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Science Friction

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Everything posted by Science Friction

  1. I'm picking George over Fred , but not by 20. I think it could be a pretty good game.
  2. I think a case could be made that Madison Central and Cov Cath are playing as well as anyone right now.
  3. I think you're on to something. He appears to be another one of those selfish players that can mess with team cohesion.
  4. A lot of work goes into putting up the kind of stats some of these kids do. I love seeing the KY kids do well at the next level. I remember watching Rick Jones playing varsity @ Corbin as an eighth grader and then going on to become Mr. Basketball at Scott County and then setting the record for most three-pointers in an SEC game while playing for Vanderbilt.
  5. I'll be rooting for the Norse as long as they remain alive.
  6. I'll be rooting for the Norse as long as they remain alive.
  7. His 34 points against Whitley Co. on Thursday night made him the all-time leading scorer in the 13th Region, surpassing Harlan's Charles Thomas, who finished his career with 3,366 points. Taylor added 27 points against North Laurel the following night, bringing his career total to 3,397, placing him 6th all-time in the state of Kentucky. Next up on the list is ex-UK Wildcat Chris Harrison, who sits 145 points ahead of the Corbin standout and Furman signee. Corbin has two regular season games left. If they advance to play two district games, three regional games, and one game in the state tourney , Taylor would need to average a little over 24 pts. a game to become the third all-time scorer. If Corbin plays nine more games, Taylor would need to average just slightly over 21 a game to replace Cam Justice as third all-time. The loss of the Doss game and the three games he missed due to suspension likely costed him #2 all-time. There is only 60 pts. separating Cam Justice and #2 Charlie Osborne. Sixty points in four games would have been a virtual certainty. Taylor is also a rebounding machine. He is, I believe, already in the Top 25 All-time for rebounds. Not bad for a 6' 3" guy.
  8. Doss secured a 61-57 OT win @ Collins in the replacement game. It appears as if they probably made the right call from a W/L standpoint.
  9. When does the "youngest team ever" defense quit holding H2O ?
  10. Saw this posted somewhere else on the web : "Players are a reflection of coaching. Can anybody remember a team coached by Bob Huggins jog up and down the court on defense? Bobby Knight? Brad Stevens? Rupp? Wooden? Or any other truly great college coach? This is not a well coached team and for the most part, the players on this team were not particularly well coached in high school either. Quade Green is a selfish 6-foot shooting guard who was recruited as a point guard. He did not recruit himself to UK. "Calipari chose the one-and-done route. It is not fair to blame an almost all freshmen team for still playing like freshmen this late in the season. That is 100 percent on the coach who recruited them, who has had months to mold them into a cohesive team. The parts are all there, they just need a builder to put them together. " Seems like about 1 in 5 fans are getting agitated with Cal.
  11. If the Cats lose to Auburn and to Alabama(beat Tennessee by 28 last night) at home , are they a "bubble" team?
  12. I live here. The "volatile" racial climate is a figment of the imagination of people from outside of Corbin.
  13. According to Corbin Athletic Director, Andrew Roark, the decision to cancel the Doss game was talked about weeks ago. "We talked about it a month or so ago," Roark said. "We made the decision a while back--- it was actually made before all the mess."
  14. According to Corbin Athletic Director Andrew Roark, Corbin had a scheduling conflict with Doss. "We had a scheduling conflict with them," Roark said. "They called us and asked us about changing it, letting us dissolve on the contract. We ended up agreeing to it and going for it."
  15. Doss Athletic Director Danny McCreedy said he didn't believe there would have been any issues at the game on Saturday.
  16. Clay Co. lost a game at home back in the early nineties to an Australian team. They later claimed the game was just an exhibition and wouldn't count as a loss to end their streak. :lol2:
  17. From my perspective, it had to be Clay Co. back in the early eighties to early nineties when Coach Keith stalked the sidelines. Man, I hated that guy back in the day! He was a big, tall terrorizing presence on the sidelines. He had officials so intimidated , especially in Manchester. They were like little toy black and white striped soldiers being easily manipulated in his giant hands. I went to a Corbin game over in Manchester back during the era mentioned above. The game was pretty tight the whole way. Corbin made a bucket late to "win" the game, much to Coach Keith's chagrin. He ranted, he raved , he stalked the refs ...Corbin fans danced in jubilation. A win in Clay County back then was a big , big deal. But wait... a foul was called AFTER the final horn had sounded . Corbin players had already begun celebrating a big win!!! Keith had gotten his way. Who knows, maybe it was he who blew the damned whistle. Clay made the phantom foul shots and ended up being declared the winner. Such shenanigans back in the day. I went to a Corbin-Clay game over in Manchester this year. It's just not the same house without Coach Keith. The aura .... the magic was gone. Apparently, it died with the legend himself. No cheating from the refs, not much emotion in the building... just not the same Clay Co. Of course, Clay is way down this year, so it's somewhat understandable. They have had some really good teams in recent years , yet it's just not the same environment as when Coach Keith prowled the sidelines. The man was a legend. I got to meet him once. I saw him in Corbin back in the early nineties at a game. He was there scouting for an potential upcoming post-season game with the Hounds. I had never liked him much at all but I respected what he had accomplished. So I asked him for an autograph and he kindly obliged. I hated him a little less after that. But just a little. Clay County won 120 consecutive home games from 1984 - 1993. Talk about some home cooking!!! But I have to give the devil his due, Coach Keith could flat out coach them up. He is a true coaching legend and the biggest reason that Clay had the biggest home court edge in history. Teams were beaten before the game ever started. RIP Coach . Keith was the real Coach K... The guy finished his career with an astounding winning percentage of 86%. I don't know if there will ever be another 120 consecutive home wins by any school anywhere. Besides Clay County, where were some other great home court advantages in the state, back in the day? Where are some tough environments to play present-day? Some think it's tough to leave Corbin with a win. Those people must have never seen a game from Manchester back in the eighties. If you were a visiting coach, what venue would give you nightmares ? Did you ever get to experience Bobby Keith in his natural habitat in Manchester?
  18. Jimmy G will be throwing lots of passes to #81 the next few years. Trent Taylor played flag football in Corbin as a kid. I played baseball with his dad. A quote from Trent in a recent interview with the local paper: Taylor: "It feels great to end the season the way that we did, winning five games in a row and having Jimmy Garoppolo as our quarterback. I think he’s going to do a lot of great things here with the 49ers. Hopefully, I can be a part of that for however many years to come. I think we’ve got something great building over here with the great leadership we’ve got. With our head coach and general manager, we’ve got a lot of great things coming for us and I’m looking forward to it."
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