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Michael Corleone

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Everything posted by Michael Corleone

  1. Cowarded? Some of us have a life outside of this message board. Honestly, that's the last line I read in your essay. For the record, I have not personally attacked or insulted anyone in this thread. I respect your right to your opinion even if I disagree with them.
  2. Wait, I just read this. Did he really say that about Karl Townes? Is so I'm not sure what a guy has to do to be considered a winner. I guess only Okafur, Winslow, and Jones will be good NBA players.
  3. I've never cared much for Cowherd and the John Wall thing is just odd. His ratings are through the roof so I must be in the minority.
  4. Yeah, I think sometimes when we write things the come across as much more harsh than they would if we were speaking. I really have enjoyed this thread and some of the others currently going on. There are some things that I'm unwavering about, principle things, but in this circumstance I just found it interesting that something I saw as harmless was so offensive to other. Like I said pretty eye opening.
  5. For the record I still don't know what it is like to be black.
  6. Hey PP, I want to tell you that I have enjoyed the civil interaction. My initial feelings was taking down the flag was stupid but through this thread I see your point. I agree that it needs to be taken off government buildings. Like I said I never viewed it as offensive but I certainly see where you are coming from. It's been eye opening.
  7. I want to make this perfectly clear, I have never been attracked to another man! I just want to make sure we are on the same page here.:lol2: So what about a guy who is married with kids and he leaves his wife for another man. Obviously the woman was about to arouse him. He made a choice. Here's the other thing, even if you are attracked to the same sex there is nothing that says you have to have a sexual relationship. That's a choice.
  8. Honestly, I have no idea what you are talking about. I'm not making excuses but we tend to jump to conclusions, throw gas on the fire, and then it's too late. Before, we start labeling things as black or white take a few minutes or hours to gather the facts. There is no way to know who is responsible or their motives at this point. Smart money is on it being racially motivated, I'll give you that but before it's reported as such let the authorities gather the facts. At 9 am this morning did you know one of the fires was an accident? Most likely not but in your mind it was a racially motivated incident and that is a difficult emotion to reverse. Do you think the members of that community had the same emotions?
  9. Oh, I'm almost 50 years old and in my adult life we have never avoided the race issue. Yet, a segment of the black community has been upset 100% of that time. So constantly saying it's white against black isn't working to well.
  10. Yes, I choose to date and marry a woman. I'm and choosing today to not kiss another man. Seems pretty simple to me. We all make choices everyday. I find women attractive but I have choosen for 24 years to remain faithful to one even before entering into marriage. I guess I could cheat on her and say 'well I'm attracted to women, I had no choice'
  11. I never said they were not racially motivated. I'm simply saying that labeling something as black, in this case the churches, does nothing to help the situation. Actually it is helping create more tension where it isn't deserved. Let's for a second assume the report that one of the burnings is an accident is accurate. Do you think there is any possible way you are going to be able to convince the black community that it wasn't racially motivated? I don't think so and I couldn't blame them. So about 20 years ago in the community where I live the Catholic and Episcople churches both burned down in a span of about 3 months. I would guess that 99.99% of the congregation was white and I don't remember one person saying the white churches burned down.
  12. Unfortunately most guys like this come across as 100% nuts. With that said, someone please give me a list of economic or military super powers that have lasted forever. To think America will not be held accountable is, to borrow a liberal phrase, close minded.
  13. Looks like you have to use that phrase often. That's fine but until proven otherwise I'll believe sexual preference is a choice.
  14. So they were all within 1000 miles of each other?
  15. According to the news two of those were caused by storms and another by accident. Sometimes by using labels we bring on attention that was warrented. By all means bring as much attention to the race issue as possible, it certainly isn't done enough.
  16. Says who? Your understanding of Christianity is much different than mine.
  17. Have at it. I'm just saying I know a pastor of a church that most, if not all, of the congregation is black. If you told him he pastored the black church he would correct you on the spot.
  18. I would find it difficult to believe that a God fearing Christian would burn down a church. I would also find it hard to believe that a God fearing Christian would hate another man because of the color of his skin. A Christian person could absolutely lose their mind monetarily and do something stupid but to systematically and willfully do something like this just isn't possible.
  19. There is a big difference between ending discussion and labeling.
  20. No and that's my point. If homosexuality or heterosexuality were genetic there would be a homo and hetero gene. Since there is no evidence of either then sexuality is a choice, not genetic.
  21. Do you really believe there is a shortage of bringing attention to the fact that black people and black churches are involved? Please. So you really think that all of these things are happening to or in churches is a coincidence? Christianity has nothing to do with it?
  22. If find this to be very disturbing and hope those responsible are brought to justice. I would like to add that if we really want to end racism in the country and good start would be to quit labeling things as "black". Is it necessary to say these are black churches? All churches are the house of God no matter who attends the worship services. Just a thought.
  23. If you read the post you quoted you can't help but shake your head. To answer your question the answer is no. Allow me to offer up an explanation. We are separated from God by sin and we ALL sin. In order to have a close, personal relationship with God we must accept his offer of salvation through Jesus Christ. Of course that's my belief and obviously some with disagree. This part of Mexitucky's post is something you hear a lot. "I would say that a gay couple raising a child with love, respect, and compassion is closer to Christ's message than the hillbillies I see yelling at their kids at Target." Although this may be true, being closer to Christ than another bad person isn't good enough, you need Jesus. Forget about religious beliefs for a moment, is your goal to be better than the hillbilly that yells at his/her kid at Target? Of course Mexitucky also believes in evolution/science but doesn't seem to mind that the same scientist that have discovered unbelievable genetic traits can't find a homosexual gene.
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