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Everything posted by BiggDaddy

  1. You know her name or you still taking shots? There's a few SS in nky (for HHS & NCC) that I'd list up there as best in nky....
  2. I agree with Jack...why did this thread turn into this? I was hoping in the midst of these 4 pages of back-and-forths, someone would be able to post the stats from the game and the scoring..for those who couldn't make it? Who had an outstanding game from both teams? I've seen both teams play a few times this year and I respect RCC's evaluation of the games and the other teams (i think he is spot on most of the times). These two teams have a ton of talent...i was very surprised by the score. Big court...girls get tired?
  3. I don't like threads like this...programs run through cycles all the time...might be 4-yr cycles or 10-yr cycles. Why do we want to recap a team's season and state something like this. Are people out here thrilled to see this happen? Did NDA have an idea the season would end like this? Did Brossart expect their season to go like this...14-13? Teams get an influx of players/talent that can carry a program for a few years, and then you dont get that for a year or two. Sure, NDA, Brossart, NCC had non-typical seasons compared to the recent years and successes they had. I know it's just an opinion. These schools probably saw it coming two years ago and knew what to expect.
  4. what would be really interesting is (aside from being opposite the regional powerhouse) what is the skill level of these teams....meaning, it'd be nice to know if both teams legitimately would have a shot at the regional absent the powerhouse, and so now both teams are eliminated.
  5. We all know there's a big difference in the Highlands/ND "stall" game as that is a plan/strategy to keep it close for your team and eventually try to win the game. I dont know if I have an opinion on it yet on banning both teams from the tournament this year (for the senior players who bought into the coaches' plans). Seems harsh but the integrity of the game is compromised in this situation so I think it is fair along with the fine. How funny would it have been if it got to the point of defending your own basket!! (this is a joke and not really funny at all)
  6. I think this game is all about matchups. Camels are playing possibly their best basketball of the season...if they knock down shots then it'll be tough to beat them. The early season matchup between them was so long ago it seems, and i'm sure the Camels have matured and settled into their game. If Brossart can guard the perimeter and not get caught on the back door cuts, and take advantage on the offensive and defensive boards, I think Brossart escapes with a three-point win....45-42.
  7. This is another story where everyone has opinions on what the correct thing to do....only those involved and present with a daughter playing knows exactly what was going on. It was only 9-0, but how much time had gone by in the game for it to be so physical and chippy? Doesn't necessarily mean that it was that early in the game (especially if there is a history between the two schools..and i dont know anything about that). I'm not going to bash any parents for pulling their kids off the court if they felt their safety was being compromised due to the officiating....and i'm not bashing the officials here either b/c I wasnt there to witness this. Kids play other sports and maybe seeing how this game was playing out, maybe the parents were pulling their kid from the court before it was their kid laying on the court in pain and missing the upcoming track or softball seasons.
  8. lots of opinions on this...home court advantage...effects of traveling...I'm not completely against it but if i was at a school that had a premier gym as well, it would be nice to have it closer to home (every 4th year or so). I never had the opportunity to play at Mason in high school but would have loved to.
  9. So the boys regional is at Mason (I hear)? Do we know which District got to choose this year's site? Is it the same District that gets the decision for the boys & girls for the year?
  10. How do the regional tournament sites get determined in the 10th region? And generally whose gym is used for the sites...Mason, Montgomery, Clark? Which district gets the decision this year on where the regional is held? Thanks.
  11. If they do nothing or report nothing, does that mean it is/was all legit? I'm not too familiar with the KHSAA investigations, but are any/all of them posted publicly on their site or where do you find their final rulings?
  12. Ah, man, was hoping someone could interpret all that for us "non-lawyers"...but I did see in there a lot of "after enrollment in Grade 9" so seems it wouldn't apply...unless i overlooked something...
  13. Most of you are assuming that it isn't on the up-and-up...everyone is jumping to conclusions on here and how many of us all have the facts?
  14. I am in no position to know what are facts or hearsay on here...and I do not know the rules on in-season transfers and filings with the KHSAA. I trust GRC has looked into the matter (or maybe the KHSAA has ruled on it already and no one on BGP knows the facts) and know they are playing an eligible player....maybe the father took the Toyota job three months ago and filed with the KHSAA on the player transfer and then now they have the approval decision. Do they require a non-Bath County address (and do they have one)...seems like a lot of ticked-off opinions being posted and not facts....if GRC plays an ineligible player...shame on them....if BGP nation opines hearsay and opinions....then shame on you. I dont know anyone within the KHSAA so I can't post any facts... Going back to the bad call...I'd have to see it. Five times a game, I hear from the bleachers, fans from opposing teams say "that was a foul....." and "that wasn't a foul....".....talking about the same play. Who on here can take off their Blue-glasses or Red-glasses or Green-glasses (insert your team's color) and give an honest opinion of the play. Whether you are 4 feet from the basket or 50 feet, the players have to be smart enough to understand a situation. I understand that that type of contact may have been going on all game down in the paint. But a foul in the second quarter is still a foul with one second left.....I guess just glad this was a regular season game and not the districts or regional.
  15. On the player eligibility, how many of these posts are based on the facts versus an "opinion" on another school getting an advantage by adding another player? Maybe the father has been trying for some time to get another job and everything just happpend at this time? Back to the bad call....during the course of a game, I agree they let a lot of contact go uncalled...i call it having to be strong with the ball but as long as it's consistent on both sides. But, I have always felt that a defensive player contesting a end-of-quarter heave had better be very sure of not making contact...a foul is a foul and it is a very costly foul if called. Why contest a heave that closely under the situation? Would like to see video of it as well to make an unbiased opinion as well, but i also feel it is so much easier to ref a game sitting 20-ft off the court than it is to get the best view of a play/situaiton from on the court.
  16. HC has had a tremendous month. Not sure this is the time of year to air out your laundry for this team or coach. Maybe not a good scheduling move to have ND and a huge district seeding game for your senior night. I agree with you that I have typically seen a coach start his seniors on senior night, that is a nice and rewarding gesture for your seniors...
  17. Score might not be 100% accurate...going off a memory. Coach Fookes demands and gets 100% from her players....if you don't then you won't play. Love the all-out effort and hustle they display. Number 21 (Sadie Moore?) is all over the court and had a very nice game really taking to Brossart (going inside and going past the guards)...outhustling everyone for rebounds... Not much else to really say on this one...Lady Stangs must regroup and really get focused to play with way more intensity and hustle. No excuse for not putting out a good effort.
  18. Thanks, dg21....as i mentioned i wasn't sure how to take it...missed the other thread you might be referring to. Your crowds down there are electric....not many games i go to where it is that loud with a 50 pt lead. Only thing I could hear was a brief exchange between some parents and the grandparents during the second half when we were close to getting it under 40....but it was brief. The score didn't bother me...if we consider ourselves a talented team, it's not fun being on that end of a beatdown...but from starters to reserves they have to see that type of speed and aggressiveness to see where we are falling short. Guess we just didn't like having salt rubbed in the wounds from a couple overzealous fans....but that's everywhere. As I mentioned, the Bulldogs are for real.
  19. dg21....not sure how to take you on that....i know every school has their set of a few parents that are not a good representation of the base, but I find it ridiculous that the set of Holmes grandparents behind the table has to be heard on every call...no-call...even after being up 40 at half. The Bulldogs are the real deal...extremely quick and aggressive. I wouldn't want the opponent to stop playing, we need to see what we need to work on and how to handle situations...the reserves need to see that type of varsity speed too...i want the teams to play for 32 minutes. But for everyone to be screaming and carrying on like this was a two-pt game in the regional final....during the 4th quarter....i dont know....guess that's not me. People need to be video-taped to see how they act. The community likes your Bulldogs.... I like your Bulldogs...they are good....but.... Congratulations....you won a January basketball game.
  20. I agree with you, Opie. I do think this will be a competitive and close game... In the first two games, King kept Brossart alive and Schultz took over the 4th quarter and down the stretch to close out the games.
  21. Cummins will have a nice game....get her 20-25 points. Brossart will have an answer to shut down the team...it's a 32-minute game. Would be nice to avoid the early game sluggishness that has been displayed their first two games, but I don't see the Lady Bears having an answer for Schultz, Shannon and King. They've been tested in their two games so far and have responded with nice second halves. I look for the Lady Stangs to pull away at the end....57-49.
  22. Ally Mayhaus sat out for HC; Sydney Shannon sat out for Brossart. Emily Schultz with huge game for Brossart....30 points and 14-for-14 from foul line. Brossart built close to 13-pt lead in second half before HC chipped away with some big 3's and Brossart missed a few FT's in 4th quarter....think HC cut it to 3 with a little less than a minute remaining. Deja Turner had very nice game as well with 24 points for HC.
  23. i don't care to hear any stats with a score/game like this. No reason for scores like this in high school...
  24. You stand by your coach...i'll stand by mine. He didn't see the bench was cleared and was giving instructions to his players. Don't read too much into it. I don't like watching keep-a-way in the last minute either...put in the subs and give them their opportunity to score and get their names in the paper. Could he have called a timeout with 45 seconds left and sub'd in....possibly....but i dont think it's that big of a deal.
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