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Zoot Soup

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Everything posted by Zoot Soup

  1. This isn't Mark Gottfried's Alabama team anymore.
  2. I would have never guessed. He's a good anchor.
  3. 2010. Until tourney time, 2011 was nothing but frustrating. You could tell they had the pieces, but couldn't quite put it together. 2010 romped from the word "go".
  4. I don't know, I think a rail would be pretty smart to run from Louisville to Lexington to Ashland. From Ashland you can hop on Amtrak to the East Coast. The main thing though is making sure it is safe, fast, clean and inexpensive.
  5. He later tweeted that he read the Yahoo story and it "softened" him.
  6. I can completely get on board with not wanting him to get a second chance at UK. I can understand the logic. I'm just wondering if UK fans read an article 9 months ago about what Woods "did" and based our whole perception around half-truth reporting. Much like we get upset when people write crap articles about Calipari, but the public runs with them because they want to believe they're true. maybe we ran with the Woods story because UofL was recruiting him and we wanted it to be true.
  7. Have you read the Yahoo article? Makes it sound like the kid deserves a second shot and that all those initial reports were blown out of proportion.
  8. Bottom line, if you're bringing in a rapper, you'll always be able to find questionable lyrics if you dig deep enough. But Common is not a bad guy for inner-city kids to emulate. A much better pick for that audience than, say, Michael Buble.
  9. I didn't realize he was 23. That's pretty old for a rookie.
  10. So you hate both sides. I guess I'm just trying to figure out if it were up to you, how would things be run?
  11. It would be pretty crappy to announce he's leaving via Twitter.
  12. Will Tweet his decision tomorrow. A positive sign for his return, though nothing set in stone.
  13. We find out today that the code name was Operation Neptune Spear.
  14. It's almost like the anti-Obama crowd are feeling guilty they agreed with/supported Obama for about 36 hours and now they've all swung violently back to the right. :lol:
  15. :lol: The decision was HOW to kill him, not IF. Obama decided between the easy route (drop a bomb on the place), or the difficult choice (send in commandos). Bin Laden had been there for 5 years, so the issue wasn't nearly as time-sensitive as Bush's decision.
  16. Do we want to see the picture as a deterrent to our enemies and confirmation of his death? Or do we want to satisfy our own morbid curiosity? For me, it's just the latter.
  17. Words cannot describe how much I wish Sarah Palin would just got away... "@SarahPalinUSA Show photo as warning to others seeking America's destruction. No (fooling)around, no politicking, no drama;it's part of the mission"
  18. I don't know how anyone can be critical of Bush's leadership in the few days after the attack.
  19. Mendenhall actually provided a thoughful and articulate defense of his point on his blog today (from ESPN)- "This controversial statement was something I said in response to the amount of joy I saw in the event of a murder. I don't believe that this is an issue of politics or American pride; but one of religion, morality, and human ethics," he wrote. After quoting a bible verse, he wrote: "I wasn't questioning Bin Laden's evil acts. I believe that he will have to face God for what he has done. I was reflecting on our own hypocrisy. During 9/11 we watched in horror as parts of the world celebrated death on our soil. Earlier this week, parts of the world watched us in horror celebrating a man's death." He apologized later in the posting and said he was just trying to "generate conversation." "I apologize for the timing as such a sensitive matter, but it was not meant to do harm," he wrote. "I apologize to anyone I unintentionally harmed with anything that I said, or any hurtful interpretation that was made and put in my name. "It was only meant to encourage anyone reading it to think."
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