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Touch The Line

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Everything posted by Touch The Line

  1. I like Scott County in this one with thier pressure defense and uptemp style play, Scott County 79-74.
  2. Handshoe has been playing extremely well all year, been a very solid scorer for the Indians, might just be the Indians leading scorer this year (not for sure though). Most people do not know of him b/c of the Prewitt kid, but he might just be one of the better players in the region that most people have just not yet heard about.
  3. Good road win for the Indians, thought that the Asberry kid stepped up huge tonight, played really well off the bench.
  4. Well if its Stanley, he still played last time the two teams met and MC won by 30 or so. I was expecting a name/player that had not played in a while.
  5. Montgomery County travels to Paris tonight to play thier district seed game. I like Montgomery in this one, but I think it will be closer than the first game between the two. I really think that the past several games against Lincoln, Tates Creek, and Mason have really helped the Indians to learn and grow as a team. Paris is a very dangerous team and when they are hitting shots they can beat a lot of teams. Any other thoughts?
  6. Not trying to sound mean, rude, or whatever, but didn't they return most of, if not thier entire team from last year. If so there shouldn't be anything to figure out????? Regardless of whether or not they figure it out, they will not be back on top of the polls, too many other teams in NKY have shown they are better than Conner (Dixie, CovCath, New Cath, Ryle, etc). On the other hand, I think Coach Hicks in a mastermind at getting his teams ready to play in March, it seems every year his teams make a run. Perhaps that pressure of being atop the preseason standings did not fit well with his players and they would rather play the darkhorse again come tourny time.
  7. Looks like Woodford will play Powell in the finals. Hate to say it but I think Hundley has his hands full playing at Powell, smell something brewing over there like little home-cooking. Woodford might need to be 40-50 points better than Powell just to squeek out a win. Good luck Coach Hundley and to the Woodford boys!
  8. Would have loved to been there for this one. Coach Key is doing a great job with these kids at Lloyd, top notch coach!
  9. HUGE win for Coach Mike Key and the Juggs, congrats! What is going on in Hebron?????
  10. Very exciting game to watch. Indians shoot 10/11 from 3's in the frist half. For the game the Indians outrebounded DHHS by 9, but the Colonels size down low with Pike hurt a little bit. Montgomery missed some key free throws towards the end of the first OT that could have sealed the deal. I think both teams will learn a lot from this game. Hatton is a nice player for Dixie, but I really liked watching Prewitt and Handshoe from Montgomery. Prewitt finished with 42 points and 14 rebounds and Handshoe finished with 28. Both teams played with a lot of heart and effort tonight, anyone who missed this one sure missed a dandy!
  11. I like Paris in this one as long as someone other than Aaron Jacobs comes to play for Paris.
  12. I would agree that MC did set some moving screens, but as stated in a previous post, when your players are being held on cuts you have to find a way to get them off. The holds and illegal screens were not called enough on both ends. Stenzel's defense was still impressive, it must be a great luxuary to be able to give great pressure on the perimeter knowing you have 3 6'7's behind you for held side D.
  13. I was reading through this list trying to remeber his name, great power running back that had a wonderful career at Ryle and is still putting up great numbers at Navy. Although, didn't he get hurt half way through the year this season?
  14. Agreed, without Taul and Colliver, this is a completely different team, extremely young, mostly Frosh and Sophomores. Either way, whenever these two teams play it will always be a battle and a great game to watch. Love the boy/girl double headers with Clark/Montgomery!
  15. I would expect the "boo birds" to be out in full force tonight at GRC with that score.
  16. Congrats to Hundley and the Yellowjackets, surprised it was this close. No worries though, Hundley and his staff will get those boys playing the way they should! Good luck!
  17. The freshman team is made up on most 7th and 8th graders, no frosh, however the JV team was made up mostly sophomores. Most of the kids coming off the bench for the varsity team is thier JV team.
  18. I think hands down Cov Cath has the best and will have the best, thier fans go all out. Partial to Montgomery County, thier student section has been great this season coming out in large numbers, more so than in years past (The Blew Crew). They have definitely brought a new spirit to the team.
  19. Without Colliver and Destany Taul (sp?) the MC has been struggling. The Indians are still VERY young and will only get better as the year progresses. I look for a much improved team and a different outcome later in the year when the Indians are full strength.
  20. The Indians looked good tonight, after a rough first game of the year, the Indians have been playing well on both sides of the ball. MC did a great job on the boards tonight and forced Paris into some tough shots. Looking forward to the Clark game on Friday. Good luck Indians.
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