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If we have a government shut down...


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Been through this a few times in my wife's Fed career. Her dept is deemed "essential" so they have to keep working through the shut down but do not get paid until afterwards. Everyone sent home in the past have also been paid for sitting at home. The US govt at work. :idunno:

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Polling shows this shutdown attempt is hurting Republicans. As I said in my other thread about the Tea Party, I don't think this action helps. I think it hurts the Tea Party movement.


From the article:


Most Americans would blame congressional Republicans rather than President Barack Obama for a shutdown, and many Americans view the GOP as acting like "spoiled children," according to a CNN/ORC International poll released Monday.


Government Shutdown Blame Would Fall On Republicans, GOP Seen As 'Spoiled Children': Poll

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My Son-in-law is currently in training somewhere in Texas and my daughter is at their home in Arz on a USAF Base. She called yesterday and told us they have a bit of money saved so we shouldn't worry about them but if this last a while...


She told us that they were lucky that they didn't rent off base as when the rent is due, it's due but since there won't be a paycheck the Government Landlord won't get paid since they take the rent out of the paycheck.


They are a bit worried, as they are due to be moving to a new base sometime in November and are wondering if this could hold them up in moving (note not him, just her and their belongings).


She just can't understand why the people who are working to defend our Country are being pushed aside in the name of politics, don't think I have heard my daughter so mad in my life!

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TOG's daughter and son-in-law may have a different reality check. Is the Tea Party going to pay their rent?



Why should the Tea Party (or Rep) pay, they passed a bill to go forward, all the DEms have to do is accept. Let the Dems pay the bill, its their fault now if the Gov Shuts down, the REP passed a thing saying allow the military to keep being paid.

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This is not a matter of "IF" but a matter of how long the idiots in D.C. continue to act like babies. Been a federal employee for 25+ years and have not seen things this bad ever. Last 8 years or so have been an absolute embarrasment to be a U.S. Citizen. Anyone that votes for these idiots again needs to have their head examined. Industries have bounced back at the governments expense and the government employees get left holding the bag. Sad, sad world we live in these days.

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This is not a matter of "IF" but a matter of how long the idiots in D.C. continue to act like babies. Been a federal employee for 25+ years and have not seen things this bad ever. Last 8 years or so have been an absolute embarrasment to be a U.S. Citizen. Anyone that votes for these idiots again needs to have their head examined. Industries have bounced back at the governments expense and the government employees get left holding the bag. Sad, sad world we live in these days.

TRUE , both sides sucks .. it seems to me like R's are more than happy to assign blame on our own party BUT the D's just tow the party line .

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Here is what I want. I want statesmen in Congress. I want the Congress we had 20+ years ago that would work with each other and compromise with each other. I want a government like what we had when Reagan and Tip O'Neill were able to compromise on legislation. Even like when Clinton and Gingrich compromised on issues and made government work. Government is not evil and doesn't need to be reduced at all costs. The structure and way our government works together is what has made America great. Brinksmanship and demagoguery are not what I want from my elected representatives. We need statesmen who are more worried about doing their job than winning a vote. Statesmen who will do their job the way our founding fathers wanted them to do it and make government work for the people who elected them. That's what I want.

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