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Michael Corleone

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Everything posted by Michael Corleone

  1. Kid Rock has responded to the people protesting his use of the flag. Let's just say it's priceless.
  2. If you say illegals are dangerous etc, then the media goes nuts.
  3. You are correct he is our president but he isn't my man. I never bashed Obama but it's a fact that the government is huge and this is the slowest post recession recovery since the great depression. The next president whether he/she is Republican or Democrat can improve my life and yours by providing leadership that brings both sides together and earns the US respect from our allies and fear from our enemies. For me personally I would like to see lower tax rates, continued favorable treatment for dividends, the elimination of tax deduction phase outs, and less government spending which would help the economy. How about you, how can the next president help you?
  4. Wow, I couldn't agree more with this post. So why haven't we ever elected a successful business minded person? In this day and age the media simply will not allow it to happen. The good thing is, it will be difficult to twist Trump's word. He is pretty straight forward and in your face. He doesn't leave much for interpretation nor does he care what you think.
  5. If you like excessively large government and a plow horse economy (see France) then Obama is your man. After 6.5 years I'm still waiting on my fair share. Did you get yours?
  6. I'm with you but regardless of who the president is nothing will happen until their are term limits. After so many years the congressman are corrupted by the system. I do believe that the vast majority of these guys have great intentions when they run for election and after 10 years they are part of the problem. But when a neurosurgeon and a guy who has built a business from the ground up are considered clowns what do you expect?
  7. Guy has built an empire. Just keep voting for community organizers.
  8. So were our founding fathers terrorist when they declared their independence from England? That's a serious question by the way.
  9. And to think all this time I've been told that conservatives are intolerant and judgmental.
  10. So you disagree about homosexuality and that makes him a clown? Sounds like he thinks homosexuality is a choice, as do I.
  11. Amen, we, and by we I mean both parties, just keep running career politicians that have been corrupted by the system. A couple of things are for sure, Trump won't be there to make friends and do favors and he doesn't need the legal and illegal money. I'm still perplexed as to why the CNN article reference above is even marginally controversial. He took ownership and said he would fix the issue and does anyone honestly believe that the fact that Bush's wife is Mexican wouldn't effect his view on immigration?
  12. Do you honestly think Rubio or Walker are clowns? Ben Carson is a neurosurgeon who was the first to separate conjoined twins and he is a clown? It's no wonder the people that keep getting elected keep getting elected.
  13. I would vote for Hillary simply because I would love to see the parties Bill would through when she was out of the country. If the White House is rocking don't come a knocking.
  14. What about salaried retail managers that receive bonuses based on performance each year. Do they qualify or not?
  15. I never indicated any of that. How in the world could anyone blame Obama for an idiot killing people in a church or idiots looking for a reason to riot? I'm not sure about gay marriage, when he campaigned he was against it then he lights up the White House. He's a career politician, I guess that's what they do.
  16. Her brother was on big brother. He was the homosexual that they include every season.
  17. Furthermore, I'm trying to figure out what was so negative in the article. It appears that someone is reporting that illegals work for Trump. He says he is unaware and if so he will fix the problem. Went as far as to say "the buck stops with me". If that isn't refreshing I'm not sure what is.
  18. I do find it funny that with all the crap that has happened over the last little bit that America is getting congratulated over Donald Trump. Let see: 1. Race riots 2. Mass murder in a church 3. Gay marriage 4. Obamacare being rammed down out throats 5. Lighting up the White House as a rainbow And the list goes on and on, yet, we think Donald Trump running for president is an issue. This country is decaying by the day and this is the issue?
  19. Did he not have to adjust at Tolsia or did he forget how?
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