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Everything posted by UNDERTHEBRIDGE

  1. I could be wrong but I thought I remembered it was Greg Todd who kinda turned down the seeding option for district. Mainly because it forced the girls team to give up five or so games to compete against distict teams that were only so so versus the teams they actually have scheduled year in and year out. Greg Todd is Lex Cath's girl's bball coach and former AD.
  2. What would eliminate those hard feelings if public schools lost on the state level? And im sure they would complain the privates have an easier road to the sweet 16. Lex Cath would bypass all of the 11th region big dawgs and have to play teams like LCA or others for a chance at the sweet 16. Owensboro Catholic would be in a regional tournament with who?
  3. Im confused, if its girls basketball, okay, than private domination has been seen of late, but where in boys basketball has private schools dominated to the point that unfair advantages have been seen?
  4. Im not sure if his scholarship was for football or not. I'd think so. I know he signed at Alabama A&M.
  5. Bummer, I had heard it was pretty certain for torn ACL but had to at least hope maybe it wasn't as bad. Novosel is solid and can fill this hole hopefully, but losing Brown will hurt, at the very least it takes a big guy away and five fouls which can help Catholic's big men stay out of foul trouble.
  6. I was wondering about final score and any notes on game. I talked to my dad briefly but was more interested in discussing UK's game so I didn't get any details on this one. All I did hear is that Catholic's big man Reid Brown went down early and things don't look good. Probably a blown ACL. If so, I hate to hear this for him, the rest of his senior season should be enjoyed, ecspecially after he had just inked w/ Alabama A&M. I hope all is well w/ him.
  7. I don't care for you to agree w/ me or not, in fact oppose me all you want, but when you disagree w/ me I wouldn't mind hearing why. In this case about feeder programs. Obviously its speculation about a potential problem that I felt existed if feeder schools are to be designated ever. I gathered from your comments against me and others that you disagree w/ our belief that designating feeder schools could be met w/ big problems and disagreement. All I'm asking is your opinions. You've derided us the whole time w/o saying much of anything besides problems exist, privates cheat, yada yada yada.
  8. BIGZIG, what loopholes are people trying to jump through in my very real scenario about middle school and high school? Parents are just exercising their right to send their kids to whatever school they determine is best. I highly doubt this private vs. public debate in high school sports represents 70% of parents who think things need changed. Just on here many people who attended a school supporting Prop 20 for instance, were unhappy w/ their school supporting that solution. I've seen many parents of athletes just in Lexington who hate the boycott of Lexington Catholic in regular season play. Yet Ken Cox, Joe Ruddle, and others who speak for public school sports there feel its necessary, should their opinion rule above everyone else's? I agree things may need to be changed but im just stating a reason why the designation of feeder schools could be flawed. You have managed only to say im wrong w/o any explanation of why im wrong. Tell me why you'd like feeder school designation.
  9. While I take it you find me and other private supporters ignorant, I don't see it as simple as you explain and I don't seem alone. Face it, I first asked what info was known about potential feeder school programs, and once given the info as well as reading over a few more comments, I just posted the one thing I hope the KHSAA takes into consideration when making a decision of feeder schools. Switching from public schools to private and vice versa will always happen, it ain't gonna change. Money could get tight, parents dislike high school in their district/county, kid actually doesn't want to go to one high school over another, parent dislikes certain middle school over another, etc. etc. Heck one reason a lot of kids attend public middle schools over private is busing. Most private middle schools don't provide busing and a parent has to drive the kids to school. Not all parents can consistently do this. However, in highschool you may know someone near you who goes to the high school and can drive there, and by sophmore or junior year the child will be driving anyways. Going to a private school isn't as big a problem than. All these scenarios are true ones parents and kids consider in where they go to school. All I and anyone seems to be asking in regards to the subject at hand is why, if some kid is an athlete, should he be penalized because they made the dreaded switch across lines in either direction for reasons above. Heck even if the switch is athletics related (hopefully w/o any type of recruiting) what is the problem? The only thing considered than is if the kid played for a high school team while in middle school and than going into high school makes the switch. Than I agree a year sitting out is warranted. Its than a transfer situation. Yes its speculation but its just something you hope gets considered.
  10. Don't you get it, the problem w/ feeder schools isn't just for private schools. I know plenty of people who attended Mary Queen in Lexington, a private middle school, and yet went to Dunbar or Lafayette in High School and some were good athletes. One guy was all state soccer this year and has competed on Dunbar's team since he was a frosh. Should he be punished because his parents wanted him to go to a Public High School? Yet, if someone like him isn't punished for going from Private to Public, how is it fair to punish someone for going Public to Private?
  11. See, if I understand what your saying correctly, than would that mean kids say in fayette co public middle schools be penalized for two years if they move to a private school? Because if this is the case than the city of Lexington will have problems w/ these defined feeder schools. I know many kids, athletes or not, from Lexington who go to Morton, Beumont, Jesse Clark, etc for middle school due to either school proximity to home, parents saving money for high school and above, or whatever. The parents plan on sending their kids to Lexington Catholic still. If this feeder school plan came into effect, the KHSAA is initially forcing parents to decide well in advance of high school where their children must go to school. If parents are forced to only send their children to private(typically catholic) feeder schools to avoid athletic suspension, than the KHSAA is stealing a person's right to a free education. You can say, well why go public if your always planning on still going private for high school? The reasons though are there and people do this all the time in Lexington. Maybe they don't like the Private middle school in their area, saving money, etc. etc. I just find this a difficult concept. Plus it should work the other way also, I know a good amount of people who went to private middle schools which feed into Lexington Catholic, yet decided to go to Public High Schools. Should they be penalized either?
  12. This game was pretty amazing to watch. The fourth quarter was so high tempo, back and forth w/ each team one upping the other.
  13. Can someone go into detail one time for me about the feeder school deal? A link or own explanation will work, I just am having problems w/ it as I understand it now, and want to make sure my understanding of it is correct.
  14. I knew he played at Wake and did real well but couldn't remember his name for the life of me. Thanks.
  15. Who was the other RB on that team? I remember our scouting report on them that year they had two top RB's, Bush as top reciever, and a solid QB who went down mid year. This was the season Lex Cath mildly upset them on their field in a pretty wicked storm.
  16. The Knights best two big men are Reid Brown and Nathan Novosel. With Reid gone, Novosel will have to be even bigger tonight. Brown is most likely the big strong kid your referring to. Still Novosel is only a sophmore and looking pretty tough down low.
  17. While I don't think the weak district comment directly applied to Franklin Co. this season it still is pretty accurate as an overall assessment, no one has beaten the Knights in district and Harrison has been closest of late. Problem is that few of the teams in the district are consistently good and many are only a season or two of mediocracy before going back down. So while I think this year Franklin Co. has a great chance of pulling off an upset against a team doing a little rebuilding and reshuffling until the district consistently competes w/ the Knights, I find nothing wrong w/ calling it weak.
  18. Im interested to first see who all stays around from the assistant coaches. The recievers coach and running back coach have helped run the offense w/ Sphire for a long time and could probably help at least keep it similar to Sphire's if that is what Coach Letton wants. Its really up to him to decide how he wants to procede from here.
  19. A good point I can't argue since im going by other people's evaluation of the game.
  20. I think a lot of people think Lex Cath was drained from the Scott Co. game when they played Ashland, accounting for a close margin.
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