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Zoot Soup

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Everything posted by Zoot Soup

  1. So what options would you give homosexual couples that want to marry? Or would you just say "tough"?
  2. Just so we're clear here LBBC, do you believe gays should have the right to marry?
  3. There is a difference between having a sister and being physically attracted to your sister. I honestly don't doubt that there are pedophiles who are born with an inclination to be near children. There difference here is that their dispositions are a danger to others.
  4. The problem is that no one really views incest as OK or normal. There are not large groups of folks who claim they were born incestual.
  5. That would be the next progression to your "slippery slope". I'm concerned about children also, but I think having two gay parents is becoming more and more accepted in our society so the stigma will just get smaller and smaller. It only helps to have depictions of this on network TV like on "Modern Family".
  6. Or between humans and animals? Or between humans and inanimate objects? You're over-reaching here.
  7. That's fine. I respect your opinion. While I don't agree with you, you're free to have those beliefs. But you're STILL straying from the main question. Why shouldn't gays be allowed to marry? Sinful people get married all the time. Heck, I was at a wedding this past weekend that didn't mention God once in the ceremony, but managed (not kidding) to work in "nacho cheese" and "Van Wilder". Taking the Bible out of the equation, please tell me why gays shouldn't be allowed to marry.
  8. Ok, regardless if you think it's a choice or not, why can't they get married?
  9. Just started reading "The Future of Power" by Robert Nye.
  10. I don't understand why we got bogged down in scripture when addressing this issue. We wouldn't have a problem with a heterosexual devil-worshipping couple to get married, so why can't gays?
  11. And that's a shame. I recently walked around downtown Maysville and never realized how beautiful and historic is was.
  12. :lol: People do speak their opinions on here and they do make you (and others) mad. You just happen to agree with Savage and that makes him a patriot in your book.
  13. Not going to read the whole thread, just throw my two cents in. Regardless of what the Bible does or doesn't say, we people will be gay. I don't care if you believe its a choice or they're born that way- they do exist. Not allowing them to marry isn't going to make them go away. So, I ask, why won't we let them marry? At this point, it just seems like we're stripping rights away from Americans based on sexual practices.
  14. Impressive we've got 2 pages and the draft doesn't start for another 3 hours.
  15. Kings will get #10 and John Salmons. Bucks get Beno Udrih and #9
  16. It's being said that Charlotte will actually get #7.
  17. I never buy super expensive ones. This one was about $70. A lot of times I'll go on ebay and buy a couple boxes from a few years ago for cheaper. I just wanted this one because it will have the UK guys.
  18. Got a box of 2010-2011 Panini Prestige I'm going to open up. I only buy one box a year and it's to celebrate NBA Draft night.
  19. As for me, I've got a yearly ritual on draft night. I buy wings and a box of basketball cards. I eat and open packs all night.
  20. Draft Express says a big trade is about to go down.
  21. Came out today that he was drunk and driving over 130mph.
  22. Yes. And a big reason is character and aptitude.
  23. Right, but that's not really the issue here. The issue is why he did it.
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