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Everything posted by Oscar

  1. No you do if you're the QB. Otherwise, I can agree. But as QB your purpose is not to make as much contact as possible, because you do your team no good standing on the sidelines. You're the offensive leader out there and without you things tend to become a mess. Erpenbeck is the absolute best option at QB that CovCath has right now, and especially with him already being hurt, he will need to avoid contact as best as possible.
  2. Anyone know how Van Sant is doing? Is he playing or being redshirted?
  3. He shouldn't "shy" away from it. But you shouldn't draw it every play. As a LB your job is to make contact, but as a QB you're needed for a very different purpose. And it ISN'T to draw as many tackles as you can. lol. He is obviously going to get hit, but you have to avoid hits too and sometimes that means running out, or sliding, or whatever means to get down before you take a huge hit. He is already hurting, and it is crazy to think LexCath won't go after that ya know?
  4. I think he made a mistake and I think he'll learn from it. If I were his mother/father I'd be livid right now. If I were him I'd be disappointed, really self evaluating and understand that if I want to play ball and continue my education I'd better get my act together. I don't have a problem with this kid one bit. The problem I have is that people act like this is no big deal, that is happens to everyone, college is where you do this to learn about yourself, etc etc. That just is flat out not true, and it is an excuse for poor choices and bad behavior.
  5. From what I heard, it was his left shoulder, thus he should be able to play. That being said, if he gets hit, I imagine he'll be out of the game. He needs to avoid hits for CovCath to have any shot, as he is really their best offensive weapon at this point.
  6. Erpenbeck is a good player. But if he keeps getting hit, he will get hurt. That was apparent. Sliding/going down are his best option to avoid getting hit, or he won't be helping the team much from the sideline.
  7. I think it is SO sad that we act like the actions of a young kid underage drinking, getting into fights, partying too much etc. is no big deal. For the college students/athletes who are responsible and take their opportunity seriously, this doesn't happen. Do most college students drink? Sure. But I assure you it isn't the norm to party too hard, get arrested and drink all the time..and it is down right sad that some people think that is just "part of going to college".
  8. I was at the game. I didn't notice anyone getting undeserved playing time.
  9. But....you just said in your above post that you can debate the facts, facts are facts, yadda yadda. lol aren't you kind of making yourself look bad with this then? Are you Bart Simpson? I think for the most part it was juniors and seniors playing. I think the team has a ton of work, but I think they are putting their best product on the field that they have at this point.
  10. I saw it and it was amazing. I don't gush over movies, especially Tarantino movies because I typically come away very disappointed, but Pitt and the actor who plays Colonel Walz deserve some kind of award, they were just THAT good in their roles. The story line was great and despite being very long, I was interested the whole time. For the people who believe history shouldn't be changed in stories and movies, this isn't for you. The hardest thing to do as a writer is to use history and alter it and make it into a story, because most people don't take well to it. Tarantino did this, and very successfully.
  11. Honestly, my right mind tells me to say Highlands. The pure fact that I'm going to say Ryle wins it in a very close down to the wire game pretty much ensures that Highlands will blow Ryle away so I can eat my words later. In all seriousness, it will take a near perfect game for Ryle, and some imperfect play by Highlands for Ryle to pull this out I think, but I know it can be done. And I'm hoping it happens. Ryle 28 Highlands 21
  12. Alright. For the record, I am a Ryle fan. I want them to do well. They were average. I expected better and I expect them to work hard to get better. If you think they were above average, well then I applaud your optimistic view. Truly. As for the people blaming the lack of talent on the past coach, move on. Like someone else said, worry about that defense, and the lack of any offense. And did someone say Connelly was hurt? If so that is bad for Covcath seeing as their qb is too.
  13. Coop, don't get me wrong...Ryles' D DID shut down Covcaths' offense. But a large part of why the D looked good, was because CovCath just looked BAD. Pass defense, esp. Senvinsky was great, but also it helps that the QB had little accuracy and little zip. The defense wasn't awful by any means lol, but they need to step up their game to match what the offense can do and then this team will be scary good. They aren't going to face an offense like Covcaths' very often in 6A ya know? As for the people saying Brossart can't be blamed for the lack of talent...well, unfortunately as I'm not a fan of the man at all, but you're right. This class has been known all four years not to have been very talented, but I think that is harder for the Covcath faithful to accept then last year when a big portion of why the team was so bad, was not because of lack of talent, though of course it wasn't the best in history, but because the coach literally had no idea on how to coach or motivate the players. Hang in there guys, it will be a LONG season, but in a couple years it should be okay..you're going in the right direction.
  14. I think Simon Kenton should win this pretty good...unless Simpson is injured. That could make it a little more even, but I still see SK pulling it out. And the reason I say unless Simpson is injured is because at the end of the night, at the game I attended, rumors were swirling that Simpson was injured..possible ankle? Any word?
  15. Exactly. I was one who questioned how much hype the Highlands faithful were throwing out, and I don't feel a bit in the wrong now, but I do feel bad for Bardo. It isn't fair to go into his first game as a varsity QB with that hanging over his hand, and then when his performance apparently doesn't live up to the hype he gets ripped on. Give him time to develop as a QB and let the team work their kinks out, and stop talking the kid up as the next NFL MVP so that he can enjoy his high school football careers' last season and hopefully end up playing ball at a college next year, even if it isn't a BCS D1. As for Highlands, I'll have to say, I predicted a blow out, and was shocked to find out it wasn't. I give a TON of credit to Manual, I'm impressed. As for Highlands, a win is a win, but I'm much more excited to go to the Ryle/Highlands game next week then I was when I thought they'd blow out every team 70 to 0 lol. I guess who knows, they still might.
  16. TOG is actually pretty spot on. I was not overly impressed with Ryles' D tonight. They held Covcath to only *really* 7 points (I'm talking first team). But that isn't difficult to do when Covcath has really no offense except some scrambles. When Ryle faces a real offense, it could get rough. However, Ryles' offense is going to be scary. If Hempel and his recievers can get on the same page, which I'm positive they will, it is just going to be ridiculous. Elliott is an absolute beast. He is the real deal and I rarely get hyped up about a player, but it will be insane to see what he does in the next three years. Eubanks isn't too shabby himself honestly..nice to have two guys like that on your offense. Ryle's kick/punt return defense is..lacking. But so is Covcath's. As for CovCath, offensively, there was just nothing. On the bright side, the o-line looked pretty good. Erpenbeck had plenty of time to throw, just doesn't have much accuracy, but I'm sure he'll work on that. He obviously got scared to throw, so he tucked and ran too quick a lot, and quite honestly, I don't think he is tough enough to take hits all the time, so hopefully in the next week they figure out how to get the passing game going. This is coupled with his recievers having some issues too. Connelly may have some work on his knowledge on how to recieve, but man can he jump lol. I liked the aggressiveness of the defense, but...it's going to be a rough season I think. They just have a lot of work to do...best of luck down in Lexington next week... Nice to see the students out supporting their team. They stayed pretty much the whole time when last year they'd have left after the first quarter. Hopefully they saw how much that affected the team last year and realize their presence is important.
  17. Really? Hmm. Maybe for the last series, with under 2 minutes left, then yes. Otherwise, this isn't true. From start to finish this team just didn't quite look like a varsity squad. I can't agree with theguru that all three sports lacked in talent last year and that this will be the same, because the baseball and track teams had plenty of talent..obviously some of the best. But football, the talent is definitely down. Talent wise this team isn't even as good as last years team. The good news is, the right system is being implemented and the coaching staff is top notch.
  18. I have yet to take an 8 or 9 AM class and it should be my last semester, if not last year lol. I guess I got lucky. In all honestly, if you don't feel you can make it to an early class, unless it is one only offered at that specific time, which in a lot of majors in the upper levels that is the case, then don't take anything before the time you know you'll make it. And 10:50 seems late now, but eventually even that will seem too early and you won't want to move haha. I second going to class everytime, unless you're truly ill. I messed that up a couple of times and lost points on my grade etc. Buy books at the off campus bookstore.
  19. I cringe inside when people use the word. I am a stickler about apostrophes and contractions being used wrong as well. The English major showing through I suppose.
  20. I'm not underestimating it, I know how often it goes on, especially here. I just don't think it should happen. (unless we're talking rec league). In the programs I've been a part of, and I've lived in 9 different states, 5 of which I played sports in, and even played basketball outside of the country for a summer. In all but one of the situations I was a part of, family was not allowed to coach family. And it worked, and the programs were successful long term and are widely known because of it. Did I played a sport that was coached by my dad or mom when I was a young kid? Yes. But when it came to high school, AAU and upper level play, it was never done. That is one of the bigger reasons I don't think he is right for the job.
  21. This isn't pertaining to him in particular, but having a great career as a college player doesn't always translate to being a great coach. I think he was a good coach...I don't get over enthused about him as a coach, but he wasn't bad. And I just don't think he'd be a good fit for the program, short term or long term. If you want to know reasons, I'll give you one of the main ones and leave it at that. In the system I played in and many of the systems around the country that I've witnessed where I've lived...I don't think it is right for parents/grandparents/immediate family members (you get my drift) to coach their kids/grandkids etc etc. It was never allowed in the programs I was a part of, and those programs were very well ran and had a lot of success. I'm quite aware NKY is different about this, and I don't like it, and I know no one or very few will agree...but that is where I stand on it. And I believe Mr. Maile has some granddaughters coming up the line..
  22. I don't get why you all don't understand that I don't care if it is questionable or means little to you. It's just an opinion and it holds no weight in the grand scheme of things. I.dont.think.he.is.a.good.fit.for.the.job.at.NDA. That is all that there is to say really.
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