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Everything posted by TexasRanger

  1. To me this is nothing more then criminals and thugs that need to be arrested sent away for a few years. These are the clowns that are terrorizing this area on a daily basis.
  2. Very disturbing article about last night's riots, described how protesters where stopping cars and trying to pull all white people from their cars and beat them up. This needs to get cleaned up real quick before innocent people get killed.
  3. Reporting now that the 4 businesses that where burned down were all in some kind of conflict with the black community. This is getting crazier by the minute.
  4. It looks like their suspicions were correct. Sounds like the guy had a lengthy record, I'm guessing his and cops paths have crossed a few times.
  5. It sounds like there was a call to violence via social media last night. I would like to see police go after these folks calling for violence via social media. Nine shootings recently in this area, it sounds like a rough place.
  6. The car was pulled over because it was a "suspicious" vehicle. I'm not sure what made it suspicious. Not sure if they knew the guy. From reports the area has a very high crime rate.
  7. Officer was wearing a body camera, this should shed some light on the shooting. Property damage and random gun shots. Milwaukee Crowd Turns Violent After Police Fatally Shoot Armed Man - NBC News
  8. If this is the fired cops, this won't gain much traction in the media.
  9. Yeah, but those two dudes ain't jumping out of any planes, their good ole fashion mules.
  10. That's just their luggage on their back, they forgot something at home so they climbed down and we're going home to get something. FTN, can you imagine the drugs coming across that boarder that make their way to our largest cities?
  11. Very unfortunate story. A lot of confusion from both sides. The police are taking responsibility, so I'm guessing this check will come very quickly. My only concern is the writer using this death to grind his ax on the police equipment. Batmobile??? I'm guessing he wants them to roll into Compton on ten speeds.
  12. What happened with blm and naacp? I didn't see anything on our news.
  13. If the left wing media wasent in a full court press to stop Trump, this shooting would be 24/7. This shooting would be the lead story on cnn and cnbc. It's all about their agenda.
  14. Totally disagree Clyde, you, me and everyone on this board get played my the media. It's gotten worse over the last couple years.
  15. Deuce, this is what I've been preaching the last couple years. If you want to be a journalist write/report about events in an unbiased opinion. If you can't do that your not a journalist.
  16. Thats kind of where I'm at. Not seeing the whole chase makes it hard also. If the car was driving crazy thru residential streets posing a threat to the public, I'm ok with stopping the car. The backyard is were I'm not sure where to stand. If he was running away then I would think the officers are in some trouble, if the guy attacked the officer I get it.
  17. I've built a few homes/buildings , it can be extremely rewarding and extremely frustrating. Worked with some great contractors/companies and worked with some that I never want to see again. If a contractor did everything to spec and Trump didn't pay them, he should be grilled on this. If they didn't live up to their end then we should grill them. There's good and bad contractors out there, I'd guess Trump has ran into his share of losers in his long build career.
  18. IN the past 2 days cnn and nbc backed off a 100% bash Trump, by mixing in a few news stories and allowing positive Trump news. With HRC up 10% I'm guessing they moderated the coverage to not lose their entire viewer base.
  19. Coming from winchester McDonald's that's a quick trip. Depending on the time that exit can be very busy or next to no traffic. I'm no detective but you would think the guy would dump the other body close to a highway similar to this exit. Rual exit, with little to no lighting. Glad the family can have some closure.
  20. I think I read on here a few months that someone predicted this.
  21. Speaker of house should win easily, McCain was in a battle way before Trump showed up.
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