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WOW, the time has come to potty train our 2 year old daughter. No Luck!!! She did it once last night, but today no luck. :ohbrother: Any suggestions? Our son was so easy, 3 days and we were golden. I thought girls were supposed to be easy. She is very stubborn so rewards and bribes don't work with her. I am willing to try anything lol.


It was easy with our boys, we let them pee off the back porch, which they thought was just grand. We also let them take target practice at M&Ms or Cheerios, which also was adventurous for them. (occasionally they took target practice at things they shouldn't have, like the dog, but that is another story)


No idea on how to make it fun for a girl. Can girls hit a target?


Good luck Mrs FF.


:sssh:On the advice of my husband's aunt, I took my girls to the store and bought very pretty lacy "big girls" panties that they picked out. I made a huge deal that we couldn't have an accident in these "big girl" panties. Thank night, I put a plastic mattress pad on the bed to protect it from accidents. If they had an accident, their subconcious told them it was uncomfortable, and the accidents were few and far between. Once I took the diapers off, I never, never put them back on. And we didn't use those pullups either, because it just confusted them. This worked for me in less than a week, but I did offer rewards as well. Ofcourse the competition between them started at this point!


I was very eager to get them trained. Buying diapers for twins could become costly.


Also, an old wive's tale is to train in the warm weather. Good Luck!


Please don't tell my girls I shared this as many of you know them! It may just embarrass them!:sssh::lol:

We got lucky. Our daughter was very easy.


Ours was too. However, she watched her older cousin being potty trained and wearing the big girl panties, so she wanted to do the same. When we went in for the 2 year checkup, the nurse was actually upset because she had panties on. She said she was way too young to be potty trained. She immediately thought we forced her to do so, but it was all her decision. We never yelled at her for accidents, and usually gave her a small treat when she did well. If a week went by with no accidents, she got a new toy.


Accidents all day today so far lol. Its nap time and I think she is holding out for the big one while her diaper is on lol. I am praising her when she is dry in her diaper that is a plus. I will keep trying. She has a big brother to watch and that helps...sort of lol. She think she can stand up with going lol. Life lessons learned every day! She doesn't like her diapers though, she wants them off and she says they hurt. I am hoping she gets this figured out soon lol.


My 3 are close in age and there was a time all 3 were in diapers. I was DESPERATE to get them potty trained. I tried the special new underwear, peeing on the cheerios (for the boys), praise, rewards........you name it. I think I made too big a deal out of it, which made them all the more determined to stick to the diaper.



Not one of the three became potty trained until THEY were ready, which was not the same time I was ready.


In hindsight, it was not worth the battle. All you can do is encourage.


One thing I would not do is buy those expensive pull ups. I think that makes it too convenient for the little ones to put off the potty training.


Good luck!

My 3 are close in age and there was a time all 3 were in diapers. I was DESPERATE to get them potty trained. I tried the special new underwear, peeing on the cheerios (for the boys), praise, rewards........you name it. I think I made too big a deal out of it, which made them all the more determined to stick to the diaper.



Not one of the three became potty trained until THEY were ready, which was not the same time I was ready.


In hindsight, it was not worth the battle. All you can do is encourage.


One thing I would not do is buy those expensive pull ups. I think that makes it too convenient for the little ones to put off the potty training.


Good luck!



No way to pull ups, I agree. I tried thoughs with my son, they were awful. They leaked and fit funny. Waste of money and they were very expensive. We praise all the time and when she does go you can tell she is proud. She goes on her terms lol but knows what she is doing. Time will tell.

How old is she? She has to be ready physically, if she is not save yourself the trouble and wait. They are all different boy or girl!


She is 2 1/2. She knows when she has to pee, when she is doing it and same with #2. She is just stubborn. She would rather play lol. I am not pushing her. I let her wear panties all day and ask her non stop if she has to go. Sometimes she says yes, sits, and goes. Other times she says no and 10 seconds later she is peeing on the floor lol. Today we have had no luck. But I am sure she will get tired of having wet panties lol.

It was easy with our boys, we let them pee off the back porch, which they thought was just grand. We also let them take target practice at M&Ms or Cheerios, which also was adventurous for them. (occasionally they took target practice at things they shouldn't have, like the dog, but that is another story)


No idea on how to make it fun for a girl. Can girls hit a target?


Good luck Mrs FF.



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