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Science Friction

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Everything posted by Science Friction

  1. I've often wondered about it. I know there are tons of stuff on the internet where people are espousing the flat Earth model. A lot of the arguments seem to have a religious basis. Go figure.
  2. Yes, you are right, kind sir. The game at Bloomington was the game Joe B. got whacked. I believe Coach Hall felt pretty humiliated at the beating BOTH he and his Cats took that day. I remember listening to that game on the radio. I think we lost 98-74. It was a pasting.
  3. I figure most folks will say a national title game, but for me it was the 1975 win over the undefeated #1 ranked Indiana Hoosiers in the Mideast Regional final. IU had beaten UK by 24 points earlier in the season and most people gave the Cats no chance of defeating the mighty top-ranked Hoosiers(31-0), riding a 34-game winning streak and led by Quinn Buckner, Kent Benson, Steve Green and Scott May. The Cats, led by Kevin Grevey, Jimmy Dan Connor, Bob Guyette, Mike Flynn, Givens, Robey, and Phillips , pulled off the upset. I loved it when, after the game, the cameras caught Bobby Knight's wife crying in the stands. :lol: Interestingly, Coach K. was an assistant to Knight on that IU team. Also, how many of you remember the infamous incident near the end of the game when Knight went over by the UK bench to argue a call to the referee? Before leaving the UK bench area, Knight ended up hitting Joe Hall in the back of the head. The UK assistant coach had to be restrained from popping Knight. My favorite UK game EVER.... Anyone remember that game??? What is your favorite UK game(win) ? If you root for another school besides UK, what game is your favorite win?
  4. Let me think some more on it. I will say that the first book should have been called "Fifty Shades of Bad Writing." I'd like to see what my friend B-Ball-fan would do with that subject matter. Probably hit it out of the park. He has a way with words and is very detail-oriented.
  5. You know, sometimes I wonder about these Flat-Earthers. Do they deny that Earth is flat just for attention or do they REALLY believe? Why is it so important to them that our planet be flat? Do they distrust science so much that they will deny the obvious(round Earth, moon landing, climate change, etc...)I know for some it is tied in with their religious convictions. Let's face it, for centuries people believed the Earth was the center of the universe until Copernicus came along and disputed Ptolemy some 1400 years later. Hell, Galileo was jailed for heresy just for holding to the "far-fetched" idea that the earth was not the center of everything in the universe. But in this day and time how could anyone with a sane mind seriously doubt the shape of the earth? I mean , once Man first realized what an eclipse was, why would there be any further debate? What do they think about seeing Earth's shadow moving across the face of the moon like it did this morning? I , mean, seriously... Kyrie Irving, the earth is the shape of your basketball. It's your brain that's flat! Flat-Earthers, bless your hearts. Here's what a lunar eclipse would look like if the earth were flat...DUH!
  6. For those who stayed in bed this morning or didn't have a good viewing location, here's a 60 sec. time lapse of this morning's eclipse from Griffith Observatory in LA.
  7. Yes, and there was some good viewing in parts of Europe and Asia as well.
  8. Did anyone get a chance to catch any of the Earth's shadow on the big supermoon before it disappeared this morning. By the time totality occurred, the moon had already disappeared for us, but if you were up early enough you might have been able to see a bit of the moon being partially eclipsed. This morning's eclipse was actually pretty rare. It resulted in a super blue blood moon. The moon was a super moon, meaning it was at its closest point to the earth, resulting in it being 14% bigger and up to 30% brighter. It was also a blue moon, meaning it was the second full moon this month. The lunar eclipse caused the "blood" moon , resulting in the moon taking on a reddish hue. That red color occurs because light filters through our atmosphere and then the red light from all the sunrises and sunsets across the world goes up and bounces against the moon. If you didn't see this morning's eclipse, you will have to wait until 2037 to see another super blue blood moon!!!
  9. Did anyone get a chance to catch any of the Earth's shadow on the big supermoon before it disappeared this morning. By the time totality occurred, the moon had already disappeared for us, but if you were up early enough you might have been able to see a bit of the moon being partially eclipsed.
  10. Looking forward to seeing Taylor and Faulkner go at it again when Corbin and Mercer play a rematch on Saturday in Lexington.
  11. Lower arena geriatric elites don't make for much of a rowdy, loud home court advantage. I think I spotted these two ladies in a couple of choice Rupp seats:
  12. ^^^ To clarify, it was the first quarter in which Corbin scored on every possession.
  13. Vandy gave this one to the Cats with that ridiculous foul at the end. Btw, Drew is a very good coach. He will have Vandy in the national polls in a year or two.
  14. This Kentucky team could legitimately(some may say, likely) lose their first game in the NCAA tournament. Can anyone see them being consistent enough to win four or more games in the national tournament?
  15. Calling South Laurel North is fighting words in Laurel County. :stop: #CivilWar :isurrender:
  16. Running clock. Andrew Taylor returns with 29 points, 9 rebounds, and 0 videos. He had 23 at halftime. He didn't log a lot of minutes in the second half due to the score. Taylor ascends to 10th on the all-time scoring list in KY high school basketball history. He also climbs to 27th on the list of most rebounds ever. Corbin did something in the fourth quarter that was pretty special. They scored on EVERY single possession in the first quarter, scoring 32 points in the quarter. There were just a few possessions in the entire first half in which the Hounds didn't score. Chandler Stewart added 23 for Corbin, including 14 in the first quarter alone. This game was the first game all season that the Redhounds had everyone in uniform and no one in street clothes. The Hounds are getting healthy and focused for March.
  17. I've only seen them about three times this year but they should do pretty well against pressure. Pretty good ball handlers and athletic. I know Scott turned them over quite a few times and got some run outs.
  18. Would love to see this one. What happened in Irvine? Fisticuffs?
  19. Should be a good one. A bunch of talented Cards on display in this one. I'm going with GRC but if JJ Ramey goes off, South could pull off the mild upset.
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