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Everything posted by Rhino859

  1. Conner is averaging 44 PPG not 30.. And like I said earlier, Cooper has not played anyone with the offensive fire power that Conner has, so their 7 PPG state line is probabl going to take a hit this week. With that out of the way, I really hate when people talk numbers, becasue what has happened in the past really doesn't matter. The game friday night could be a 3-0 defensive struggle, or it could be 55-67.. Only time will tell.
  2. My favorite is "We thank God.. And Ditka for all they have given us" Or "Da bulls 402.. New York 1" And the classic "Who would win? Ditka or a hurricane?"... "Ditka." "But what if it was Hurricane Ditka".. Hilarious..
  3. I am not playing the "numbers game" I could care less about what the numbers say. Others were stating numbers, so I threw in facts on the topic. You are correct, it comes down to the matchups, and Cooper has not played a team that has an offense anywhere near as potent and explosive as Conner's. I doubt very seriously that they are able to keep their 'only giving up an average of 7 points per game' stat alive this week. Conner is going to score points, probably quite a few of them, and I don't think Cooper can keep up offensively with the Cougars.
  4. You must be clear when explaining.. UK#1Fan they are saying you are a "Simon Kenton Super Fan" like the guys in this video from Saturday Night Live are "Chicago Super Fans" They aren't making fun of Simon Kenton. It's funny The best of Da Super Fans on SNL - YouTube
  5. I must admit, this thread has gotten hilarious.
  6. You are correct, however, my point in response to Mr. Sixer's post was that Conner scores more points per game than Cooper, and Cooper is scoring, on average, almost the exact amount of points per game that Conner has allowed. Do you see where I'm going with this? What I'm trying to say here is that although Cooper is 6-0 at the moment, they have not shown me that they are capable of scoring with Conner. This game may be a shootout, and if that is the case, I question Cooper's ability to keep up. Conner gives up 32.8 PPG (to be exact), Cooper scores 32.6 (to be exact)..
  7. What's wrong with the good old fashioned coin toss from the Friday Night Light's movie lol
  8. Cooper averages scoring 33 pts per game, that is correct. Conner averages 44 points per game. By my calculations, Conner scores more than Cooper. Conner may give up a lot of points, an average of 32 points per game this season, but again by my calculations, they score more than they give up. And when it comes down to it, that really is all that matters, right? As long as you outscore your opponent when the clock reads 0:00 does it really matter? No.
  9. I think that the majority of people feel like that if any team, in any sport gets beat by a lower seeded team in a playoff situation, it would be considered "laying an egg" its an expression, don't get too bent out of shape about it. Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Epic using Forum Runner
  10. I don't see that as arrogance, it's one persons honest opinion, and it has clearly hurt your feelings. Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Epic using Forum Runner
  11. Did hell just freeze over? I'm going to church right now.. The world may be ending Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Epic using Forum Runner
  12. National rankings? Don't get ahead of yourself on this one.. I don't think RE comes off as arrogant, or as one who "bashes" anyone. He is one of the intelligent posters on the site who uses information and reason in his posts. Your post is far more aggressive and arrogant than any that I have read from RE. Friday night will be a great game. There will be points scored, a lot I have a feeling. I think the better conditioned team has the edge, because this one could turn into a track meet. I'm sure both team's players want the victory just as bad as the other. From reading the edginess in some of these posts, is it possible some parents are living vicariously through their sons, and getting a little too worked up over other's postings? Like someone mentioned before, the players will answer all questions come Friday night. Sit back and enjoy the show, because it's going to be a good one. I'm sticking with my previous prediction, Conner wins this one 42-35 Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Epic using Forum Runner
  13. He was talking about the playoffs Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Epic using Forum Runner
  14. Or one who can follow the instructions " Don't kick it to him" Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Epic using Forum Runner
  15. I haven't seen Cooper play, so I can't speak for them. However I have seen conner play several times, and I can say their return team is dynamic, as we saw Friday night when Fogle took a kick off back for a touchdown of 85 yards completely untouched. The other return man they have, Andrew Way, although not as explosive as Fogle, is more than capable of doing the exact same thing. Fogle is also Conner's punter and he is capable of 50+ yard punts. Conner has a place kicker with a huge leg and is also very accurate. I have seen him kick 40+ yarders with ease during warm ups. Special teams could play a big role this Friday. Excellent point Cardinals Fan. Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Epic using Forum Runner
  16. This too is starting to get old.. You need some new material.
  17. Couldn't agree with you more.. It's getting old. Back to the topic at hand, Boone had a good offensive showing last week against Dixie while the Ryle offense continued to struggle. I predict Boone wins 21-14
  18. I don't think a single person in their right mind would ever compare the two. Barker is far and away a better QB than the other mentioned here. One has made a name for himself, the other however, got the attention from the name made by his father.
  19. I don't think either Cooper or Conner has a roster of 90 kids. My guess would be 60 at the most. Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Epic using Forum Runner
  20. That is my question as well. All I have heard is how good Cooper is, but they are very thin. Will the Cooper defense be able to run with the skill players for Conner all 4 quarters with so many playing both ways? I don't think many conner players play both sides of the ball The ones that do are frequently subbed in and out so they stay fresh. Should be an interesting match up, and a very good game. I predict a Conner victory in a shootout. Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Epic using Forum Runner
  21. Yes you make perfect sense.. And I was just asking more or less how is the young man handling the pressure. Maybe hype was the wrong word, pressure probably seems more fitting. I have just seen some things this year that I didn't see out of him last year. Could be that the season is still relatively early, and kinks are still being worked out.. The entire conner team is feeling this pressure, with all of the talks this preseason. I think as a team they all need to just take a deep breath, relax, and just do what comes natural. They will be okay in hebron. Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Epic using Forum Runner
  22. Every reply to my question has put words in my mouth.. Did I say I questioned his effort? Nope. Let me get to it before someone else points it out.. I said he isn't running with the same toughness.. I.E. Not lowering the boom, like he did last year. I never said he wasn't giving effort... Go back and read my posts. Everyone in reply is trying to turn it into some sort of bashing of Barker, this is not the case. Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Epic using Forum Runner
  23. 1st I did not say he is awful.. Open your eyes and read 2nd I placed a question mark behind the 7 indicating I was unsure, again open your eyes and read. 3rd I stated a few times, my question was not based on numbers, it was based on me seeing a difference in his play from this year and last. Not sure why so many are offended by a simple question as to how a 16 year old kid is handling the pressure that's being put on him. Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Epic using Forum Runner
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