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Everything posted by Rhino859

  1. Sounds to me like the 21 points scored against DeSales was a result of a pretty balanced team effort. Not all points have to be scored by the offense for it to be a good win.
  2. There is nothing wrong with having a good team, and being very proud of them.. There is however, something wrong with putting down every other in this manner. I don't think SK has detractors, I believe people are getting tired of hearing it from some people. Simon Kenton is good, they have a perfect record thus far, that does not mean it is okay to downgrade every opponent to the extent of calling them "cupcakes" over and over again. I have no personal rooting interest in this game, but for the simple fact I listed above, I will be pulling for Ryle to absolutely dominate this game.
  3. Is this directed towards me? If so I'm a little confused as to what you mean?
  4. Ryle will be the toughest team that SK has played thus far this season. Why do you insist on repeatedly bashing this team, or whatever team SK plays, could play, or for that matter any team whether SK plays them or not? Remember these are high school kids, they cannot control who is on their schedule. It's a little extreme to continue to call them cupcakes. I think you are single handedly the reason why Ryle has so many votes to win in this poll. It's not because people don't like SK, or are huge Ryle fans, it's because they want to feed you your words..
  5. That would be a good idea.. My point is you are making some pretty bold predictions about SK this year, and I think your predictions may be "writing checks, that the team can't cash".. If SK really does play Scott Co the final game of this season, we will see how good they are, and if they are ready for the playoffs with the "big boys" as some have called them.
  6. New Cath almost did beat SK. If Sk was on the level of the traditional 6A powers, they would have steamrolled New Cath. Not beat them by 8.
  7. We'll find out who 5A belongs to in the coming weeks.. Cooper has been playing well, they could be the "surprise" team on the up note. I don't think many thought that Boone would open the season 0-5 either.
  8. I feel like a good coaching staff is going to have just about the same idea of what their opponent is going to do regardless of hiding plays, formations, etc. Personally I think it's silly to limit your offense, or defense in non district games. It is my belief that a team should use all of their weapons, all the time so they have those formations, and plays down to a science when it matters. If your team is good enough, it shouldnt matter if the opponent knows what plays you could potentially run out of a certain formation, because although they may have an idea, they still aren't going to know for certain. 90% of offensive plays, if executed correctly, are designed to score, so if the defense has an idea of what may be coming, you still have to execute the play. Many times, a team can run 4 or 5 different plays out of the same or similar formations. So showing all of your formations, doesn't really mean your showing everything. I hope that makes sense.. So to answer the question, I am in favor of the "were running in right here, I dare you to stop us" school of thought. Im in favor of putting it all out there, and mastering everyting for when it really matters. Although I think it's always a good idea to have one or two "tricks" up your sleeve, just in case
  9. Going 10-0 is a great accomplishment, it's only week 6.. Going 10-1 is awful.. I do not think SK has played enough competition this year to get them ready for 6A play. They are a good team, and it is possible they go 10-0, doubtful, but possible. I do not see them making it past the first or second round of the playoffs. And I think you posted earlier in the thread they will upset X or Trinity this year? That will not happen, Didn't SK scrimmage X pre-season, and it was something like 60-0? And I know what you're going to say "It was a scrimmage, and scrimmages don't matter.." a 60-0 blowout always matters, SK is not up to par with the big Louisville schools.. Nobody in NKY 6A is for that matter.
  10. Now that is just crazy talk. SK does have a 5-0 record, and that's great.. But let's not get carried away.
  11. Shows incredible focus and hands here. All while still moving down field. Impressive.
  12. I hope, with everything I have, that Ryle wins.. It would be an early Christmas present for me, and it's not because I am a Ryle fan, or because I dislike SK.
  13. Good points made, also, Scott is a much improved team from years past. I'll revise my Prediction, and say Cooper wins.. But not by alot.
  14. If the same Conner team shows up, that showed up in the second half against CC, I expect this one to be ugly. I agree with Clyde 40+ points being scored.
  15. I wonder if either coaching staff has "black flagged" this crew? Coaches can do that in high school, correct?
  16. Absolutely, I said before they stepped up huge, and showed a ton of heart. I don't think they gave up a first down in the 4th quarter.
  17. Possibly had over 200 total yards.. But a member of BGP predicted him to RUN for 200. That did not happen
  18. I do not think he had the 200 yard rushing game as predicted..
  19. Kid has a busy schedule. Im guessing, the dead period is the only time a year he gets a break..
  20. He is a three sport athlete at Conner, and from what I understand, and very good student as well. Glad to see him getting into the mix the past two weeks, he works hard, and has earned it
  21. They are in street clothes, they don't wear the stripes unless they are needed.. I know im not crazy and just making this up off the top of my head. Like I said before, maybe its only in playoff games. I could be mistaken, and mixing college and high school rules together, I have the tendency to do that from time to time..
  22. It was my understanding, that they are a part of the crew, standing on the sidelines, taking notes on the game, questionable calls etc.. More like a supervisor than a sub, but if they are needed, they are qualified to enter a game and officiate. Maybe this is only for playoff games? Either way, having a shorthanded officiating crew, like i said before, is no excuse for the officials not knowing what is going on around them.
  23. So there are only substitute officials at some games? How do they determine which games have a sub? Give a little more description when discounting a point, other than "Not True!"
  24. Why is there SK Vs Holmes talk in the Ryle Vs DeSales thread? Confusing..
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