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Zoot Soup

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Everything posted by Zoot Soup

  1. :lol: Right, I just want to know how this went from a thread about abhorrent behavior from a bunch of idiots into "The Tea Party is so unjustly villified!" I just don't understand how a thread like this can be started and it morphs into partisan politics. What this group of protestors did is terrible. It has no place in civil discourse. Condemn it and move on.
  2. Good chance. Especially with a storyline like Faried. I'm betting that they give them a 15 and a shot at the upset. You think BYU wants to draw Morehead?
  3. Or the Rand Paul supporter stomping the head of the Jack Conway supporter in Lexington. We can go on and on. None of this is acceptable behavior.
  4. Yes! This! Just like 9/11 doesn't represent these Muslims or what they stand for!
  5. Near or far, I'd like to hear what you did!
  6. I just want to hear you say that telling a 5 year old Muslim girl to "go back to her country" and calling her a "terrorist" is not right.
  7. It's making me upset that you have the audacity to condone what these people are doing.
  8. That or a shot at the Final Four. That is the question. Sadly, I think I have to say Final Four, but I can see what made the decision hard.
  9. I go back and forth on this. He knew what he was getting himself into when he went to BYU. I'm positive he signed Moral Code paperwork.
  10. How do they know it wasn't immaculate conception? They should let him play pending the results of the paternity test.
  11. Sounds like it's Oregon, but I am always skeptical of what Cowherd says.
  12. Hard to say what his ceiling is since he's only 19, but I think he can develop into a good, but not great, NBA player. Probably starter material, but at least a rotation guy.
  13. At best he's Lamar Odom. At worst he's Eddie Griffin.
  14. Too lazy to bother dribbling...ever. Just moves his feet.
  15. Google BYU message board. Speculation abounds. By State U. standards, it ranges from the average to the hourly occurances. :lol:
  16. For an Honor Code violation. Not sure what that means, but I'm sure it's something the school takes pretty seriously. Maybe drank caffeine?
  17. I'm guessing the UT game will be for a bowl berth.
  18. Don't you know the Iranians were so afraid of Ronald Regan that they surrendered all the hostages so not to face his wrath?!
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