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Everything posted by TexasRanger

  1. This is nolonger a GRC / MoCo cakewalk into the region like its been the last 5 or 10 years. Paris will be a tough out come march and coach Sosbey proved he can coach a little bit. I would give paris an moco the edge today but come march grc should be in the hunt an you never know what BC might have after last year.
  2. Was there a close 2nd or 3rd option for mason? Or was Buddy the pick from the start? Was there a popular choice that the mason locals wanted?
  3. Sorry goldie I missed your post and had already submitted mine. Jones will have to fit into what they want and need him to do. "As the world turns hs edition"
  4. I have been told Jones is nolonger with GRC he has now flipped back to MoCo. I know he was injured some last year but from the stands it didn't look like he was playing as much as I would have thought. With this transfer MoCo would have to be no less than the top 4.
  5. Of course she won't. But in this crazy world we live in someone might try. That lady was my mom. If you are over 45 she probably was your mom to. It was the only thing I saw on tv that made sense to me.
  6. Local people are saying the looters dont live here. Lol. The tv reporters are saying just the opposite.
  7. They are running into a mall and stealing everything they can carry. Swarming like bees, car after car pulling up and people running in to steal. Bussiness that support these communities are being robbed by the same hands that they feed. Turn your tv on america , this is what we have become.
  8. This is really sad. People stealing and destroying without any fear of being arrested. Not sure how you can twist it but the mayor might have said the stupidest thing I've ever heard from an elected offical. Not a good day for police across the country after this mess.
  9. He started the build at bourbon and should have been left alone to finish it. BoCo was very down before he showed up. Bath landed a very solid coach. Some nice talent in the younger grades. I to look for them to get back in contention for district titles very soon.
  10. Totally agree with the judge on this. Somewhere along the way educators(not all) have lost their true purpose. Educate our children!!! Getting a kid ready for life based on a test is a joke. It takes a village to raise a child.
  11. There really is no shame in any of this for this kid. As I've said before naia is no joke. Getting a free education and getting to play early in your career is nothing but a positive. Find the best fit no matter what league you play in is the most important thing in this process. I'm going to guess the new coach at Nky will try to jump start the program via juco transfers. Had they hired me that would have been my plan.
  12. I really like this. Tighten up the cracks so the truely needed are covered and let this thing roll out across other states. As a country these are the type of things we have to try. If not we are clearly headed down the wrong path.
  13. I'm disappointed some adults let this play on like this. The losers are the kids involved. This should have never been reported in this manner.
  14. I'm very impressed with the Scott family and their lawyer. I can't imagine what would come out of my mouth when that tv camera clicks on. Extremely difficult situation and they are showing unbelievable class.
  15. Brian miller has a lot support on the street. Not sure if he is interested or if he has teaching certificate. I think Hinson should at least get an interview If he applies. Jason Holland would be a great choice. Im just not sure he would want to go thru the whole house buying, family moving thing after what the adminstration at Montgomery did to him. (sad)
  16. The officer needs to man up an plead guilty. Thats murder in that ally or in this hollar, kinda simple. Im curious if this area has had cop issues in the past? The guys in the press conferences seem devastated about what has happened.
  17. Travel the hollars an country a lot. White people dont call each other redneck. If someone does their usually referencing a jeff foxworthy joke. Silly comparison to the N word.
  18. Foul calls are hard to argue. But the bucket WI got in the first half were the player did not establish himself coming from out of bounds to in bounds was a bad missed call and the shot clock violation in the 2nd half was also bad. I was suprised a crew of this level missed those two.
  19. If you got bills to be paid and mouths to feed you can't tell me some cops aren't thinking twice about certain situations. I'm not saying its right but you will do what it takes to care for your family. I'm not sure what the percentage would be but I'm thinking it would be higher than many would think. Every cop I know is not like dirty harry.
  20. When you let a team take off 45 seconds each offensive possession an you have the better players you are setting yourself up for failure. You could see CC players gaining confidence as the game went on. KC was able to speed them up using half court traps in the 2nd half on several possesions but pulled it off after getting a small lead. KC lost a similar game like this to Oldham co a few years ago at state. I think this game only got into the 30's. Slowing down the game doesn't always equal a win.
  21. I really think ever kid wanting to play at the d1 level needs to go to 3 or 4 naia games before they start taking unofficial visits. Many d1 rejects fill these rosters. I think people would be suprised at how many d1 players current an former would NOT dominant an naia game.
  22. How tall Is he an what position would he play at the next level?
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