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Everything posted by kypride

  1. This is gospel truth and applies to every game in the state this week.
  2. No. There are 9 top 1000 teams in 6a and 2 more in 5a. Several more across the river. Schedule 4 of them and beat at least 1 if you want a snowballs chance of winning 6a.
  3. You will have to play and beat some top 1000 to win 6a. Right now the top 9 tems in 6a are in the top 1000.
  4. Top 1000 Trinity 6-0 X 4-3 Male 3-2 Ryle 2-0 S.K. 0-1 Top 2000 Trinity 7-0 X 5-3 Male 4-2 Ryle 4-0 S.K. 3-1
  5. Make sure to go into every thread here on bgp and tell all the winning teams their refs were perfect and to say any different is sour grapes.
  6. I'm glad you and bigtiger feel the need to butt in. Let me educate you a little. Sour grapes come from a team that lost, not from a team with 450+ total offense and about 3 close plays from scoring 60+.
  7. I'm glad you and futurecoach feel the need to butt in. Let me educate you a little. Sour grapes come from a team that lost, not from a team with 450+ total offense and about 3 close plays from scoring 60+.
  8. The Electoral College Still Makes Sense Because We’re Not A Democracy
  9. Unfair to 2 regions doesn't equal fair for everyone.
  10. I tried the same thing and must have worded it wrong. Can you do the 2000 election for us?
  11. Thats very liberal of her. Comey and Obama, not her actual actions.
  12. Sanctuary city - Wikipedia This has to stop under Trump, right?
  13. For me South gets the nod in the line of scrimmage if they are healthy.
  14. Admit it, you know you want to have Belfry drive to Caldwell co the day after thanksgiving.
  15. Thats not my point really, I just don't want region 1 and 4 to travel that far when its not needed.
  16. It didn't allow those idiots to vote for president. If you want to defend the people who voted for Harambe go ahead, they are the reason there is an electoral college is all i'm saying. I want to modify it from where it is right now. You go ahead and keep on defending those votes and see how successful that is.
  17. You asked how the electoral college solves that and i told you. Thats what it was intended to do.
  18. Trey Lyles should have been this type 4 man if his frontcourt teammates hadn't been who they were.
  19. The computer could easily re-seed the semifinals as far as i'm concerned as long as region 1 and 4 don't ever have to drive to play each other. This state is an east-west state geographically and logistically for travel.
  20. "11,000 freaking adults really woke their butts up, got dressed, travelled to a polling location, stood in line, and voted for freaking Harambe." This is the reason the founding fathers put in the electoral college, and why we should always have some version of it in place.
  21. I promoted a 3rd populist party on bgp a few months ago and was laughed at.
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