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Zoot Soup

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Everything posted by Zoot Soup

  1. Do me a favor and say "W" out loud, in a normal voice. If you're being honest, it comes out "dubya".
  2. Nice, thanks. Kind of sums it up for the folks who don't follow IR, saw something about protests in Egypt, heard someone mention "Islamic" and "Muslim Brotherhood" in a sentence and freaked out.
  3. The difference here is that Republicans latched on to the term "Barry" and it became something of an insult, at least the way I see it. You'll find few Obama supporters in the general population that call him Barry. "Dubya" is different because it was almost a rallying call from Bush supporters down to the W bumper stickers on cars. Are Obama supporters hypersensitive? Maybe. But it's not so much as what he being called as it is who is calling him it.
  4. C'mon. The most physical team you've seen in years? The same team that has home losses to College of Charleston, Oakland and Southern Cal? Cats bounce back in a big way- UK 81 UT 67
  5. Not mad. Not upset. I think it's because you know UK has the horses to win these games, they have just hit a rough patch. They'll get it together.
  6. There are several places on Limestone that would be good, too. Like Mia's or le Deauville.
  7. Seeing stuff like this made me sick when I think about how much time we spend bickering about if a mosque should be built a couple blocks away from Ground Zero.
  8. Deserves its own thread. Let it be known Muslims have been doing the same for Christians recently. Christians Join Hands
  9. Love that place, but not sure he'd get a second date. It's hard to even get my girlfriend to go there.
  10. The Iranian regime has a much tighter grasp on power. Plus, outside of Tehran, they actually enjoy pretty broad support. So you'll hear them getting restless every few years, but inevitably those protest will be put down by the baseej. Looks like Mubarak has employed a sort of baseej-lite today but to no avail. Egypt is too far gone.
  11. This is far from over. King Abdullah of Jordan basically fired his entire government to keep the same thing happening in Amman.
  12. Out of curiousity, have you anything beneficial to contribute to the conversation about Egypt or Hosni Mubarak?
  13. Of course they do. And Mubarak is always elected with 85%+ of the vote. :lol:
  14. I'm on PS3 now. My tag is diplocat.
  15. Sitaution continues to deteriorate. Can't see a scenario where Mubarak stays in power.
  16. I'm having a flashback to the Steph Curry obsession from a couple years back.
  17. Excellent win for the Cards. Time to put Pitino in the COY discussion?
  18. In a nutshell, perpetually unemployed youths are protesting that their government isn't doing enough to create jobs, is corrupt, and is a human rights abuser.
  19. Kind of shocked there isn't a thread on this already. Though I suppose this website is a little more geared towards local and domestic issues, this is a pretty big deal...
  20. You hear the announcers say all the time- "Drive to the lane and make the refs make the call!" I think officials are trained to let the last few seconds of a tense game be the players, which is good, but in this unique instance a team got hosed because of it.
  21. There's outrage because it wasn't called. Unfortunately ref was in a bad spot either way, but I think he made the wrong call.
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