord willing I will be there to cheer you on.
  17. Causing trouble? You mean like accussing a team of breaking a rule? Of course 10 miniutes later you start lecturing everyone about how its about the game. Give me a break. It appears to me that if someone disagrees with your description of a game they come under personal attack. If you gave the impression that Rose Hill's supporting cast cracked under the bright lights then I think you are incorrect. I'm perfectly ok with the outcome of this game. Elliott Co won and were the better team tonight. I can live with that I'm proud of the season Rose Hill had. But since you made that accusatioon please show me one time where I have caused problems after a Rose Hill loss. I will be waiting.
  18. So only Rose Hill's supporting cast got out rebounded and out hustled. Please stop now because you are way way off base. Try buying a ticket and watching a first hand account is much more accurate. If the radio told you Knipp was guarding Euton then that should tell you something. Did they also tell you that Euton weighs 190 pounds?
  19. I actually watched intently and your way off. Elliott was the better team tonight.
  20. Funny how you can tell how hard someone played by listening to the radio. Which station were you listening to?
  21. Care to elaborate. By my count the role players contributed 26 points Gambill went a long way toward shooting Rose Hill back into the game and Arthur did another nice job on Ferguson. The determining factor was that Rose Hill went about 11 miniutes and scored 4 points. Congratulations to Elliott and best of luck the rest of the way.
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