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Everything posted by goaheadandjump

  1. I agree with the premise that the SEC schools play the toughest schedules in the country due to the fact that you will play 5 top 25 teams a season regardless if you are in the east or the west. SEC schools need to watch who they schedule non conference. However...................for teams like UK who are middle of the pack and "on the outside looking in" at the beginning of the season the schedule would look much more attactive if the played BCS schools instead of the small schools. They do not have to be good teams but playing Indiana or Purdue or Memphis makes a whole lot more sense than WKU or Akron.
  2. :confused:I think the principal knows the games are on Friday night. This was more a rhetorical question due to lack of fan support (at least the way I took it) not ignorance on the princpal's part as to when the games are....
  3. Yeah I can see the 10th moving more north......................Not sure which teams they would be looking to move into the 10th though as the southern Campbell County schools are all in 10th...........................
  4. I will agree with everything especially the NKYFL issue. From the time a player is 7/8 years old they are in a situation that is not for development but for winning no matter what. However..........that being said Dixie, Beechwood, etc also have to deal with the NKYFL issue and it has not seemed to ake them perennial losers. Campbell County has been for a long time, and looking to continue to be the big underachievers in Northern Ky. (across the board in athletics and yes I realize they have had some successes in some sports).
  5. Yes it seems like Campbell is in somewhat of a disheveled mode.....................NCC looking like it is adjusting to the Eviston system just fine.
  6. Suspended coach? Can somebody please explain?????????????
  7. One thing that is awful.......................Found the box score in the Enquirer and they had no scoring info on Bellevue at all. It said "Bellevue information not available." Now they scored 20 points and nobody could report how?
  8. Can someone give us details please? I am surprised that Scott won as I thought Bellevue would have a littel too much for them.
  9. Ok Scott unfortunately will not win this game...i say unfortunately not against Bellevue but as a situation that Scott cannot beat an average 1A school......................................
  10. Ok Scott is ina bad position...............A 5A school should never lose to a 1A school............especially one that is not a top 5 team in the state.
  11. Yeah this is kind of a tough read. The combined records of the three teams is 1-7 and the one win belongs to Bracken who has not won a game in years until this past weekend..............................Gallatin however has shown the ability to score in their other two losses so shutting them down is more impressive then shutting down Bracken and Ludlow both of whom may not win another game this season unless they happen to play each other. This next game should be interesting...........KCD has put up big numbers against a schedule as equally as abysmals as Carroll County's schedule.
  12. Wow this has really gotten off the path but this is what needs to be understood by all parties involved. Scheduling an opponent is really not that tough if you really want to make it happen.........I mean come on you only have a few district games and of course a rivalry game or two to play. But at the same time the weeks that you have in common might not be conducive. For example if I am Highlands I have district games in certain weeks next season and everything else is open. I have developed a series with Ryle that will continue. Okay that leaves 5 weeks lets say to schedule other opponents. I would not schedule a major power the week before or after your biggest district game (lets say CovCath). Nor would I schedule them the last week of the season right before playoffs start. That leaves avout a two week window that needs to coincide. Lets say Highlands and T want to schedule each other............That would have been completed by now for the next two year cycle. Unfortunately the KHSAA is making this tough with the redistricting....................So..............now everybody is in a semi frozen state on scheduling. The flip side of this is that Highlands could make a list of 10 teams and easily find one of those ten to play and sign a new two year contract with..............One of those ten will have a coresponding date open. The easiest thing to do is make it the opening game of the season........... Here could be potential teams on that list: Trinity St. X Colerain St. X Cincy Moeller LaSalle Elder Princeton Middletown Teams from Indy...??????????? And before somebody makes a smart comment like "well if it is that easy why not do it yourself" I have for two decades..........................................
  13. That is true nothing negative just using them as an example...................I believe that happened due to the Simon Kenton getting the Middletown game...............:thumb:
  14. If my memory serves me correctly they were bordering on issues between NCC and Highlands back to Coach Duffy and NCC's 2A days and some issues involving game films and exchange of films with teams (Danville) outside the Northern Ky. area. Then you add on the lopsided scores and you have one school vowing to never play the other school again. As time goes buy new faces come into play and things seem less "evil" than when it first happened. The thing to think about for both sides is does this game have a beneficial purpose for our program? Look at Bellevue who dropped NCC in football...............why? Lopsided scores and no benefit to the program to play that game. Regardless of how much the fans want this game to be played the bottom line is unless it has some benefit to NCC (and they are the only ones that can answer that) then they have no reason to schedule the game. Now I would think financially it would be better than playing Aiken or Madison Central so there is one upside to playing the Birds.
  15. 1.Highlands 2. Ryle 3.SK 4. Boone 5. NCC 6. Campbell 7. Dixie 8. CovCath 9. Beechwood 10. Holmes 11. Conner 12. Holy Cross 13. Bellevue 14. Newport 15. Brossart
  16. Also............if you are a 5A school and you cannot make a Top 15 poll you have serious issues (see Scott).
  17. When people begin mentioning Bellevue, Newport, Lloyd in a top 15.................i think the dark horse for the top 15 maybe Brossart this year. Now I realize they have played two bad teams but they may be able to sneak up on a few people. Time will tell but they would be my pick for a team off the radar cracking a top 15 poll.
  18. Unfortunately this is a bad year for Beechwood to be playing Highlands. This will not be close and you hope for a no injury game. No sympathy for Beechwood though this is how many of the A schools feel when they go to play them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Haven't all of them been a little scary???????//:lol:
  20. Good point about Mitch........I was responding to this quote..........
  21. Pangallo is St. Therese and still in grade school this year and will be more than just a pretty good player. Has the potential to be outstanding............... There is another Highchew as well on that school team. Couple nice players on the various "feeder school" teams for NCC................... As long as NCC can continue to get athletes from Brossart "feeder schools" in St. Joe's and maybe one or two from St. Mary's they will be fine. The issue would come in if they ever had to rely solely on their feeder schools (Holy Trinity, the two Ft. Thomas schools and St. Therese). Holy Trinity might have one player (crawford) in the eighth grade who can remotely play at all and the Ft. Thomas schools they lose kids to Highlands every year.................
  22. Really? First I would think the class 1A schools would be screaming about this as this is not conducive to travel or to coming up with a 10 game schedule. Secondly unless you are winning state championships currently I would think everybody would be competition.
  23. Yeah I can see where Highlands needs that kind of "help":rolleyes:
  24. Well first Cindy is a nice player..................but....................she is not a 15 to 20 point per game player so they really need to learn shot selection. This team struggled last year with "floor discipline". They could hang with teams at times but then the wildness would kick in and they woudl be on the wrong end of a 16-0 run. MIller is the best scoring option at this point but they really need to control tempo and keep the score in the 40's.......... You have a couple potential decent players in Fancher, Miller, Walls but there is not much else to go with them. None of the three can handle the ball under any type of pressure so that is really the biggest issue............
  25. Thanks for the info cbb...........Was not aware of that e-mail........Not exactly setting up a new coaching staff for success?!
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