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Everything posted by RowdyRedRam

  1. I haven't laughed this hard in a long time... Nicely done:thumb:
  2. Until UK goes to a BCS bowl I don't think you can claim UK football was put ahead of UofL football. UofL simply declined, making UK ahead. Pitino owns Cal, we know it, and your gonna learn it.
  3. An entire thread about a hot chick and no picture. I hate you guys....
  4. I don't really have a problem with it. I didn't get a scholarship for not playing ball, nobody cried for me. Yes I would agree that there is an element of having something "taken" from them. But at the end of the day, most players at UK, even if they aren't at UK standards, could probably pick up a scholarship at a smaller school. As a coach I would tell them I don't see them playing, and assist them in making a transfer.
  5. I'd love to start a "You might be an 18%er" thread Foxworthy style but I'm afraid it would have time line shorter then BCG.
  6. Two years ago Cal wasn't an option due to concerns many people have mentioned. Why does the fact that they have chosen him remove the previous concerns? I can understand getting caught in the whirlwind of excitement, but it was only two years ago that 97% of BGPers were happy with the BGC hire. This could be the best hire UK ever makes, but if ends up blowing up, you can not say the warnings weren't known. The columnists are providing an objective look that overzealous fans can't bring themselves to make.
  7. By appearence it looks a lot like street ball, not that it exactly is, but thats how it appears somewhat heltersketler and dependant on great talent.
  8. That could be the case, but I just wrote what Forde said.
  9. Would Izzo be a #2? I think he is to big a prospect to go into a job as the #2.
  10. Kentucky is a #1 or #2 as a program. The job is about as desirable as the president of the United States. Great program, not so great job.
  11. This is a last gasp, they lose everything if he leaves.
  12. This is understandable because losing Cal could mean the death of Memphis basketball. Remember they have a pro team to compete with and Cal's top level recruiting has kept Memphis above the talents level of the existing C-USA teams. Without a top flight coach I could see Memphis falling off the face of basketball relevance.
  13. Great for Cal UK should be cautious Cal is one of two people to have a final four erased by the NCAA Two years ago Cal wasn't an option for UK because of concerns but know he is, only because of the failure of the last hire. UK needs a larger than life figure at the helm (i.e. Pitino Rupp) UK has all the material reasons to be a top team but the fans may be a little irrational in expectations, in the same era which Notre Dame and Michigan fail at football and IU at basketball, UK fans think they should be above the ebb and flow program success. If this falls through they will go for a Travis Ford so UK fans won't be to hard on the second choice.
  14. http://sports.espn.go.com/stations/player?id=4028199 I agree with how Forde frames it.
  15. Story is bringing up the same issues I was stating earlier. Coach Cal has a (deserved or not) questionable reputation, if this turns out to bite them, they can't claim ignorance.
  16. Not that he was directly involved, but he does have the UMass legacy to show his players haven't been above breaking the rules. (To be fair I'll admit that this alone is not enough). In addition one has to question how well he has been able to recruit to Memphis, especially post UL, UC, and Marq. His connections to less than reputable people, WWW. I also remember that he hired Milt Wagner to get his son to play for him, and in fairness I believe Milt still works there as director of Basketball operations. Does any of that mean he has or will cheat. NO it does not. But to me it is the smoke from which you find fire.
  17. This is great for Louisville fans. We were jealous when you had Pitino Tubby was to nice a guy to hate BCG was to easy a target that it wasn't much fun Ooh but Cal... We can hate Cal, we can hate Cal a lot!!!!! We learned to hate coach Cal when he was at Memphis so hating him with you guys is all the sweeter. I remember Pitino frustratingly commenting on the way Cal badgered officials the entire game. Pitino made a comment to the effect of "he should be coaching his players and not the refs" kind of gave me the impression that he doesn't really like him. The dislike could help heat up the rivalry. I do believe he will be successful at UK. I also believe that UK is playing with fire and will probably end up with some sort of recruiting violations under Cal's watch. In C-USA no one really cared how he got such great players but at UK every eye will be watching over him.
  18. We are always vulnerable to a team that can control the pace. I'm not terribly shocked, I would have rather played Kansas because I knew the slow boring basketball if Izzo gives us fits. Congrats any Spartan fans that may be on the board they flat outplayed us.
  19. If Calipari goes to UK it will be a repeat of IU and Kelvin Sampson. Just don't say I didn't warn you.
  20. From continuous final fours to an occasional sweet sixteen, yes that defines a declining program. I'm afraid your memory is the hazy one. The situations have no comparison.
  21. Say that with a straight face. If he was in the NCAA, I bet everything I own he wouldn't be fired.
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