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Everything posted by Rickyp

  1. Not worried just confused. You have to admit when someone uses the phrase "brought in the like of Euton" that does seem like someone was brought in. Even, goradio thought that's what she meant. Afterall, he was the one who brought the potential rules violation to everyone's attention.
  2. I just looked at Elliott's roster and their biggest player outside of Timmy Knipp is 6'3" and 175 lbs. So they got some 4 inches shorter and 60 pounds lighter to stand in for Euton? This is how they prepared for this game? It's not that easy to do but I am confused. Maybe Rose Hill should have used those 6th grade twins.
  3. So they broght in someone like Euton but he didn't play?
  4. I find this to be very disturbing. Rick Mayes has been coaching for 20 plus years and I'm sure he knows the rules. I hold the kids at Elliott in the highest esteem it is a shame that this has taken place.
  5. I think your post is very telling. 18-11 and a bid to the NCAA tournament is considered a turn around season. I think this helps support my opinion that expectations were reduced under the direction of Tubby Smith. The once standard bearer for college basketball was reduced to mediocrity during Smith's tenure.
  6. Great article on the upcoming game between Rose Hill and Elliott Co. Several quotes from one of the Faulkner twins and Chad Jackson. You can tell by the article that these players have great respect for each other. http://www.dailyindependent.com/localsports/local_story_067215227.html
  7. So do you feel it fell but just not dramatically?
  8. I watched the last 10 miniutes and thought Cal got jobbed. UCLA was fouling on purpose and it wasn't called, unbelievable.
  9. :laugh: Hey man if Rose Hill wins please don't pick them in the finals!!!!!!!
  10. That is what they will need to do because Rose Hill doesn't miss many from 5 feet and that is where most of their shots came from the last time. Mayes better make the proper adjustments or there will be alot of people after his head. My question is how much confidence do you have in him to adjust? That and the fact that Jackson is playing better than I have ever seen him gives us at Rose Hill a glimmer of hope.
  11. The Reds a quickly building a championship caliber pitching staff. With Cueto, Volquez, and Bailey they could be a force soon. My concerns going forward are catcher and shortstop. They seem to have young talent at just about every other position.
  12. I never said they were terrible the whole time Smith was the coach. But the program declined under his watch, not just slightly but dramatically. I'm sorry but no matter how great a guy he might be his job was to uphold the standards of Kentucky Basketball. I personally think he failed. You guys know the drill, longest stretch without a final four appearance, multiple 10 loss season, seemingly lack of control off the court, etc. But enough about his coaching. What were the reasons for this honor? I'm not trying to be argumentative I just want to know what Smith did during his tenure that would earn him this honor that Bill Curry or Rick Pitino didn't do. Didn't Pitino establish the Daniel Pitino foundation that I believe is still active?
  13. So am I because there is no way in the world he get this if he is still the coach at UK.
  14. I love Matt Thomas but he will go against an equal athlete in Johnson. I really didn't think Ashland could win a game if they shot poorly and that's exactly what they did against Bath. East is more talented and well coached if Ashland shoots a high percentage it's anybody's game if not then East by 10.
  15. I hate snow!!!!!!!!:madman: If you are objective there is no way you can pick either of these teams by 15+. Both are too talented and motivated. The key will be if Mayes learned anything the first time around, if they stand outside and jack long jumpers Rose Hill will win. If they press Jackson on a big floor Rose Hill wins.
  16. Direction of the program!!!!!!!!!!!! Forget about wins and losses and look at the talent level. The talent level is as low as the probation years and lower than at any none probation period in the pas 30 years. We had become Georgia or Tulsa, the job was too big for Smith he proved that by assembling a staff that was subpar and recruiting good not excellent players and then refusing to change his ways. If second round exits and 10 loss season become the rule rather than the exception then I have a problem with that. Does Bill Curry have an honorary degree from UK? He was a nice guy.
  17. I tell you what I do know. I know that people have less of a hatred for UK now because they have been kicking our teeth in for the past few years and that is a direct result of the efforts of the honoray degree recipient. If you look at UK's program today compared to 10 years ago then I don't see how you could possibly say that Smith was successful at UK. Give me a basketball coach if UK wanted a humanitarian then they should have hired Sally Struthers. But hey I have to be wrong because in the past 12 months UK has given him $1mm he didn't earn and now an honoray degree.
  18. Two excellent teams in what should be a great game. If Elliott hits threes in bunches as Ms. Liberty has predicted then they will win. Somehow or other I just don't see Rose Hill letting them shoot open threes. If Jackson plays like he did last night I think Rose Hill wins. I will be interested to see what adjustments Mayes has made since the last game these two teams played.
  19. Rowan did a great job of shutting Euton down but they forgot to guard everybody else.
  20. Well that's good to know because if he did get it for his basketball accomplishments then UK needs to give Bill Curry an honary degree. I must have missed all of his accomplishments off the floor can someone elaborate? I think he failed miserably as a coach so maybe I will feel better if I am more informed about all the other things he did other than his job.
  21. That wouldn't exactly make him Mother Teresa now would it?
  22. I guarantee you that Rick Pitino is very appreciative of the job Smith did at UK. Several people have done great things for the state that don't have honoray degrees from UK. This is a p.r. move period.
  23. Amen, kind of an insult to all of us who earned a degree from UK. He left the basketball program in ruins and gets an honoray degree?
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