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Zoot Soup

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Everything posted by Zoot Soup

  1. Larry, this is why I like you. You are probably the most outspoken Christian man on this board but you don't get caught up in bickering about this. You keep it simple- Jesus loved everyone, we should love everyone.
  2. Actually good point. Mormons aren't allowed to drink coffee, but do you cry that their oppressed because of their religion?
  3. Just sitting down to watch this now. First, I find it awesomely terrible that Soledad OBrien showed up to the mosque wearing a skirt. :lol: Just a question (for mountain ref and Fastbreak in particular)- do you believe the Muslims in Murfreesboro have a right to build a mosque where they want?
  4. Amazing how these guys always get their accounts hacked moments after breaking news. :lol:
  5. House money at this point. I really don't care win or lose.
  6. Wow. Just wow. That may be the most intolerant and hateful thing I've ever seen written on these boards.
  7. CNN running a piece on Sunday night about Muslims in Murfreesboro, TN. Looks VERY interesting. Excited to watch. Here's a link to the trailer- Muslims Next Door
  8. I think I'd want hugs and kisses from Bob Huggins first.
  9. I'm reminded of a movie. "Mr. Madison, what you've just said... is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul."
  10. Let's be honest- I don't want him to stay because he's good.
  11. The March 2011 violations dealt with giving players' families extra tickets. Dude is going down in a (orange) blaze® of glory.
  12. Can you tell me how Obama should have handled this situation?
  13. So Pearl has had another violation in the last 3 weeks? Talk about kahones.
  14. Tennessee fans better not get too excited about a new coach. Zero chance they can hire someone as good as Pearl.
  15. Because Bahrain isn't using fighter jets to attack their own civilians. I'm not sure you've been following Libya closely...
  16. I don't think anyone is calling us a bully. This operation has pretty broad support throughout the Middle East and shouldn't be confused with our occupation of Iraq or Afghanistan.
  17. What a bunch of homers on this site. :lol: tOSU by 4.
  18. Because the teams, personel, situation, venue, stakes and season were all different.
  19. Glad we won, but I'm not big on this being a "revenge" game. Had this been for a Final Four berth, then maybe. But it was a second round game. They still have the better of us IMO.
  20. You're right. Not only the stats, but he's led Morehead to the tournament two of the past three years. The other time was a loss to Murray in the OVC finals. Not only that, but he led the team in a "Shining Moment" win against the Big East tournament runner-up and in-state rival. These were Morehead's first tournament appearances in nearly 30 years. Yesterday did nothing but solidfy what I already believed.
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