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Everything posted by paNDA

  1. I have never bought from a scalper. Any tips?
  2. Ugly side of sports. I wish Dave all the luck in the world. Good guy.
  3. Currently both the CCH and Holy Cross teams hold the State titles. That is good enough for me!
  4. Dare to dream, better to plan. Kes had this team prepared, poised I think is how he described it. Nice work, kids represented their community very well on and off the court. Make history, now enjoy it for the rest of your lives.
  5. River is already rising, I am guessing the Louisville locks have been closed. Covington may disappear.
  6. All great teams deserve great broadcasters like you guys. Thanks for your service to the game! Can't wait to listen in.
  7. Super stoked to hear this result. Best luck for the finals! Bring home the title.
  8. Anywhere I can watch a video of this game? Two great teams, it would be a pleasure to see it.
  9. This may sound stupid but it was a rather emotional moment for me. That moment was the start of James becoming Historic. He will be remembered and I was there. Fans get wrapped in the moment. Quite psychological. Why do victory celebration turn violent? How can people yell at refs the most nasty things? Good people do dumb thing in situations like this for some reason. Crowds and contests evoke something in people that is unexplainable.
  10. Not sure this belongs here but this is one classy kid and one classy scorekeeper. (not my picture but I would have killed to take it) (as posted on facebook) For those who don't know, Mr. Kaelin has been CovCath official score keeper for over 50 years but because of illness, he could only do 1 game this season but he was with us in spirit in each and every game. Bo knew that and when it was mentioned to him that Mr. Kaelin was at the game, he cut a piece of the net down and gave it to him. Outstanding job Bo!
  11. Strategic growth in the sports program at CCH. Takes time but if you have a plan then good things will happen.
  12. Walking, talking, posting, billboard. Guru, give this guy a raise.
  13. It is a prize just getting to the sweet 16. Winning it is a whole other experience. Only one winner and I do think E Town is that good.
  14. Not gonna do it...........................I DID:ohbrother:
  15. I don't suppose you want to tell us which would sit second chair would you?
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