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Everything posted by kyyank

  1. Don't count on it. As long as dad's continue to coach Judy and Jane every step of the way, from Little Colonels to Shining Poop Thunder's U18, they will think they know better. Fortunately, they can't touch her track record, High School, College, WNBA.
  2. I give you guys credit for getting it together. Others don't make it or never get it.
  3. Since not from the area, none. However, in constant contact with 3-4 guys from high school, another 2-3 from college. God bless technology, easier to keep up with friends now. Actually had a guy who was an acquaintance from junior high look me up on LinkedIn the other day. The world gets smaller.
  4. The minute you get a girlfriend. Put the joystick down.
  5. Basketball, softball. There is no doubt these people are the worst.
  6. TOG, can you provide a team batting average? I'm sure it's not pretty. It will be CC's demise.
  7. Not a fan of Where have all the good times gone. Love the Kinks live version. Love the Kinks.Ray Davies is a tremendous songwriter. Whether it be older stuff like ShangriLa or 80's stuff like Better Things. The man could write a tune.
  8. So, medical device manufacturers will have a tax on their product. They will pass it along to the consumer. Your company will be charged reinsurance fees, at $64/member, not covered employee. A 4,000 employee company with 8,000 members means $500,000 in increased cost if I understand it correctly (This is to fund the government obligations). These costs will passed along to you in rising premiums. Your deductible may go up, your max OOP may rise, co-insurance or co-pays may increase. People have this misconception that carriers are driving the cost. Utilization and plan design drive costs. Carriers negotiate rates with providers to keep your rates lower. Ever get an EOB that shows the office charge? The poor sap who has no coverage "may" pay full price, but you will most likely not, except if you're dealing with Children s who negotiates with very few. The insurance carriers actuaries are typically on the money with our projected spend. We are a self-funded plan, which means we only pay the carrier an admin fee to use their networks. So, do not lay this on the feet of the carriers. They are doing all they can to provide us with the best options to keep costs down.
  9. Diver Down was lazy, laced with a couple of covers. 1984 introduced the keyboards and ,except for Hot for Teacher, and the guitar sound of the band changed forever.
  10. Ribs are living on past glory. Lemmings. LaRosa's is dreadful. I'd bet you would be able to find it's awful equivalent in Florida no problem. But truly, you're in Florida. With all that seafood at your disposal, why bother with much else?
  11. I work with consultants who tell me that admin costs alone will cost me 3% on our company health care spend...It will get interesting. The freaking unions are finally figuring out that they will not be exempt from the cadillac tax and will see there rich plan diminish. Fortunately, barry will be out of office when that provision takes effect.
  12. Is Hanover scouting these kids? If not, then we are making too big a deal about them.
  13. Ahh. Understood. It's not like MTV is going to come in and shoot a reality show at the school....oh wait.
  14. Now this is where it gets interesting. I'll get some popcorn. How do you make the state runner up coach resign?
  15. Minor has been down there once as a head coach. Why would he come back?
  16. Shows how weak the year was when no starter from the champs could sniff top 12 all time. Not even close.
  17. Agreed and foolish. It, like an MBA, is only as valuable as the one who holds it, no more no less.
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