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Everything posted by TexasRanger

  1. Legalize pot and half the prsions empty saving millions. All the DEA fly overs thru out the country end saving millions. The court systems instantly become unclogged saving millions. And pot becomes cheaper than a dozen ears of sweet corn.
  2. Ok, All Tell post the answer!!! We had this same discussion in my house last week. We came up with this. The SC murders occurred to deeply religious family's. Thus it was not in their beliefs to riot, retaliate or cause any civil unrest. Comparing the Ferguson event to the SC event for me is just the opposite to what happened. Had I been related to the people in SC I would be in the middle of the riots and mayhem. Had I been related to the Ferguson people I would have stayed in my house.
  3. That was some of the best tv of my lifetime. The characters on all these shows have stuck with me for a lifetime. Its really different to watch them now as an adult. Goodtimes an Kid-Dyno-mite was as good as it got for me. Dang I miss those days... lol
  4. No, please continue. I appreciate your input. Worked with a guy for a couple years who struggled with being gay or not being gay. Great guy, felt sorry for him and what he was going thru. Question, worked with another guy who fathered a child. Got divorced and was 100% gay from then on. I could never ask him, but why an how if you were 100% gay did this happen. Was the marriage just a smoke screen? Was he trying to fight being gay so bad that he forced himself to have a heterosexual relationship?
  5. If it comes to this Im moving to the Anbar province, I'll take my chances there.
  6. Color me shocked. Allen gets a job in same school district as his last gig and Red Hutchinson can't. What am I missing?
  7. I've watched sheriff Clarke several times on cable news and was nothing but impressed. Comes across as totally in charge and a man with a plan. Check out his interviews via google. I think you will come away impressed.
  8. Or get in your car, drive to Baltimore and start your own pipeline.
  9. It seems like more innocent people get cought up in random violent crime then 30 years ago. I just dont remember random college kids getting killed during petty robberies, car jackings ect ect. I'm talking about the lack of respect for human life by the criminals that roam our streets. I don't have stats to back that up, it just seems more frequent than 30 years ago. I know we live in a 24 hour news cycle and that does play into it some but not all.
  10. I had mentioned this in an earlier thread. This group is just about done. Organized white hate groups are very small in America compared to the 50's and 60's. Im guessing this was the same group that came to Morehead a few weeks ago.
  11. People today just don't value other lives like they did 30 years ago. These guys would have shot anyone and everyone stepping out of that police car. Random violent crime is happening more and more these days. You really have to be aware of your surroundings at all times.
  12. I would vote for another black president in a second. My issues with Obama's policys has nothing to do with him being black. I had real high hopes for Colin Powell but that didnt work out. Outside of some really good sports commentators the black community lacks a good up and coming voice that could reach all races in America. Ben Carson isn't that guy.
  13. ^^^^ I just don't see this happening. Cordia is not missing a beat due to the sanctions.
  14. Thanks Rick. This sounds like a quailty job based on current talent and future talent. I'm more curious now why he is nolonger there. Doesn't sound like a team I would want to walk away from.
  15. PCC has to be the favorite in the 14th today. But Cordia is not far behind and getting better every day.
  16. How does BC stack up next year and the following 3 years in the 10th region? I'm talking region not all "A" predictions.
  17. Gezzzz this is nothing but bad dancing and 2 bad polish actors from parma. Lighten up folks..
  18. The last 2 coaches ran out of MoCo were both ran out by parent's (same family) who were connected with/to key school administrators who could get the ball rolling to get these coaches dismissed. The reasons and smoke screens to dismiss these coaches used by those involved was comical at best. Both firings benefited the children of the complaining parents. Once this cycle starts its extremely hard to stop. Other parents quickly see whats happening and they to bring their axes to grind. For the BC coach to win that many games and last this long he has actually done very well imo. The average year expectancy for a coach is shrinking each year.
  19. Individual want-ta-be's are here like the two that attacked the Mohammad cartoon contest in Texas. Those two clearly picked the wrong state. Everyone needs to remain vigilant at all times.
  20. Can a school legally give out someone's yearly review scores to a potential employer of a past employee? I was always under the impression it only "start date" and "end date". Anymore than that and you risk legal action against you.
  21. Brian Littleton can flat out coach and is a very good teacher of the game. Played against his teams many times and they were always well coached and played with a purpose. I giggle reading about how good some high school coaches are. They are only as good as the players they are handed by guys like Brian. Show me a successful high school program and i'll bet there are some Brian's roaming the sidelines on Saturday and Sunday mornings during the summer.
  22. The prosecutor has to be holding a full house of evidence to say the things she said in her press conference. Playing to the riot/protesters the way she did leads me to believe this. If not she will be doing a lot of divorce, real estate, and estate law in the future. Based on what I have heard, I would be very suprised if she can flip these Officers to rat on one another.
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