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Everything posted by UNDERTHEBRIDGE

  1. I'd say Briana Green and Natalie Novosel would give them a run as best teammate duo. I know its not the 16th region but I was just listing a pretty solid teammate duo. Still, I have never gotten to see Rose Hill's stars play but everyone I have ever talked to has given high praise. Lex Cath's fans were impressed.
  2. This week doesn't get better for the Knights looking at their schedule.
  3. Agreed, im not saying there isn't good reason to why there needs to be a change to student seating. Im just saying why it probably wont happen. It can get pretty quiet around our seats during a game.
  4. I've never seen a player more calm and cool even in the most intense moments. Thats boys or girls basketball.
  5. Too difficult to get a whole sideline of seats for students at Rupp. Im in agreement with Hangman. Even if they did decide to do this, what about the fans who already have the sideline seats? My family has had ours since Rupp opened, I don't think we'd be willing to give that up easily.
  6. I'd say Lex Cath's seven losses is a bit misleading. Three of the losses are to teams that have been nationally ranked at some point this year. Four of the losses are to out of state teams. Their in state losses are to Lafayette, Tates Creek, and Male. I'd say this week is gonna be a tough one for the Knights with Mason Co., Tates Creek, and LCA. All on the road.
  7. I was quite impressed by OJ this weekend. That kid was simply the best player out there. He wasn't selfish, passed quite frequently and simply put on a show. I liked how he worked early to get Patterson some nice ally oop dunks on the fastbreaks. Mayo also showed he has a good shot. He was cold early but in the 2nd half missed few of his threes. Patterson was obviously a beast down low but seemed at times to be somewhat non existent. It is very obvious OJ Mayo is the man in Huntington. I also liked their guard #1. He could shoot and also had some nice ups. As for Lex Cath, they actually played well most the game, sadly, they just aren't at the level Huntington is. Novosel played good down low but there was no way he could post up Patterson. Stewart missed a lot of open 10 foot shots that didn't help matters for the Knights. Still, I thought Lex Cath showed that they are a pretty good team. Its sad when they lose by 30 one day and actually played better then when they lost by 4 points just the night before (Lafayette)
  8. It all came down to the LCA press. Catholic kept beating it and LCA kept fouling the Lady Knights on break away layups. Normally with such disparity I'd say the refs were bad but honestly the game was pretty evenly called. I'll also support Coach K's comments about LCA's press. I think it played them out of a win. The entire game their starters were in foul trouble. It wasn't slowing the Lady Knights and in fact seemed to help them get over a poor shooting game. I also heard that the girl who had the seizure w/ three minutes left in the game is doing much better. I've never seen a scarier moment at a sporting event.
  9. I think one player who doesn't get nearly the respect she deserves is Keyla Snowden of Lexington Catholic. I know she is surrounded by some good talent but this girl performs well against some good competition. She wont win Miss Basketball but I definately think she is worthy of a mention for the award.
  10. I didn't assert that they were the best two, but I will say that they easily fit at the top. Despite being only Sophmores last year both girls really helped give Catholic an edge. Both are very versatile as both penetrators, shooters, and Novosel can definately grab some rebounds. The three games I saw this summer (while obviously still summer league ball) impressed me because both girls seemed to have improved a little more. Still, im sure there are others in the state w/ good talent and will be able to play at the same caliber as these two. I just wonder how many teams can bost the 1-2 punch of both girls while still having Keyla Snowden waiting in the wings to hit clutch shots and other versatile players like Kelly Cash who can play center one series and suddenly pop out for threes the next. Lexington Catholic doesn't have great depth, only 7 players may see large amounts of playing time, but the 7 or so that get to play are stocked full of talent.
  11. My greatest was watching Lexington Catholic's high powered team run through the competition the year they took state, in I believe '02. However, watching Barbour's amazing performance two years before was also something amazing to watch.
  12. I saw the Lady Knights in the AAU tourney this summer at the KBA and they were tough. They were without Stevens and her backup in the Center and still cruised throughout. Green and Novosel may be the best two players in the State this year. Snowden is solid and last years sixth man, Kelly Cash will be very dangerous w/ good height and a nice shot from outside. Going into the season this team definately deserves the #1 ranking.
  13. Stevenson was there last year, or he at least wasn't at Lex Cath last year.
  14. Gotcha. I didn't know Mickey was coaching them now. Didn't he used to help coach up there awhile back or was that at the older league across the way called Dixie?
  15. I didn't feel the thread about the Henderson Co. player was a proper place to put this but I felt I'd at least comment on the incident in general in terms of precautions taken and everything. From reading the article, the Henderson Co. coaching staff sounded like they covered the basis for trying to prevent such an incident. Checking the Heat Index is big for knowing Temperature and Humidity. Also taking extra water breaks is very key as the bodies' #1 way to cool itself in extreme heat is by evaporation through sweating. Getting fluids in our bodies keeps us hydrated obviously. One key note to be kept in mind is that the fluids we drink should be relatively cold at 50-60 degrees. Henderson Co. was performing practices relatively early in the day which is also wise because temps are usually cooler than. Even the shorts, t-shirts, and only helmets was good to keep the body cool. Still, with all these precautions, keep in mind, athletes, ecspecially high school ones, push themselves hard. The occassional cramp, headache, fatigue, etc... can be ignored or excused as just working hard. Also hydration during water breaks might not be to the extent needed. I know in high school I might only take a spray or two from a water bottle. Kids need to be encouraged to drink enough fluids. Sometimes sports drinks such as gatorade or powerade w/ low levels of sugar are recommended because we are more inclined to drink more of something w/ flavor. Plus electrolytes and sodium are put into the body to aide hydration. Finally, problems with football and noticing signs of heat exhaustion or stroke are numerous. First off the number of players is usually relatively large, ecspecially at a school like Henderson. Second, wearing helmets blocks a view of players faces to see if visually from expressions whether the player is doing alright or not. Third, its a high level sport where everyone sweats profusely so determining if one person has large amounts of sweat over another is difficult. None of these points are to place blame anywhere or to dismiss the severity of this young man's death. Just inform on factors of heat related incidents. The best advice to give to athletes is that they need to drink plenty of fluids before practice even begins to keep them well hydrated early, and as practice goes on they should be taking in plenty of fluids through out to maintain proper hydration. Also, an athlete shouldn't ignore certain symptoms such as dizziness, extreme fatigue or exhaustion, light-headedness, nausea, or cramps. When dealing with extreme temperatures these symptoms are early signs of the heat affecting us. Also coaches and teammates should pay attention if someone seems a little out of it or not performing normally. Any of these signs should be responded to with immediate replenishing of fluids, rest preferably in a cooler environment indoors, a cool towel on the head and neck. Finally, after practice, continue to drink water or sports drinks to continue hydrating ourselves. You lose tons of water during sports in extreme heat. While a lot of these things seem common sense, I remember two-a-days in the summer and know I many times went against a lot of these recommendations as did many of my teammates. You just don't think about them until a horrible tragedy like the one at Henderson Co. occurs. Anyways, hopefully all this will be taken as good advice and to echo my earlier comments in the other thread. My prayers go out tonight to the family, friends, and teammates of this young man. May you be with god. (To note, any other advice to be given would be great. I am in no way an expert on this topic. I used a lot of knowledge I gained from a sports medicine class I had last year in college, taught by an Athletic Trainer, and also grabbed a lot of info from the text book. Also if im inaccurate on anything, please correct me, I felt this would be a good thread for parents and players wondering what they can do to prevent succumbing to the extreme heat)
  16. I heard about this yesterday. Its a horrible thing to hear. Thoughts and prayers go with the family, friends, and teammates.
  17. Lex Cath should be about 4th-8th right now. With so many key spots gone from last year the team has gaps to fill. Luckily they have plenty of great players to help. I just think with the senior leadership that left last year defensively and offensively, it will take a few weeks to get up and running full throttle. Shane Israel will need to be huge early until a QB emerges. Also wonder how smooth the change will be with a new head coach and some assistants. Like I said give the team five weeks, than hopefully they will be running alright.
  18. I'd say Wes Caldwell from Lexington Catholic has the best chance at Mr. Football between him and Revere. DB's like Revere do a lot of the stuff that wins games, but it rarely makes for gaudy #'s. Wes will be integral in helping the new QB make an easy transition to starter. Frankly though, I doubt either has a chance.
  19. Haha, no doubt, I wasn't even aware the records my Junior and Senior year were in question. We just lost 16 games in the three or four years after most of us guys graduated.
  20. Problem is what rules did we break those three years oe forfeited those games? I was on the 2001 and 2002 team. What player was illegal? The only guy I have ever heard about being a football player during that period of time and being involved in all our punishment was a 4th quarter clean up crew freshman in '02. I was dumbfounded to see the '01 season have so many games forfeited. Trust me, we won those games fair. Take it from someone on the team.
  21. Wow, I just learned that my senior year of football at Lexington Catholic we lost 9 games. Ouch. Sucks to lose 7 of those games after you've already graduated. I was confused by our winning pct. in this decade, now I know where so many losses came from. Lex Cath unofficially I guess now only lost 10 games in this decade, century, whatever. I am kinda confused why we had to forfeit so many games my junior year.
  22. Wait, is this the Shillito Rebels? Because if it is, I was a player on that team back about twelve years ago. We also won the league there when I was a player at South Lexington.
  23. Im just gonna ask once, what isn't legit about this championship or even the football or girls basketball one? Heck, or even the Girl's Soccer runner-up since that team missed a championship only by losing a shoot out? Or club lacrosse? (Apologies Swamp Thang, im not meaning to keep this thread off topic, this claim just annoys me)
  24. Unless im oblivious to it, no kid on this team at any point this season was involved in all that. This championship was legit and earned.
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