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Everything posted by Rhino859

  1. Now just think about how many more they would have put up with #22 on the field..
  2. This is the game that has taken the place of the KY vs TN game, correct? Congrats to Cameron, this is a nice honor. I read on twitter today that he is visiting WKU this weekend. Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Epic using Forum Runner
  3. I cannot believe that this has gotten so much publicity. I kind of feel sorry for that kid. Not because he was yelled at in front of the team, or had to run extra sprints, but because his dad took this nonsense to the paper, and it's been on the news. Poor kid will probably never step foot on the field again because his dad is a baby Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Epic using Forum Runner
  4. DD you are correct. By rule a player is only permitted to wear a plain white towel. Now some may take the following the wrong way, I am all for supporting cancer research, but I think the wearing of Pink in sports has gotten out of hand. Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Epic using Forum Runner
  5. Same prediction as last week. Starters are done at or before halftime. Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Epic using Forum Runner
  6. Last I heard Scott was winning.. That would really throw a wrench into the 5A playoff picture Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Epic using Forum Runner
  7. I DIDNT BRING IT UP.. There are several other posts in this thread poking fun at the "tunnel gate" and "spy gate" crap.. It's childish, all around. If you are so certain that it did not happen, than you should know it in your heart and be done with it. No need to "refute" it everytime it gets brought up. That is just like two kids on the playground arguing "Na Uh" "Ya Huh" "Na Uh" Ya Huh" you see my point? It's he said she said garbage that will never be proven either way.. It's over and done with.
  8. May have not been a coach, could have been a representative of the school, a coaches buddy, etc.. The point is, it happened three months ago.. Drop it already.
  9. I wonder if anyone has taken the time to think "Hey, maybe Conner told the broadcast crew they didn't have permission, and they went ahead and did it anyway." Nooooo. Nobody would take the time to think that, it's Conner who is in the wrong, it's a little ridiculious that this thread has 4 pages worth of posts in it, pretty much all saying how Conner should have done this, Conner should have done that.. blah blah blah.. And those who keep bringing things up from the past (1-the tunnel thing, which was and will always be a punk move by the schools who did it. They know it, Conner coaches, fans and players know it. 2-The coach from an opponent's school sitting in his car at practice), that have been beaten into the ground over and over again, should probably either 1.) get a new hobby or two 2.) find some other way to satisfy their childish needs, like maybe go push someone down on the playground.. What are we, in third grade? I think that is the functioning level of many posters on here. It's comical.
  10. Coaches filming a game for learning/coaching purposes is completely different than a broadcast team filming to stream to the Internet, or whatever they planned on doing. I'm sure there was no problem with Ryle filming for coaching purposes. The issue comes when a broadcast team sets up without permission. Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Epic using Forum Runner
  11. I think C.C. will pull this one out. As long as the weather holds up, and the field is not sloppy, I think they will win by 2 scores or more. With a sloppy field, you never know what may happen i.e. fumbles, INT's, etc. Either way, I see C.C. winning. Their QB is a load, tough runner. The only shot Ryle has to stop him, is to get him running east and west. Once he puts his foot in the ground, and gets north and south, he's hard to bring down.
  12. Considering Grant Co recently lost to Scott 55-0 Im going to step out on a limb and say Conner's starters are done at half time. Conner wins big, by whatever point margin Coach Trosper deems appropriate.
  13. You're nuts.. I swear I think people watch games with blinders on.. Cooper did not run out of the endzone.. They walked down their sidelines, across the goal line, toward Conner's sidelines, and then down the conner sideline, then ran towards their sidelines FROM THE CONNER SIDELINE.. That is not running out of the endzone. Sure, lets launch a multi million dollar construction project to build a new visitor's locker room, or move the field? That is just ridiculious.. Like I said before, in 10+ years of watching Conner games, I have NEVER seen an opposing team pull a stunt like cooper and ryle did the past two weeks.
  14. You guys wouldn't know, because it was your teams that did it.. You see nothing wrong with bush league if your guys are the ones doing it. Just like hellbird accused Conner of being classless last week when they didn't kneel down when one of the cooper players was cramping on the field, if it were reversed, and a Conner player was down, and cooper didn't kneel, the topic would not have been brought up.. We need to get over ourselves? Good one. It really doesn't matter in the end really because both ryle and cooper lost.
  15. I understand that the visitor's locker room is at the same end of the field that Conner comes out of.. For years, and I mean years (10+) of watching games at Connr High School, I have never seen a team do what Cooper did last week, and what Ryle did last night. They came to the Conner side lines, i'm talking sidelines, within 15 feet of the conner players and have their little banner held by the cheerleaders to run through. Teams are to come out of seperate sides of the field, or if they must run out of the same endzone, the opposing team can stay on their side of the field and run out. There is zero reason to come to the other sidelines other than to try to make some sort of point. In my opinion, it's a very unsportsmanlike move, and shouldn't be tolerated.. Well, I guess it wasn't tolerated, becasue both teams that did it got beat. I'll say this, in my playing days, if a team would have pulled a stunt like that, there's no question that there would be flags thrown before the game started.
  16. If I am not mistaken, Boone Co. cancelled their freshman game against Conner last week and moved it to saturday because their was a threat of rain (it didn't rain). I don't know, but I think that football games sometimes have to be played under bad field conditions. Personally, I think that soccer games should either be played in the parking lot, or at a public park somewhere, as not to damage the football field, but that my hurt some people's feelings, just my opinion.
  17. Were you at the game? If you were, I am shocked that you couldn't feel it raining at halftime. Also, considering that it rained pretty steadily all week, the field was not completely dry, not even close. I will echo QOP's post, that on a dry field, Conner steamrolls Ryle. I don't have the exact numbers, but I would imagine that Conner did not throw the ball even close to their average per game. The rain, and yes, a wet field throughout the entire game put a damper on Conner's passing game. Ryle has little to no passing game to speak of, so it really had no effect on them. If Conner is able to air the ball out, like they usually do, Ryle doesn't have a shot at staying in the game. The weather conditions greatly helped your Ryle Raiders last night. Just not enough. Also, what's your take on the bush league move that Ryle pulled before the game even started, coming to the Conner sidelines, to run through their little cheerleader tunnel? This is the second week in a row that a team has tried to pull this "intimidation" tatic on the Cougars, and it didn't work either time. I didn't expect Cooper to do it, but I would expect nothing less from the wonderful folks out in Union. Also, your comment about Conner getting the 3rd seed in their district is not correct. As it sits right now, there is a 3 way tie for first between Conner, Cooper, and South Oldham, it is going to come down to a tie breaker formula, which is totally confusing, but that is for a different thread. At worst Conner gets the 2 seed.
  18. This game will be close until the opening kickoff. Conner runs away with this one. Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Epic using Forum Runner
  19. I'm not sure where he went to therapy, but a good physical therapist would be able to get him back to probably 80% in a week. Assuming that the original injury was not as serious as initially thought. Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Epic using Forum Runner
  20. There is a similar thread to this one about Conner's Cameron Fogle. All three players are fantastic, and all deserving. I am curious, what are the "real" requirements for Mr. Football? I agree with those that say it's a lock due to the fact that Quick plays for Trinity, and that is not taking anything away from him, he is a very good player, but he plays one side of the ball. Fogle, plays both sides, punts, return kicks. On offense he has lined up at reciever, slot, and running back. I believe that Timmons also plays both sides of the ball. I was personal witness to the Conner Vs. Franklin Co. playoff game last year, and let me say it was electric seeing both Fogle and Timmons in the same game.
  21. I do not think that Cooper is going to be able to handle South Oldham. They are a little banged up, and if Morris, who is a big part of their team, is out, they are in a world of hurt in my opinion. I hope his knee injury is not serioius, and he makes it back in a week or so. I heard from a Cooper parent that his MRI was being performed last night. South Oldham has a stud at QB, and many playmakers on their offense, With the injuries that Cooper has, both major, and minor, I don't think they will be able to hang Friday night. But that is to be seen, you never know what is going to happen under the lights.
  22. Doubledeuce stated in the first post of the thread that he attended several one day camps, listed three of which he ran 4.4 40 yard dash times. He has been invited to and attended several games, at various schools thus far this season. He made the rounds in the summer, and is making the rounds now, i.e. visiting schools, speaking with coaches, attending their games etc. With the numbers he put up in the summer (the 4.4 second 40 times) paired with his numbers on the field, season to date, I would think some offers are not too far off.
  23. Hate to see things like this happen. From the article, it sounded to me like it may have been a 'non contact' injury, more like a freak acciednt? Am I reading that correctly? I wish him a speedy recovery, and the best of luck at UL.
  24. Exactly what I said earlier. His size is right in line with pretty much everyone at his positions at the D1 level. And the speed is there to go with it. There aren't many true 4.4 guys in NKY, or in KY for that matter. The difference between a 4.6 guy (which is fast by high school standards) and a 4.4 guy is big. Fogle has Saturday afternoon speed and ability. You can clearly see that in his highlights from the first half of this year. Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Epic using Forum Runner
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